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I blame rat fuckers

what happenend?

why no one online on legendz

Some furry spammer from /vp/ spammed Veeky Forums, then /v/, basically wiping out any general that was too slow to keep up. Now stop talking about it or we'll end up getting purged by mods.

what the fuck happened? almost all Veeky Forums threads just pushed off instantly


Encore isn't that great.

How's Code: Closers? Just saw that it has a private server.

It's ok


That's my favorite game with 4 coming right after.

Today is the last day to spend all your junk from that stupid card and zombie event, /dfog/!

Do we not talk about La Tale here?

You can, it's just no one does

Shame what happen to 6.

I can't play it.
Which sucks since I was one of the few that had a level 201+ character before the transfer.

Talk about whatever you want as long as its related to the thread


I'm just recently picking it up to play with a friend of mines, they're heavily addicted to the game for some reason and I want in on the action. I'm just curious what are some of the good and fun classes from start to finish, I don't care for tiers or anything but I want to know the grand scheme of the follow classes

Warrior / Knight / Monk

like what is their purpose and role when end game rolls around?


You should check this out

Give a good summary of everything.

Don't the guild already got a ton of bards in it already?

Can you really have too many bards?

They all quit.

I don't like ranged or archers at all. I'm an oonga boonga melee.

Wow, this looks great, just what I needed, thanks user! I'll read this and review it over before I make my life deciding choices

whats the best title for a skirmisher?

is there a buff swap title?

>implying you can't unga bunga gorilla mash with sound waves

Honestly it doesn't matter that much. It's a cakewalk for every class up until lvl180 or so.

>whats the best title for a skirmisher?
It heavily varies with the build you have, but typically element damage increase ones like the recent 3 kingdom ones do nicely. If you lack smash or crit smash, there are also titles that have it.

>is there a buff swap title?
There is, but the ones existing right now may be overpriced.

is there any reason to play interdimentional rifts on high difficulty?

Better chance of set piece dropping

>nexon launcher updated
>doesn't recognize that i have their games downloaded already
>have to redownload them
what the fucking fuck

give me a Morgan bf!

I'm bored.

nina is T H I C C

Play Mabinogi with me.

Sorry if this a dumb question but the feat quest ticket you get at lvl85 means I should just ignore all the feat quests right?

pretty much

What server


Yes, also use it at 86 or 87

what's ya total level and IGN?

13.3k total


Holy fucking shit.
Stop posting cats.

I'd recommend playing with a controller too, if you can.
It just feels right.


pew pew

I wish a drunk driver hits you on the way home.

Better wish hard because I'm just too good to get hit by anyone


Do you got this, bro?


Why are you a nigger?



>private server still hasn't updated



is all the people left in dfo fucking whales?

no you are just poor and shit

all the whales i knew quit


>tfw lvl up tickets expire in 6 hours
>only lvl 60

should I fp express that shit?

Can't spend all your FP in 6 hours?

no, my eye hurts so I take a break every few runs and dont have the money for eyedrops

Try turning down your brightness and maybe look into getting glasses. I don't know if that's a viable solution for you if you can't afford eye drops, but it might be a good investment if you ever have the money. I used to have the same problem, and although they don't noticeably improve my vision, they have significantly reduced my eye strain,

is there any reason to use the same set of avatar stuff? some of the celestial/eternal/infernal shit looks really bad compared to base or mystic/majestic stuff

>not using clones

how do clones look?

It's the type of monitor you're using, especially if it has a low refresh rate. Some LCDs have been known to still cause eye strain depending on the type. It's not only a CRT problem.

they look like whatever you clone.
Only what wings you get. Clones are better


Did NA ever have a UI like the first one? I remember the first time I played this game there were health orbs.

I wonder if they'll have yet another different Seria's Room BGM

She should be naked sitting on a bed waiting for me to come back.

Well, since they're doing the whole Origin thing, let's take a trip down memory lane.


I don't think so. I don't have a screenshot of the old Nexon UI since I had already installed a UI mod when I started taking screenshots back then


>used 3 lvl up tickets to skip the shitty mech level in ghent

no regrets

Ghent is pretty fun.

fuck ghent

WORST area in this game

The dungeon that makes you use a mech is kinda shit after the first time.

not even close desu senpai

What? That was the best part.

The only problem with the mech is that you need the mech to destroy the barriers next to the door.

It used to be. Maybe if it was the mech from the special dungeon in Ghent.

Your clear speeds go to shit because you have to keep jumping on the mech to clear barricades
It's pure shit

exactly, if it was fucking OPTIONAL itd be fine since I could just kill everything like regular but instead I gotta kill everything, get on the mech, move to the next room, get out, kill everything, get back on the mech and then go to the next one


fuck ghent, shit fucking area is the only reason I dont make very many new characters

I'll be so glad when these fucking zombies are gone.

I only came back a couple days ago and I already hate them.

>go from killing Military people to bums and midget clowns

>Training Grounds all day
>Find exploit with Wolf that causes the lightning to delay, causes a weird juggle state thanks to a nicovideo I discovered
>Get it on the first attempt
>Get great idea for a combo
>can't do the exploit anymore
Fucking FUCK. I hate when this happens. My ideas, my innovation, all placed on hold now because I gotta learn this bullshit.

Kritikanon here, You look delicious! Too bad you're a man, though.

They're military midget clowns, though

That's so stupid

>doesn't skim the quest dialogue
desu kek

beggy fuggg

beggy is stupid and i'm glad her grandpa is dead


Or you could just use a tempster assist and just run through the entire mech scenario without having to stop.

I don't know why people struggle in there with the mech.