Marvel Future Fight General /mffg/ - Everything Dies Edition

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>What is this?
A mobile/tablet 3D action RPG where you collect and train Marvel heroes and villains. Includes multiple game modes and regular updates.

>Is it free?
Yes, the game is free to play and offers microtransactions.

>Official videos and trailers:

>Alliance name: # of inactive days before being kicked: minimum xp/donation points per day
Mobile Muggas: 5: 5000xp
Veeky Forums co: 1: 25
Symbiotic: 5: 5000xp
>REMINDER to donate Gold and Mementos to your Alliance and participate in Alliance Conquest!

Current Events:
>3.2.0 Update Details

>3.2.0 Known Issues

>[Community Event] Rise of the Sinister Six: Doctor Octopus

>Sinister Six Character Ranking Event

>Feedback Survey

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you actually let it die
I blame KVD

Everything died

Everything died. All of Veeky Forums got nuked at once.

False, /utg/ was spared. It's a furry conspiracy

Fuck, I wanted to edit this and make a Beck from the Dead Edition.


Quit saving the thumbnail god damn it

Does Throot have any uses nowadays?

He's a cool avatar

I didn't mean too, user, forgive me.

Shit, I keep fucking up. End me now.


Hi-vo can damage the destroyer boss, anyone has a clue why? the skill screen shows nothing that displays any info about any damage bonus to villains.

He has lightning immunity so if you were to use him against, say, a Lincoln/Thor/Jane team in AC then he couldn't be hurt.

Destroyer isn't a villain. He's the only "neutral" character in the game so he can be used in both hero and villain stages in SL. Chances are Hi-Vo is also classified as "neutral."

>he's falling for Mysterio's illusions

Summon, ignore a lot of special conditions applied to enemies. For example, the enemies in Chapter 11-12 have really high dodge rates and defensive buffs but summon will ignore that and actually do more damage than the summoner.

Where were you when Best Girl was cast as Squirrel Girl?

He's asking why Hi-Vo can damage the Destroyers bosses in SL despite the fact that in that stage only Villains can do damage to them, anything not affiliated as one only does 1 damage

What are some things that don't make sense in this fucking game?

>Super Hero
Is one.

If anyone get's a destroyer floor try it with moon girl please.

>captain america marvel now
left me thinking 2bh

>DD ANAD is Hero
>Planet Hulk is Villain

Getting my rocks off.

Just tried it. Can confirmed.
Devil Dino, Nico's clones, and Clea's clones all bypassed the Villains restrictions

took me one try to go from 0% to 100%


Angela or Dormammu.


But ANAD DD IS a hero. Just because he wears a black costume now doesn't mean he's a villain.


Angela fucking sucks don't use it on her

why not on phoenix?

Dormammu benefits more from inv. imo. It gives him way more survivability and lets you go ez mode on timeline

It would also be good on Phoenix but she might need damage proc to get through WBUs easier, if you care about that

Doesn't he need gbi too or nah?

gbi for abx

Does he score the highest there?

>Crit Damage 38.1%
>Ignore Dodge 27.5%
Recovers 10% HP
Who gets this?

Maybe Kraven or Cap

Might be unpopular opinion but Doc Ock, especially if you planned to let him stay at T1 and use him mostly for SL. You can give him attack set still and the heal will really helps his survivability.


what's the most reddit hero in the game?


Memerogers, who else?




>inspired by homecoming

The special event (not the costume) is inspired by the movie, just like we got costumes inspired by the movie

>been waiting forever for a free 6* ticket just to make this process easier
>it's at the point now where I might as well just rank them up normally and farm bios for gears
>have one 6* ticket
Use it on Rogue and keep farming Storm? M-Maybe I'll get lucky like that other user upgrading Storm's gears.
Or just rank them both up normally?

Forgot pic

Rank them both normally you idiot, rank tickets should go only to really unfarmable characters.

Besides, who says NM won't then do a X-gene sub to get Deadpool?.

>Angela sucks
fuck you you jive ass turkey mother fucker

>floor 22
>kraven at level 59 and one mission away from level 60

Fishbowl died at 89k but with some more tries I'm sure I could have hit 100k
Just for the sake of seeing if it was possible

Thats makes him better than most blast heroes actually, mostly because mysterio is a villain that can't use coulson.

but Cynicalex said he was shit

well then your pic is photoshop then

>get a legendary supply chest in WBI
>cool i'll just slot this away and wait for it to unlock
>come back the next day and it's gone
>replaced with 3 chests of varying rarity

What the fuck happened?

Didn't you watch cynical's stream. Kraven can't do it

Did he tried rhino too?
what about that lizard video? was it fake????????????

Maybe it was a glitch?

Weirder shit happens, man, I don't know.

>tfw happened to get put in same global chat w alliance member
gotta keep em separated my dude


>miles from a *6 selector

c'mon now coal don't bully james like that

>brown trap telling his man James to stay away from the normies

no bully just memes

about to reroll the gotg card (again), what if something good happens?


>kraven runs out of damage on floor 22
>based on x-men gears it will take ages to get his gears to 20

It's okay we have the 300 bio selector tomorrow

Iso set and gear for Vulture? I rolled PoAH just now for him

Am I doing good by focusing on Sandman, fampai?

>odin wbi

Attack set
Dodge/Ignore Defense/Damage proc


I didn't know it went higher than 20

What happened?

That depends:
>Do you not have T2 Carnage and thus need someone for combat villain ABX?
>Are you 'following your heart'?
>Is your roster lacking in good combat and/or villain characters?
If you answered yes to at least 2 of those 3, then you're making the smart move. If you don't need him for ABX, don't particularly care about him as a character or find his playstyle fun, and have more than enough combat/villain characters to clear SL then you've fucked up though.

It can go higher than 30. Ask me how I know!

I've had x30+ on muties.

I've had x40 a few times

>Still no Moonstone

this is gay

Some /vp/ shitter spammed threads here and on /v/ with Pokemon porn OPs.

fuck i shouldve been there, i was waiting for pokemon porn

>incursions were real
>/vp/ was the prime board all along

really makes you think

>Pokemon S&M had a plot regarding dimension rifts and new enemies/allies/pokemons thanks to it.
>Ultra S&M now go for alternate universes.


>Waste 24 energy just to get 1 (one) story bio

>tfw too intelligent for farming story heroes

fair trade

I don't see this being doable at t1 without dropping a good damage proc on kraven.

So is the "using biometrics to level up characters" still glitched? I just tried to level up Dormmemu and it's not working. Pretty sure I lost a bunch.

Yeah still bugged

It just occurred to me that the Ultimates might be story characters, set after Asgard, as their stories are cosmic in scale. Maybe it will give BP a few more story bios to farm as part of it, maybe even make Carol farmable in the story, which I can't imagine would negatively affect using Tokens on her, given how far in the story she would be.

>no team up bonus with DD and Elektra

R.I.P. user

>No Cap and Red Skull team-up
>No Spidey and GG team-up

I can't tell whether or not I'm contributing towards alliance battle ... you just have to play the game while it's happening or what ?

... no? Alliance Battle is a game mode. You actively play it.

Alliance battle is an arena mode where you use your own characters, depending on type, to go as high as you can for rewards, typically referred to as AB and ABX. Alliance Conquest is a mode you have to enter where its your alliance against two other alliances, playing a game of Risk. You and your alliance put together teams to be pitted against other alliance teams, like Timeline but you have zero control over what characters do. Both need you to actively decide to participate in them to help your alliance. The only thing playing normally does is give your alliance XP, which none of the Veeky Forums alliances need as they are at max alliance level, though it serves as a good indicator of how active you are.