/arena/ - Arena FPS General

Died to poke porn edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite oldschool and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Play Quakeworld for free: nquake.com/
Play Quake 2 for free: q2s.tastyspleen.net/
Play Unreal Tournament 4 for free: epicgames.com/unrealtournament/
Play Warsow for free: warsow.net/
CPMA DEZ Installer (comes with maps and doesn't require base Quake 3, make sure to save configs as my.cfg and not autoexec.cfg): drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wfFzzjvCheTVVzSmdnQ1BLUms
Xonotic: xonotic.org/
Link to Quake 2 Starter with Quake 2 and its expansions: mega.nz/#!EAxAlSwa!9v0PQ7QgN60mXDptMqWXvdAC2srSCnb7pGPqZojG2QI

Quake Champions closed beta signup: quake.bethesda.net/en/signup
QC beta is now 24/7. The beta is no longer under NDA.
UT4 Patch Notes: [YouTube] May 2017 Patch Notes (embed)
Duel Tutorials and Tips: [YouTube] KovaaK teaches QuakeWorld mechanics - Episode 1 (embed)
[YouTube] Unreal Tournament - Duel Tutorial (embed)
[YouTube] Reflex Duel Guide - 1. Introduction (embed)
[YouTube] Quake Duel Theory by DDK (embed)
[YouTube] QuakeLive Plays #10 - A brief talk about Analysis (embed)

Slipgate to the previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


i fucked up the links edition

UT4 Patch Notes: youtube.com/watch?v=rNE1XN6E1Cc
Duel Tutorials and Tips: youtube.com/watch?v=pLmuRRm1Bag&list=PLxP7tvMqaXzDjw7OYYIEbplCdZOaHLFPg

why did it die

someone raided Veeky Forums with pokemon porn and it archived all the threads

Vote for this Sunday.

Just what this general needed

I sure could go for some pokemon porn right about now

We also stopped posting long enough that it disappeared.

>Only game I play new is Quake C.
Well at least now I'm not sitting here staring at my screen wasting my life typing out replies to people when I could be playing games.

It's nice to have something to be motivated to play again.

Hopefully steam release makes the game popular enough that people want to play AFPS a bit more.


I'd play more if I didnt have to wait 10 minutes between matches in queues and loading tbqh senpai

Maybe the next patch will optimize the load times and improve the netcode

They did say they were working on making matchmaking operate faster.

The real restriction on the game right now is just the small player base.

One the game goes on steam, it'll get a player base boost and hopefully people realize it's better than the garbage that is paladins.

There's that too I suppose



If you're talking about which has better movement, yes
If you're talking about which is more relevant, unfotunately no

nobody plays q3 either so CPMA is more relevant as well


typically i'm not one to complain & usually beta issue whining is overblown, but the hit registration in Quake Champions is atrocious. as a developer myself, i would be kinda embarrassed to release even test builds of a product in this condition. it would not be so bad if they kept it restricted to weekends like they did a couple months ago, but now that it's 24/7 the problems are just magnified. it's looking like this game is going to be DOA.

i agree

I've literally never even heard of a projectile hitting someone and not registering, and I play games like team fortress 2 with awful netcode

0 == 0 != 0 > 0



>hey let's give this hero the highest health and armor pools in the game
>hey alright what should his passives be
>hey lets give him 3 fucking passives
>and two of them are movement abilities
>but hang on a second i thought his downside was that he was slow
>lol shut up retard
bravo id

If for some reason you go to /v/, it is being attacked by the same twat who fucked Veeky Forums with Pokemon porn.

have they nerfed the no skill lighting gun yet? something made for double digit iq retards shouldnt be this powerful

>retards still mad about LG
may as well complain about rails or rockets not taking skill then


Don't you die again



Is that bimbo Nyx?

I like to think of it as a "fixed hitbox" nyx.

Hire this man, id

nice "gun"


This is one of the weakest itterations of the LG in the entire series.
Infact I think it needs to be buffed back up a little bit.

puffy vulva

It's 140dps dude

>You are now imagining Nyx struggling to get her skintight suit on

Nyx is way cuter as a fit girl.

Okay gentlemen, how do we make a lore-friendly reason for a bimbo Nyx? Too much phasing starts fucking with her head? Picks up a few bad habits from Slash?


tier list posted on esreality
based on qcon qualifiers EU #1 NA #1 and EU #2
nyx confirmed best girl
slash confirmed worst girl


Pretty sure nyx is the kind of girl that know's shes hot, and also likes to fuck.
And she's probably the kind of girl that goes on a date because she wants to fuck.
But she's also the kind of girl that leaves in the morning and doesn't call

That or she's a massive lesbian.
Nyx is like, the definition of dyke bait.


Less effective when there isn't any butt in our face


le british sex robot

yo is that the reflex robot?????

its tank snr from quake


le smug hatted anime grill

He is still slow as fuck and gets destroyed by any weapon in the game.

>Desecrating Sorlag with political horse shit
I was fine with the anime girls, whatever, but why you do this to sorlag?

Calm down snowflake, its just some harmless shitposting

>ywn be a cute woman like this to make dinner for a lovely man

why live

Just think user, you get to be the man married to the cute girl

why is he so smug bros?

>Damn these implants feel good
>I wonder how the war effort is going
>The Makron was a punk-bitch
>Come to think of it I haven't killed any Strogg in a while...
>My legs are OK

there will be no more despair over QC
only smugness

I enjoy it. It's better than a majority of fps that have come out in the last few years. I just give it shit because I want it to improve and be better.

The problem with the hit reg is that it's completely client side so every shot het hits on you will always hit no matter where you are on the map at that point.

I actually understand why Slash is not getting picked, her ability is useless her slide is to unreliable due to how uneven the ground is, she starts with no armour and has a small cap, she has a decent speedcap but not high enough for what they want her to be and her health is as big as ranger exept ranger has a larger armour cap and higher base speed.

>good night arena
This is the second thread in row that died to user announcing he's going to sleep.
Stop this.

yeah apparently i can't go to sleep at 1 am after waking up 6am that day, gg /arena/.

>go to sleep at 1 am after waking up 6am that day
>6am that day
holy time travel, bitterman

yeah insomnia is a bitch.

Stay alive /arena/


I wanna bury my clean shaven face in Nyx's tits.

Why did you have to specify clean shaven?

Because smooths kin against smooth skin is a pleasurable experience. Tits are sensitive user.

I wanna feel her skin against mine, not my hair.

I'd rather feel her hair against my skin. I hope the carpet matches the drapes.

Would her hair burn or is it just warm to the touch?

I prefer a bare pussy user, much more fun and easier to play with.
Although the triangle patch of blue hair above it would be pretty cute.

Why would it burn, or be unnaturally hot in the first place? She doesn't have fire powers, she dimension-shifts.

That's okay, user, we've got different tastes and that's cool.

It's got a real ethereal look to it. Who knows what feels like?

Looks like photoshop user.

Ok that was a dumb joke.

But in game it just looks like dyed hair.

Pretty sure she was either born with it, or she dyes it.

On a more serious note what's the deal with Nyx and the Melem? Are they human? Are they aliens who look like humans? Are they former humans who transformed due to exposure to the Fathom Orb?

Yeah, that art is kind of weird; ingame it's just blue hair, no weird particle effects other than the ones that coat her whole body when she phases. I'm guessing it's natural 'cause her eyebrows match.

Maybe they'll improve the hair effects as the beta goes on. After they fix the netcode and stuff. Technical issues take precedence over cosmetics

What I mean is I don't think the hair effects have to be improved, because they don't need to be- it's that one promo render that's weird, not anything actually in-game.

I think they are just humanoid aliens, which is a breath of fresh air from the whole "Aliens look like monsters or a so armored that you can't see shit of them.

Everyone plays the game on low anwyays user.
All idsoftware needs to care about is how good the game looks on low.

>a breath of fresh air from the whole "Aliens look like monsters or a so armored that you can't see shit of them.
Lots of characters in Quake are already aliens. Whatever dimension Ranger was originally from isn't Doomguy's and sure ain't our own, Hunter is from some backwoods amazon-run planet that was razed by the Sorg, etc. Characters that are explicitly from Earth- OUR Earth- are more rare, like Q3A Slash's origin being Los Angeles or Patriot/Razor coming from the old US.

Can you really call Ranger an alien because he is from a different demension if so doesn't that mean that doomguy is an alien or Bitterman and kane?

maybe they are more like parallel dimensions but that would still mean they are from earth just from a different time line.

We don't know if Ranger's world is Earth (at any rate, they don't seem to write in English), Doomguy comes from a future version of our own dimension, and BJ Blazkowicz (and therefor Keen) is a version of our world that splits at WWII.

He needs to come back too, he was cool

>Quake C is is significantly more fun and challenging than Overwatch.
>Have way more fun playing QuakeC than Overwatch
>Realize that the rest of the world plays overwatch because they can't stomach even the basic skills of Quake.
Why is life so shit? Quake C should replace overwatch. That casualfag skill gap compressed copy pasta piece of shit doesn't deserve it's spotlight.
It's only popular because it has blizzard slapped on it.
I don't care of the game is bad compared to the other quakes it's still way better that overtwatch.

>>Realize that the rest of the world plays overwatch because they can't stomach even the basic skills of Quake.

Just think there are thousands of people that just play Mercy , following others around as a heal bot. thats a game to some


Casualfags are ruining gaming.

I understand casualizing it up for single player games, but multiplayer is about skill, and immersion in a field where you can murder each other without actually commiting crimes.

Casuals need to buck up and learn some skills, or go play single player games.

I want nothing more than to see Quake C succeed and maybe even replace Overwatch.

Also you can crouchslide backwards with Slash, and it's the coolest shit ever.
IF you know the map you can crouchslide backwards through stuff and it reminds me of rollerblading in real life.
This game is so kickass.

Even worse, there are many of players in the top 500 who exclusively play Mercy. Of all the players in the world, they are deemed "best of the best"

>I like hard turd better than watery diarrhea

QC is shit and will be DOA. Once zionmax stops shitting money over QC, quakefags will go back to ql and casualfags will play ow instead.

Even my LOL playing normie friends call QC a shitty moba, lmao.

>Casualfags are ruining gaming
>This game is so kickass

You are part of the problem you worthless casualfag.

>I understand casualizing it up for single player games

well this is one thing bliz got right, there are classes in there someone with only modest FPS skills can contribute with, while others that are more geared to high skill players and generating butthurt.

>Casuals need to buck up and learn some skills

wont happen a vast amount of players do so for entertainment rather than competition, while its possible to push the envelope in Overwatch most players wont because its not their goal. and matchmaking will ensure players on a typical skill plateau will not face players far better than themselves much.. if ever so they will be comfortably entertained at their skill level.

>Casuals need to buck up and learn some skills,
>Cont ::

Quake and other arena style shooters are all about getting your ass beat and doing the same to others once you climb in skill , QC will have to make actual hard mechanical skill competition desirable again , im not sure how this can be done.

>QC is shit and will be DOA
>posting this bait.
Go back to /owg/. Everyone knows the OW competitive scene is already dying but you don't need to come to other generals to jerk yourself off to your disillusions, faggot.

thanks for your contribution to the general :)