First thread death in I don't know how long edition
Previous thread
>Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05
>Official forums:
>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.
>Have a question? Check the wiki first:
>Fireden archived threads:
>Dwarf Therapist (Standalone is out of date, use Starter Pack for 43.05):
>Starter Pack:
>More DF stuff:
Modanon's Mods:
>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: #dwarffortress)
>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:
>Video tutorials:
>Text tutorials:
>This pasta:
Strike the earth!
/dfg/ - Dwarf Fortress General
Other urls found in this thread:
>First thread death in I don't know how long edition
It wasn't our fault.
About 90% of vg got pruned because some FAGGOT made about 50 threads of pokemon porn
Veeky Forums got raided, that's why the thread died.
It was Bui again
ha ha ha beautiful
To embark or not to embark, that is the question.
Which continent do you think I should embark in?
>Bui came back to /vp/
>has been spamming it with furry porn every day for the past week to try and get the board deleted
>decided to spam Veeky Forums instead today
>created a bot to start enough threads all at once to push nearly the entire board off Page 10
>only about 15 or so threads survived because they were super active at the time
send help
I think the red "~" on the northern continent should be fun.
the current one, obviously.
war with elves is pretty rare, so it would be a shame to miss out on it.
But why?
Had to choose a dead civ for it to work, could have went with a better civ but would miss out on elf war for goblin war instead, and killing elves is easier and more fun than killing goblins
Does Toady give forewarning of a release like the week before it happens or does it just come out of the blue?
a bit of both. I don't recall him announcing a firm release date beforehand, but usually you can tell it's close by his devlogs, as he'll describe cleaning up a bunch of minor bugs and polishing the version up
>but usually you can tell it's close by his devlogs, as he'll describe cleaning up a bunch of minor bugs and polishing the version up
>He's doing exactly that right now
First artifact weapon I've ever got, how'd I do?
It's shit.
>bone whip
Stylish, but probably completely useless.
>testing out my mod in adventure mode
>make a character
>end up with this
w-wew lad
That aside though it seems everything is working like its supposed to which is just great.
How does armor vs. weapons work? If I have a steel sword, will it cut through steel armor or will I need adamantine?
>his skin isn't drooling precum constantly
Not even worth 30k
Tossing the useless fuck who made it into the lava pit
It's sharper than a normal masterwork sword and won't break so it will sooner or later defeat steel armor. Biggest bonus from artifact is accuracy.
I didn't mention quality
Artifact is quality 6, masterwork is 5, artifact sharpness is higher, and there is an accuracy bonus, artifact doesn't wear.
By mentioning artifact you're mentioning quality.
I never said artifact. I only mentioned materials.
Someone drew him for me
Send us warriors brave and true!
Literally autism
>not liking bone whips
The dwarf cunt probably took a damn spine from a crundle and turned it into a whip. How can you NOT like it?
Well that's what happens when I'm typing and heading downstairs, I read the bone whip arTIFACT mention overlapped with your arMOR post.
It's ok user, your post was helpful anyways. But judging from what you said, a normal steel sword will probably wear itself out before getting through the armor, right?
Depends on the attacker and skill shit.
Generally they won't do shit for wear to each other with normal attacks, supergodstomphax dude using dfhacked supercrit attacks can break things easier.
does a picture file of this t-shirt design exist somewhere I would like to print it myself
All right guys, place your bets.
What do you think the meme bug of the upcoming version is gonna be?
Warp speed doggos
how the fuck do i make my fortresses not ugly as SHIT
isn't that one of those sites that crawl the entire internet for pictures and then generate their own pics of merch with it printed on it?
there should be an original somewhere. maybe it went offline.
This but with artifacts
>Dwarves becoming insane with every strange mood because they want slade boulders or silk out of one specific forgotten beast
>Secret agents walking around naked, speaking nonsense and crashing the game
>Monster slayers attacking random keas/getting scared by random keas/leaving the map as soon as they enter and never even attempting to go underground
Kobolds with armies of poisonous pets.
Alternatively being able to seek out your own artifacts trough some weird shenanigans and ending up with your dwarves stealing your own artifact and your fortress getting into war with your civ.
Segfault every time an artifact is created.
>you have to purposefully drive every dorf with mood insane to continue playing
Do nips play dwarf fortress?
some kind of edge case combination of an artifact disappearing and contradictory rumours that causes an endless stream of artifact-hunters to show up at your fort demanding something you don't have and have never had
>Secret agents walking around naked
like when cats adopt vampires by name
If all else fails, you could easily make it yourself with the typeface and colors from the game. Someone on /gd/ will help you with the proportions if you beg.
Armies of horses riding horses trying to sneak into your fort to steal shit.
>give one of the horses a goblet filled with a cage filled with a thief holding the artifact they want
>the horses all go berserk and start killing each other for destroying the artifact
>"""civilized""" hedgehog people rooting around in the dirt
worse than goblins
>having animal people in your game
worse than hitler
Probably a Roger a Muirebe scenario that involves people recovering artifacts they've stolen from themselves.
But of that day and that hour knoweth no helm plump man, no, not the angels which are in OathChances the Vault of Roasting, neither the Zach, but the Toady.
>agent steals artifact important to himself at the behest of his boss while assuming a false identity
>real agent now has a vendetta against his own false identity
>starts spreading vicious rumours about himself
I can only hope that whatever nonsense comes up is surface-level enough that it can be enjoyed
Well the guy who made it should be a legendary weaponsmith now, so...
>in a time before time, i stole from me
Unless it was a possession.
meant to quote
one can only hope
how long should I generate my world
year wise
That shit is already in game though.
just be yourself
I usually go for 150-250, but it depends what you want/what your computer can handle
I mostly just use Dwarf Fortress to pit whatever creatures I make against eachother. Is anyone else excited by the prospect that magic will have for creature and Race creation?
yeah very
but it's still a ways away
So is Grimoire but we keep hoping for that too.
I got an infection on the skin of my neck. Probably shouldn't have gone for a swim in that cavern pool after that all that fighting. Am I definitely dead?
What is Grimoire?
The longer it is the longer the load times. I cap it at 200.
There's close to 100% chance of loyalty Cascades, I guarantee it.
Going with this guy.
Procedurally generated Usual Suspects sounds like a pretty entertaining kind of broken.
How come happiness never matters anymore?
I've never seen dorfs that weren't either "Fine" or "Quite Content".
My migrants that sleep on the floor, constantly cancel jobs from despairing due to evil weather, have no temple no tavern and no library etc etc all are just as fucking happy as my better forts. Even the guy whose baby died and rotted away was still Fine.
Never a tantrum ever.
I'll leave updated DF versions in usb diskquettes on your grave
toady /fixed/ it
Also funny thing, all my happiest dorfs are always my military. Those guys who have absolutely no free time and always complain they're bored from not making anything, lonely after not seeing family, distracted after not having free time to pray etc
Apparently the satisfaction from improving 12 different combat skills outweighs all that by far.
Sometime in the next 7 weeks we will be getting an update guys
How much does alcohol improve mood, anyway? "Ecstatic" implies it's quite a lot. Does it wear off after the alcohol effects do, or does it last like any positive thought?
Do they have booze? Drinking makes dwarves constantly happy.
Even if you make them drink water, dwarves are just more emotionally stable now than they were before the feels rewrite. They're still annoyed if they have to sleep on the floor, and if you keep piling dead babies on them they'll eventually snap, but tantrum spirals are a lot less common.
I only have so many babies to kill, user.
Pre-honeymoon suites to make them get married
Taverns and free time for friends
Then, have them all get in a room and drown, and forbid the bodies.
Have the victim have a burrow of his own in there.
Nothing but a well, a stockpile of plump helmets, and large amounts of rotting, miasma producing corpses of dwarves the victim knew.
Should work, I would guess.
>running through the scarlet jungles being chased by bogeymen
>one catches up to me
>slice at his leg tearing a tendon
>he drags himself fast enough to keep up with me
can I turn the economy back on?
How do I fix a carpenter's workshop to only work with a specific type of wood? I want to make a dedicated cooper who only uses feather wood.
You can choose the wood for every order you stick in, run production orders through that workshop that specify the wood, or set a stockpile that only takes featherwood to give to the workshop (so the workshop will only take from that pile)
is shield user for parrying?
Turn stress vulnerability and anger propensity up
Watch the fun
No. Weapon user increases parrying ability, shield user is for blocking.
Nips will only play this once Toady expands on love/relationships so they can make waifu mods for adventure mode.
I accidentally removed my broker from the Trade at Depot task and now he won't stop socializing to trade. How do I get the lazy cunt to go do his job?
>slade war hammer
i smell a cheeter
I think it's not so much that he's lazy as that he thinks he's not allowed to trade now. I'd try toggling the "trader requested at depot" option to see if that creates a fresh "trade at depot" job for him to take. If nothing else works, you can always try sending someone else to trade by toggling "only broker can trade" to "anyone may trade".
doge race when
but there are jackal, dingo, and wolf people already I think
>implying I didn't mod slade to be used normally even if there was such a thing as a way to cheat in a single player game
Since nobody answered last time, can Obsidian Swords damage Bronze or Iron?
Also there are a male and female dragon roaming the map, what's the chance of getting them to come?
Obsidian will probably break, and if you want them to come you are gonna need to either buy them a dinner or get some dragon sized daterape drugs.