/assg/ - Asymmetrical Slasher Series General

What are you fags doing Edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
Beta coming this August, Class based with weaker killers.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

>Latest Patch Notes (F13)

I-is that a dead thread?: *Fart*

Also first for AJ


third for AJ

You'll have to pry my terrible fetishes from my cold, dead fingers user.

>Over the course of like a day they flip from a video literally saying "I'm not sorry" to this

The awful saga of dillydingus continues.

What did he expect?

Updoots obviously

Uber Jason when

Adam's the father, right? He's the one that corresponds to her archetype


So will the new killer actually manage to be what they wanted from Doctor this time? At this point I just want something that absolutely destroys the game and blows every survivors asshole inside out for a while.

Probably. Running in straight lines is a death sentence.

One can only hope, I just want the shoe to be on the other foot harder than ever for once, as much of a pipe dream that likely is.

what video?

have a hearty laugh

So the f13 devs aren't so tough when they're being doxxed and having their lives and the lives of their family and family pets threatened huh?
Maybe this will teach gun media to release a shitty game and act like big bully boys on the internet.

On their youtube channel they made some video playing themselves up like a big martyr and farming their new fame for all it was worth. They took it down now.

That there are still some people on ribbit making these kinds of posts in serious is almost comically sad.

Nurse was that when she was introduced, for about five minutes.

What could POSSIBLY make this situation worse? It's like the sinking of the Titanic.

>This ship is unsinkable!

why did this shit get private when in the morning it was public?

nah I thing the common consensus is it's an evil thing to do and now gun media are the victims.
so now all ribit will be talking about is how nasty the "community" and if you mentioned the game they'll tell you to kill yourself gun media are busy going to self-help groups to recover from somebody who was never going to do shit talking to them on the phone.

Literally about fifteen minutes ago I went there to see if everybody was still up in arms. Refreshed the page at 5:46 and it was made private.

As of now it's now back up but submissions are restricted.

>PR nightmare making the game go down in flames
>Prove you don't care about the community by making an echo chamber to prevent them saying how terrible you are

>security concerns

haven't played the game for 2 weeks and now they are talking about security concerns? what the fuck happened here

>from somebody who was never going to do shit talking to them on the phone

I mean you can try and minimize it but that shit is actually something to be kind of concerned over when you're the current bandwagon target of a bunch of autists and not just your info but people you know's is being circulated too.

>Making the game go down in flames
>The playerbase has still not budged from the couple thousand it's consistently been at for a while

>Make an echo chamber
>Trying to stop rabid autists from spamming people's personal info

if someone kills ben, his family or his familys dog
I'l care otherwise
people get doxxed all the fucking time, no one is going to kill him or his family for $40 and him abusing his mod powers in a video game.
be realistic.

it went down 1k during the time this shit all started

>Trying to stop rabid autists from spamming people's personal info
how does no one in assg have a copy of this in a pastebin?
did it even happen?
whenever someone asks for proof they get down voted.

As much as people misuse the words for their own gain, mental and emotional distress is a real thing though, even if they're full of shit, a bunch of people calling random family and telling them they're gonna kill them and whatever else is a big drain on your head.

The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.

>whenever someone asks for proof they get down voted

Nigga c'mon, this is being incredibly willfully dense. Can you not figure why they wouldn't want to usher on posting someone's full details in a highly visible place who's already being jumped on? I haven't even gone on a big mission to find it or anything and I've still seen screens from it being on one of the boards here.

>Punishing a retard who dropped their spaghetti and who now fully admits wrong permits harassing someone and their wholly unrelated relatives

I don't want the guys fucking info, but I mean just a screenshot with all the details censored with go a long way as it stands now.
whose is to say it's not a cover up to distract from the terrible handling of the dilly dingus situation, they go on alot about proof when they banned dilly dingus and told him to submit a recording for his own defense refusing to show him the recording they were meant to of received that got him banned.

Now again with no proof were meant to take them at their word some turbo sperg took it upon himself to doxx and call people?

I'm just not buying it

ThePraetorian admitted he fucked up?
I didn't write the old testament user.

Honestly dillys apology feels alot like the recent CNN thing. are we sure gun didn't dox him?

Conspiracy theorists just go.

alright not gun, some tuned up sperg who loves gun and hates dilly. Don't act like theirs not plenty of degenerates on both sides. it's just his 180 seems rather suspect no?

Honestly, I think he just rode out his 15 minutes and didn't expect a whole bunch of autists to take it further than just boycotting the game. He probably feels bad that a bunch of people are (allegedly) making death threats to innocent people on his behalf.

am I the only one who thing people just used this entire thing as an excuse to be angry at the devs, because the game wasn't as good as they'd hoped it be?
I really don't think most people if anyone actually gives a shit about dilly.

Kinda, though really at the same time I could see any person with some amount of decency left in them stopping for a second and looking at the kind of retards they've whipped up in all of this. Like read his statement again where it's saying people are personally contacting him asking for details on those people so they can go apeshit on them too or saying he should rape the kid. Anyone that's got a good bone in their body should be put off by some shit like that.

No one ever cared about Dilly.

Definitely. The games shit, there's no doubt about that and they just used this as either last straw or a scapegoat to take out their anger out on the devs for a year of hype let down and a loss of $40.

Reminder that Ace is best waifu

>The games shit, there's no doubt about that

You're being too transparent too quick. Game's still a lot of fun when I mess around with it, it really just needs rough edges filed down and some more content, which shit even DbD launched with what felt like nothing and felt that way for a while imo.

Sorry, he doesn't have braids so that's impossible.

Who's the new killer?

About the game being shit? Lol we get it you don't like people with different opinions.

The F13 Killer
dilly dingus
Ability is to cause a shitstorm

We don't know. Likely a native american OC given the map they teased his heavily wooded and tomohawk models were found in the data

You are correct!

How to rework and fix the doctor

Keep insanity scrap everything
Revamp it
new afflictions like

Deafened (survivor hears a ringing and nothing else for a short while)
Pitch-black (survivors screen is darkened)
Keep scream
Frozen with Fear (one of the survivors movement keys stops working)
Black and White
Ghostly Hands ( a single hand slows you down, multiple hands stop your movement)
Hallucinations (jumpscares)
Hearing Things (generators blowing, crows, laughing, chase music)

Pic reminded me, yesterday I pulled 3 purple hatch keys in a match on a Dwight with Plunderer's 2. Did the perk get buffed or something?


>He needed a rework before wraith
Bullshit the community voted for that

new killer + map idea
>actually lovecraft based
>port town of innsmouth from the story shadow over innsmouth
>derelict new england/colonial buildings and streets
>one side of map is abandoned docks
>killer is a fishfrog man with the innsmouth look
>one power is for it to appear as if hundreds of fishfrog men are chasing you and can't distinguish which one is the real one
>terrible fish odor randomly triggers skill check while running and stops you in your sprint for a brief moment if missed
>odor also alerts survivors of nearby killer
>wide eyes allows a larger viewing radius from the first person

read the story first

I still can't believe that. I mean I GUESS I get it on the grounds of "But you pay money for the doc" but that shouldn't actually supersede bigger problems that have been around for longer in my big dumb retard opinion.

Why would it just be "Innsmouth Citizen #3"? I do admit, an oder based killer would be cool
May want to rethink that number.

No DBD in this thread?
They were a premade 3 man and kept trying to bodyblock hooks

>read the story first

>odor also alerts survivors of nearby killer
just like a heartbeat?

>wide eyes allows a larger viewing radius from the first person

A lot of this sounds pretty cool to me, though like the other user said "hundreds" might obviously be a bit much on that one thing. Also it kind of sounds like a better version of the doctor's insanity "I'M OVER HERE NOW" doppelgangers which whenever possible you want to try and avoid too much overlap or power creep.

I don't see a single intelligent person in that conversation


Not even them but you should, not because of their idea but because it's a neat story. Also to get it out of the way yeah yeah Lovecraft had a bunch of issues and it wasn't hard to look at a bunch of their work being loony ranting about anyone who wasn't a waspy englishman.

>Abloo bloo you camper
>As the Trapper
>A large easy to spot man who lays bear traps

>They were too uncreative to even come up with all different names
>u target
>u tunnel

What even is this, I understand tunnel but like why is this a forbidden art now, just chasing someone and securing the kill? I know the actual answer is "B-because you should let us run away and heal first and then never actually get us!" but christ, at least try and hide your survivor shittery. I don't even get target though, I thankfully haven't run into anyone being a big enough baby for that one yet.

>Iron Man mask

You have fine taste but I prefer Rogi.


Every time ;_;

I wish Ace's perks weren't such assssss, why is it that every character I love is stuck with worthless personal bits.

Because people are plebs and just wanna play their shitter magnets like claude.


I wish Claudette wasn't regarded how she is, she's a qt but goddammit, it's the same with AJ, any given random person is probably only playing them to be a giant piece of shit.

All the survivors are CUTE! Killers too!

Yea I mean they could remake it so it's a high priest or some shit or something not directly lovecraft based. It's just that there isn't a main villain in that story but a mass of them. And yes, hundreds was an exaggeration but a lot compared to the doctor.
Yea like heartbeat but I'm thinking with a much wider radius so that survivors can get a huge advantage if they can manage the skill checks and get a head start. If not they're at a huge disadvantage. Also it will make players super paranoid.
Yea it's very similar to the doctor's doppelgänger I suppose but they would be unidirectional maybe. Hundreds obviously is too much. What's power creep?

Sorry ignore the question I googled it

>tfw no cute Herman

I've seen some around

Post some Chad

>mfw it was all an elaborate setup for a lawsuit
>mfw they'll never find the bodies


>if someone threatens to kill you, you have no business being upset unless you're dead

Everyone's given up on the Wraith.

Can nerds just stop raping Lovecraft's corpse for five minutes already?

>community manager does shitty thing and refuses to listen to community
>cries when community gets angry at him
>goes full lockdown mode and creates community blocked mod echo chamber

At least as a survivor, he can switch out everything that makes him mechanically unique for someone else's perks.

Anyone got a mirror of the dilly dingus video?

I just bought the game and holy shit, its fun as fuck, been playing for 5 hours straight.
But GODDAMNIT its filled with brazilians and chileans who are just assholes, killing other councelors and helping jason, i'm argentinian and i talk in english but these fucks try the best they can not to speak in english,and when they do they do it just to insult you.
The only times i had people griefing, killing me, escaping with the car or trying to run me over they are all either brazilians or chileans.
I even catched some fucking asshole putting beartraps in the windows so you can't get in/ out from the cabins.

I'll never give up on my nigga Phil.

I know it would obviously hurt his identity, but they should just ditch the stealth idea and make it something more practical but still interesting. That or just let the poor fucker attack from stealth except it pulls him out of it obviously.

>Bans shitter for completely in-line reason, so much that said shitter has said they deserved it by this point
>Shitter plays victim before all this however and ribbit smells a good old outrage shitstorm to take part in as they're want to do
>Outrage provides cover for sociopaths to play internet detective and start sending violent threats as they always do
>Ribbit mods time out the forum for a little to clean shit up and stop autists trying to doxx people

I really don't like defending users much less mods of that flaming shithole site, but you're trying too hard to be reductive.

you're leaving out the part where the mods refused to ban the other people who broke the rules and tried to defame him

>Jason obviously going easy, trying to make things fun
>Vanessa: man this Jason is fucking shit hahahaha
>he goes tryhard and shiftgrabs all of us

>Talk shit
>Get hit

Not you but that's kinda how it falls. I try to be fun for people, like despite playing Part 8 I won't immediately start combat stancing doors or any of that, but if people start being turds you bet your ass the gloves are coming off.


>shoot Jason with shotgun right after he finished busting through wall
>get the +50 XP showing that I did hit him
>he was shifting at the same time, shift+grabs me into death

Cool fucking glitchy piece of shit alpha shit.

>Jason can block firecrackers

what is this shit

>Despite not liking Trapper at all anymore gameplay-wise, still dumping all my points into him to make Brutal Strength teachable

It's suffering watching him run up so high while my actual love(s) Herman and Michael just sit there.

>jason can block anything and get out for free

is there any reason to not pick a gangbang of blacks and sluts and just outrun Jason the entire game and pray he sucks at shift grab?

He can block bear traps too if he walks over them in combat stance.

Don't expect it to ever change either, jason is supposed to be op

O u t p l a y e d

Unironically saying that as well, I fucking love doing that or even seeing it done. Bait someone to aim and then pop up right in front of them just after they fire, some instant transmission shit.