Sleepy tankers edition
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Sleepy tankers edition
Want to platoon? Join the Veeky Forums channel in game
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>tfw 11 kills but have to cap to win
>spammers keep wiping the board
>only the slow generals suffer
this is't justice
He is still exhausted from the previous night.
nigger you are worse than wargaming
>wake up
>spammers killed about 70% of the generals
wew some hotpocket actually deleted my post
>CW tier 10 mediums are always better than their tech tree counterpart
What a win2win game.
I reported your cancerous memes you insufferable faggot gb2kikebook
I'm sure the faggot unknown's cocksuckingrounds is bumping with all sorts of jabbering retards
>m60 better than M48
>e6 and 121b better than any tech tree tank
Spot the yellow.
Only the 907 is better than its tech three counterpart, everything else is dogshit.
I'm sorry for your mom
Does this count as weakness?
120mm side gun mantlet, 40mm gun armor, 80mm upper gun mantlet.
The Nameless is fair and balanced. Get over it
That can only be hit if it's not looking at you though
It's definitely on the strong side along with Defender, Patriot, Chrysler, Liberte.
The question is where it ranks among those tanks.
Sure the gun depression is a downside but a good player wouldn't put themselves in a situation where the gun depression becomes a problem.
Liberta is a balanced tank fuck off and quit being Jewish
>Sure the gun depression is a downside but a good player wouldn't put themselves in a situation where the gun depression becomes a problem
This is completely untrue. I have 65% WR in the nameless and I can tell with you a degree of fact that those situations are completely unavoidable. Anytime a tank gets too close, you're in a danger. The gun is not accurate enough to snipe from so you'll need to be at close to medium range to be useful and you can't avoid hills all the time.
I have a friend who prefers the Edelweiss explicity because of the gun depression. There are plenty of times when I just can't fire my gun or have to take extra long to settle because of a slight bump or incline. It is a huge nuisance and I really can't stress enough how annoying it gets. If the tank had 7 or 8 degrees it would actually be completely broken but it doesn't.
You're just not a good enough player to capitalize on it's strengths.
so when are we getting the rest
That's some active grey cells you have here my african american
>liberte is balanced
It's an obvious gold ammo bait, not as much as the Chrysler, but it's still bait.
Choke on a dick. I guarantee you don't even have the tank since you clearly don't understand the tank's weaknesses.
If doesn't matter how good you are, if you can't aim down you'll get fucked when another heavy facehugs you.
The only thing you showed me with that image is how ridiculously OP Nameless is.
Clearly the gun depression """"""""""""""weakness"""""""""""""" does not reduce the tank's effectiveness at all.
It does. I would have 75% WR if it had gun depression.
It's only a gold bait with retards who actualy think it's frontaly shellproof.
Or if you are below tier 7 and facing it up front.
>you can't avoid hills all the time.
With the speed it's got, you can.
He is a retard who bounces tier 1s with gold do the math
>how to tell someone's never even seen the tank in action
good luck on Redshire and Widefield
So then the balancing has done its job
Widepark sucks a fat one in the nameless too.
>tier 8 heavy
Widepark sees up to tier 8 on console. So again you haven't seen in a fight and yet you were telling me how it works
Nameless is balanced in console because it's nerfed, it's OP in PC.
>lose a game
>because of a tog
Ever win a 15 minute game before?
You should commit sudoku
Will /wotg/ ever recover?
When anime tanks are out for NA/EU.
Pershing looks nice. Is it any good?
It's shit, go buy a Patriot.
Extremely solid, it'll never let you down and it'll never be the best tank on the map
I have a Pershing now, how are the tier 9 and 10 med tanks compared to it?
Once they are maxed out they are /comfy/
Extremely solid, it'll never let you down and it'll never be the best tank on the map
for real though, they have the best view range in the game and they still have the american meme gun depression but their turrents aren't really strong enough to abuse it past snap shots, and aside from that there's nothing they can do another medium can't do better
from the latest dev QA
We’ve also looked at the two Pattons in testing- M46 and M48. They’re good machines, just not particularly relevant. Huge cupolas and other weak spots, they’re superseded by nearly all other high tier medium tanks. It’s not a very good combination of characteristics, so there will possibly be some visual changes.
I want to marry M5 Stuart
Somali TD's dynamicing this game up more than arta
>reverse sidescrapping
nigga knew what he's doing
They should just make the cupola an external module to hurt commanders and not damage tanks.
weebs killed this general
WG is killing the game and by extension us. The worthless discord autists and pseudo internet celeb posting did the rest.
Not getting weeb tanks killed this general.
that's not how you spell luchs
you're both wrong
im sure SEA server is happy with those abdominations running around
they are, they're very popular, epecially with fans of VC and even the loudest whiners are now having to admit that they're no more broken than a patriot and most of the shitstorm was started by quickybaby cause anime makes him cringe
FV215b is the supreme tank.
Completely useless now that the Chieftain is there.
anime IS cringe
t.low test
PC has the Chieftain?
>no more broken than the patriot
So still OP? When I watched QB's review on the VC tanks I wasn't under the impression that they were completely broken. QB just admitted that they are a little OP.
as op as any other tier 8 premium in the current age of the game, yes
hardly an abomination, meanwhile we're in a dearth for content, there hasn't been a new vehicle since the chrysler k fiasco, ranked has come and gone, the last patch is old hat
there's nothing to talk about
But there has been new tanks to talk about, the historical Tiger 131!
And soon we'll have more down-tiered stock tanks sold as premiums!
He kept saying the word pay2win over and over in the Nameless video, I think after the Chrysler mess, QB is trying very hard to distance himself from WG and trying to please his fans by being more entertaining than informative, he barely reviewed either VC tanks.
another log in mission
Only when you underestimate their reload and trade 0 for 1200 with them in 10 seconds :^)
Do discounts stack on the swede TD's if you got the holiday discounts?
Is Tiger 131 and HT No. VI too OP for their tier?
give me an invitation code, i'm biting the bullet
gibs email, not sure if temporary ones work but you can try
Only WEEB clans have survived? List NOFUN too you scrub
>living in the past
get with the times senpai
dead as fuck. the last 14 active players are welcome to join NOPAN though
>bumping the thread
Look into your heart and give us the sweet release of death already
Is the manga worth reading? I've only seen the show and like one OVA.
Nigger watch the movie.
dunno, I haven't read it. but ribbon warrior is pretty fun. also this
Good, poles are the EU server equivalent of Brazilians, don't want to encourage them.
>tell teammates to stand back and cover me when i push because im still full hp late game
>they go leeroy jenkins and die
>expect full hp teammate to push in when theres window of opportunity when arta or big gun td fired
>they sit at a corner and let the big gun reload before they advance
its not even the bullshit p2w, the rng, the cancer maps, the nonsensical buffs
its the sheer fucking stupidity of people who play wot that sucks all enjoyment out of the game
out of 10 games, about 6 or 7 are 1v29
>Not played tanks in months
>Decide I want to play
>Load game
>Don't have any premium time, gold, or disposable money to get premium with
>Sit in the garage spinning tanks for a few minutes
>Eventually close the game without playing a battle
>An hour later want to play tanks again
get low tier shit
load it with most bullshit meme weapon
blast newbs
have fun
no need to spend moniez
But thats not finishing my T-54 or WZ grind.
That and sub T7 gives me cancer most times I play them.
i see they nerfed the grilles accuraccy and bloom
hehe just carry harder
>But thats not finishing my T-54 or WZ grind.
>That and sub T7 gives me cancer most times I play them.
>what is free exp
>what is dealing 60% of total dmg in matches