/parag/ - Paragon General

Needs Buff edition


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Latest Released Hero - Wraith

2nd Latest Released Hero - Wukong

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/parag/ OC:

Previous Thread:


how the hell did we get archived in 20 minutes now theres no link to the new thread

You have your pc back? I remember you asked a week or so ago.

Not the user you replied to, but i can add you too.

So you are a yuro? Which country?

This game looks cool. Is there a qt support character? Those are my favorite to play as.

Nah, the supporters are not really cute.

Dekker has a nice ass i guess, that's it.

yeah dekker. theres another but we dont talk about her

If you want an op, broken, no-skill piece of shit "qt" with negative ass, play Phase

On the other hand, there's also pic related and Dekker

>when you smurf so you can learn how to jungle (rotations, timing, etc) without getting your shit pushed in
>pubstomp so hard you accidentally get to high gold before you even unlock the chars you want because Epic are fucking retarded locking chars behind days


Yep, actually just had to replace the charger, so for now I'm available(yes, I'm a laptop scum, sorry, I travel a lot). Poland, but I have no trouble with English.

The two posted already and Phase, which is currently universally hated for being an overpowered and really annoying shit though.

>5 threads in a row at bump limit
proud of ya /parag/ our little general is growing up so fast

Actually the last one got archived prematurely I think and I'm not really sure why

There was some furfag raid that killed a bunch of threads here and on /v/.

it was only 6 posts away from the limit and as said there was outside influence anyway. im counting it as 5 in a row

Thank you for your advice and recommendations. I don't know anything so her being OP doesn't mean anything to me, but this Phase person looks fun. I like linking to a friendo and being their buddy. Some characters I like from dota/hots/league/overwatch/tf2/smite do that same sort of thing.

It looks like Belica gets to control a robot, that's pretty cool too so I'Il try her out first.

you just drop the robot and it does and aoe mana drain, you don't really control it. Belica is still the best midlaner, so you should give her a go.

It also shocks enemies if they use an ability in said area. the mana drain is meant as a setup for her ultimate which does more damage depending on how much mana the target is missing

Belica is more of a CC caster than support though.

which girl is the best kisser?

Serath of course.

Have you seen her dsl's?

She's in some kind of a convent or order though, she's quite possibly a kissless virgin.

I'd vote Phase, she probably dates chads left and right.

>best kisser
>best dsls
>best bjs
>best eyes
>best ass
>best boobs
>best bush
is there anything mommy can't do

>best bush
that seems to subjective to decide upon since tastes vary so much

>natural and thick but not a wild forest, perfectly accentuating her milfy look
>natural blonde or firecrotch
i dont see how you could make an argument otherwise

>i dont see how you could make an argument otherwise
i prefer my girls bald or with only a small tuft of bush

>Phase grew up being experimented on
>Probably has daddy and dependency issues since she needs to link to a buddy
You know Phase is ready to take some dick/aggressive bush if you so much as even pat her on the shoulder encouragingly

What are you, gay or a pedophile?

>What are you, gay or a pedophile?
neither i just don't like body hair on anyone myself included.

how absolutely nice that everyone has their own tastes that we should all respectthough bush is best

i think everyone would agree phase is the biggest cumslut

Playing muriel is funny as fuck. You just watch everyone flipping their collective shit as you play dodgeball with her awful orb. I feel more productive as a damn riktor.

get fucking good shes better than phase

/parag/ didn't establish that she was the main buttslut for no reason, user

i thought we went with belica to avoid work related complications

>Belica and Phase double dildoing

middle girl is a pornstar but why is the right one a butt slut?

>Doesn't know Sasha Grey

i know all about her but what does she have to do with porn



>i know all about her but what does she have to do with porn
>Sasha Grey

>Nobel prize

>"Several sources list her as a former pornographic actress"
>>>>>>>"[Citation needed]"

which one has the horse pussy?


so with the card rework seeming to get rid of all the current cards for brand new ones what was everyones favorite card from the current set

Tainted magick cause shinbi and hydroconvert for belica

>seeming to get rid of all the current cards for brand new ones

They never said that, right now the only thing confirmed is there are at least 100 card changes, this could be 100 new or replacing/changing 100 current which is nothing considering each affinity has 100

My guess is they're starting from the base up so Universal cards will see the MOST change

next thing is that affinities are getting different names ( for lore reasons...who cares?) and on top of that we might actually see benefits to using non universals on characters, there seems to be affinity bonuses???



Is there an actually viable Murdock build?

not really he's almost as bad as grim

Did they hard Nerf Yin? Haven't played since March I remember she could 1v5 at 20m with 1/4 build

They nerfed her, don't remember if hard though

Minor nerfs - Lash Kick was the main hit she took, it's pretty much worthless as an escape now. She's still good though.

Q. What could they do, big or small, to make this game better
>inb4 "fire cam". at least be clever if you're gonna meme answer user

l'll read in the morning if we're still alive

>top end hero balance, the game constantly has 2-3 characters who are out of line with everyone else to the point where they always get picked in every match. this is a problem going all the way back to legacy where the team who didn't have a rampage/muriel lost
>remove the stupid ass attack movement penalty, they constantly jerk themselves off about muh positional mastery and then let anyone be as dumb as they want unless you get rooted or stunned since you can just turn around and run from anything
>more fucking skillshots enough lock on bullshit its not my fault ps4 players can't aim
>extremely lewd skins for all the waifus

heres a bump so you can be alive when i wake up

sparrow is best girl

I'm fighting Morigesh and Rampage in the safelane right now

Don't fucking die!

Morning bamp

Firing Cam isn't a meme answer, that dumbass is literally ruining the game single handed

Can somebody explain to me how exactly it works with the xp?

Why do you get more xp on the offlane?

leveling up during the match in the offlane?
Stay around enemy minions as they die

>Stay around enemy minions as they die
So when two heroes are there, the xp is split to both of them?

Makes sense.

Yeah the more heroes there are the more the xp is split between who is around.
So you'll have a hard time in the offlane, but you should be leveling up faster than them

How do I Crunch?

You punch
Seconding the question though

That scene was disturbing.

A Crunchanon answered this a while back, right down to the optimal ability/ auto order for his combos. Hang around and hopefully he'll be back to tell us again, but the gist of it was that you should break up each ability used with an auto attack and then Re-Crunch at the right time.

Shit, bump

morning /parag/, how does everyone feel about wraith now that he has the old murdock ult on a 6 sec cd?

I hate Wraith.

As a newfag, are there any good video/stream resources for learning the game?

New character teaser image is out

>New character is a furry

If you want hard math on how to build stuff you can start by watching Sylphin.
After that try searching for stuff like "how to jungle" and then when you want to learn a hero just search "[hero name] tutorial/how to play [hero name]"
Then there are sites that you can look at to copy/learn how to build an optimal deck for the current meta like agora.gg

There is also a FAQ in the op

Don't watch Blood Thirsty Lord. Everyone in OCE hates him and you will too.

Thanks, I've been through the FAQ and wanted something to watch during the downtime while I install the game

Noted, is there a reason?

except slyphin's math is almost always wrong. Go watch pcl, pick a player in the role you want and go through their replays and see how they build shit.

He's a massive attention whore faggot

Also there have been tournaments for this game already at twitch tv/ParagonCompetitiveLeague
Watch the vods/copy replay ID's and try to pay attention to what your favorite role is building /how they're playing

>furbait character

Ah, shit. Bad enough that all of the spergs never shut the fuck up about Iggy, now they have actual furshit to harp on forever. What are the odds it's just going to be bipedal humanoid, like every other fucking release?

so tired of diamond soloq being filled with 5 stacks. I have to smurf to enjoy this fucking game.
>inb4 play well and get key picks to swing fights
phase exists making any good play negated by someone hitting one button. Higher elo games are the fucking worst

>phase exists making any good play negated by someone hitting one button.
fucking this everytime i hear idiots still try to defend phase with "just dive her brah" i lose my mind. her issues with ruining the game arent in teamfights outside of her ult, her main destruction of the game is that its fucking impossible to get picks on anyone in games where people have a slight idea of what they're doing and that makes every fucking match end up in a 10 man gangbang all or nothing fight around 30 minutes and then whoever wins it is gg

Good to hear Phase remains the worst thing to happen to the game at every Elo.

>still no paragon trading card game

>Finally an alien character instead of straight human
>Instead of trying something more original it's just a fucking furry
>To make matters worse it looks like a female cat-alien, probably the most overused furry sci-fi race ever

>half the camposts are actually cam himself

>Cam unironically lurking the threads to know how to avoid improving the game
pls god no

>He thinks all those ironic posts with his face are actually appreciations of his "original take" and won't stop doing it.

I appreciate all community feedback as collecting data is very important for delicately balancing our heroes. We are lucky to have such a vocal and inspiring community on reddit and other forums! We hope you will continue to help us all as we bring sustain back to the offlane!

I want to strangle all life out of this faggot, pluck his eyes and shit into sockets

>Phase would pull him away before you could kill him

>that file name
fuck me i kek'd

where are the summertime bikini skins you fuck

Have they ever acknowledged "other forums" on the Community Corner? As far as I know, they only ever talk about Reddit and the official forum. If they know we exist, they must surely hate us.