/civ4xg/ - Stellaris, Endless, Civilization and 4X Games General

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Eternal end edition

> Official and Unofficial Wiki
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> Horatio splicing guide
>ES2 politics guide.

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> WIP Ship Design Guide for 1.5.1:
> Another Ship Design Guide for 1.5:
> Wiki:
> The Development of Stellaris
> Steam group

> Manual:
> Wiki:

> Browser Civ Game, plays like civ2
> Fix for Civ IV BTS XML errors:
> Civilization Analyst (Civ VI, Civ V, BE):
> Civ V Giant Multiplayer Robot:
> Civ 5 Mods
> Civ 5 More Mods
> Civ 5 Drafter
> District Cheat Sheet:
> /civ4xg/ steam group

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>MoO 2

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I think we got knocked off the board from page 5 somehow.

sorry that's you're a slow fuck, user, but the board was raided by a vp furry

A retarded spammer used a bot.

Most of the board was bumped off.

Very nice.

>stuck in a shitty position on my continent
>figure I can settle on a comfy island AND do a competitive quest
I've made some mistakes.

Those roving armies probably aren't aggressive.

I think most quest armies usually ignore you, but I can't really settle there with 7 fucking stacks running around.

Morgawr quest sends enemies that beeline for a city in my experience

I thought they beelined Morgawr cities like how angry quest armies will only target their spawners cities.

>thread died
The fuck happened?

Literally scroll up 5 posts.

What does a shitty Endless Legend position have to do with all my favourite threads disappearing?

Look at the first few posts of the thread you clueless spiderfag

Scroll up so that you have moved 5 posts off the screen retard.

For Age of Wonders 3, are there any mods that makes the game more realistic by doings things such as forbidding animal units from activativating events?

Also, I'm new to 4X games, is AoW the only one of its kind? A 4X with a lot of roleplaying(gameplay and immersion-wise)?

I don't know what vp is.
But I know they're faggots.

Endless Legend and Fallen Enchantress are similar RPG/4x hybrids.

Is there not a non-fantasy game such as this? mite b cool

Maybe Beyond Earth, but I heard awful things about it.

Endless Space 2 might qualify.

Is this where I ask about Rimworld? I'm gonna ask about Rimworld.

For the "Rim of madness" mods, do you know if they work fine with the Psychology mod? And in addition, if you want to play cannibal fish-rapist space cultists, do you run the Lovecraft storyteller or od you just run cults and cosmic horrors? I kinda got the feeling that the Lovecraft storyteller would just throw monsters and shit at you which I didn't particularly want if I was going to be the antagonist and attack and fuck with all the friendly factions on the planet.

>I'm gonna ask about Rimworld.
Yay, my time to shine and boast about all the knowledge I accumulated!

>For the "Rim of madness" mods

Why are you angry friend? Are the mods shit? I genuinely have no idea, it's just that I've played through a few vanilla Rimworld games and I thought Rimjobworld/Rim of Madness/Psychology for monster sex dungeons and going hostile against everyone would be kinda cool instead of just farming and trading all day every day.

It's just that I only played vanille Rimworld.
I can't help with the mods, so all I can do is stare and hope you won't think that Rimworld is frowned upon or anything.

No worries. I'm not that big on mods in general either, just kinda felt like a change of pace.

The only mods I used so far are the windows mods (because glasshouses exists in real world), and the medieval mod (because I don't like firearms, they break my suspension of disbelief).

And of course Moody and the Careful Preparation mod, but these are mandatory. Last vanilla game I played, I got 5 pacifists out of 6.
The wolves were not hungry that winter.

Any of the DLC civs for 6 actually worth buying?

Yeah, the lack of windows in the base game makes no goddamn sense. Some things that make no sense in the game I can roll with, like a single pistol taking as much space in a storeroom as a LMG, but I don't understand the lack of windows.

And god damn, 5 pacifists out of 6? That's rough.

When are we getting more Civ VI DLC?

But the windows are not as overpowered as I thought. They're just a meager replacement for sun lamps.

You still can't have a glasshouse like in ARK, sadly.

Rimworld is that faggy prison architect ripoff where there's no vertical building, right?
Yeah nah fuck off from here with that shit

even the hack youtubers are giving up on 6

It's dwarf fortress ripoff with no dwarfs.

[ends eternally]

Civ VI Japan is really fun to play.

Please do not bully the Riftborn.

tell them to stop forward settling on me like cunts then

>riftborn forward-settles you
every time

Then stop downloading your consciousness in bodies made for bullying.

Is there a place where I can get the Endless Legend DLC for cheap/free? I bought the Emperor version of the game during the steam sale because I thought it came with the DLCs but I'm fucking stupid and can't read and didn't get jack shit.

>Is there a place where I can get the Endless Legend DLC for cheap/free?
Pirate Bay

I don't know how to do that user. Anywhere else or should I just buy them in shame?

It's not hard user: Download a torrent client, Rtorrent is fine, install, go to pirate bay, and download the torrent at the top

Isn't Pirate Bay a honey-pot, now?

What ever happened to KAT?

>Isn't Pirate Bay a honey-pot, now?
No more than usual. It's unlikely your going to get more than a letter from you ISP for downloading games

>What ever happened to KAT?
Owner got busted, Server seized IIRC

>be too poor to buy games
>be too stupid to pirate games
>be too paranoid to pirate games even with explicit instructions

Keep Yourself Safe, user.

I'm not him, but I tried to pirate in 4 separate occasions and every single time I got a bitcoin miner virus that was wearing down my GPU.

>Ohhhh just be careful, look at the comments or whatever
Motherfucker they were VIP uploads and everyone in the comments were saying it's safe.

Piracy is bad mmkay? You can never get the latest version of whatever it is you want to play.

I feel like Stellaris stops being fun once the early game ends and I've stopped heavily exploring/expanding.

I just saw this image for the first time in Endless Space 2 the other day. It was really neat in a worldbuilding sort of way.

It is but I don't have a choice for the next few years.

>mfw a muskratnigger is being a muskratnigger near me

I've never seen that before. Is it a mod?

No way, the art is too good.

I think Prison Architect ripped off Rimworld actually.
...but they both ripped off Dorf Fortress so whatever

It is a mod anons, but I don't know it

It's not a mod, it really is in vanilla.
Not even Utopia.
It's the popup for when unrest causes planets to shift xenophilic.

So it says here ES2 is rated E 10+, citing fantasy violence and mild suggestive themes. But where are the mild suggestive themes? Does this refer to Horatio?

Got bad news for you about Tropico, then.

What's up with Tropico?

Haven't played Stellaris in a while and starting it up again.
What's the best X slot weapon nowadays? Tachyon Lance? Or something weird like Focused Arc Emitter?

Kinetic is the best for X.

Is there even any kinetic X slot weapon?

megacannon or whatever

>send explorer ship into the vast unknown
>Teonha, home of the Bhagaba
>it isn't colonized, entire system is empty

Doesn't the Bhaghaba robot sphere look like one of the Sowers or Automatons heroes?

>start as Horatio
>travel 2 systems from capital

X is bad.
Better to run the hull with 2 kinetic batteries than 1 giga cannon

this is why those Apple Store looking faggots need to be permabullied in every game session of es 2

You're the first person I've ever seen that says X slot weapons are bad.

It's not that they're bad, it's that they're inefficient.

That's good though. Rush them early and assimilate them

so, question about stellaris. if i start a game, play for a bit then buy the utopia and leviathan dlcs, would i have to start a new game for them work?

>research upgraded battleship as riftborn
>hope for some more fucking support slots
>nope, it's even more guns

That is their ship gimmick, extreme specialization.

So i got GalCiv III from Humble Monthly.
Is it worth it without the shitbucket of DLCs?
Should I bother at all?

>buying anything from paradox
just pirate the game and dlc so you don't have to ask this question

You realize that Riftborn are top tier splicing materials, right?

The answer is yes

the only dlc i plan on buying right are utopia and leviathan, the others i'll wait on. its not like its CK2 with $100+ of miscellaneous shit

welp, time to abandon this game...

>its not like its CK2 with $100+ of miscellaneous shit

bump ded general.

Autistic boredom, even with the DLCs

I have a question: is corvette spamming still broken or is it fixed now?

Still broken.

Have between 50 and 79 unrest, one of unrest events is about changing the planet's ethics towards xenophile, xenophobe, pacifist, militarist, towards government ethics, or away from government ethics.

>Celestial Empire
>Build up a respectable blob through early game territorial grabbing, infiltrating primitives and vassalising and then intergrating neighbors who got their shit pushed in by other neighbors
>Never been at war
>The Federation everyone joined in response to the war in heaven (Not the league) decided I was a more important target than the Awakened Empires
>Despite having the most powerful navy after the awakened empires I get destroyed because half the galaxy ganged up on me

Fuck pacifist runs.

Did Stellaris fix empires not giving a shit about end game crisis, even when they're affecting allies/federation members?

>Xenophobe fallen empire right next to me awakens
>stomp them quickly because their right next to me and I was already eyeing off their plannets
>shortly afterwards the Xenophile Fallen empire awakens as a responce to the Xenophobes awakening
I just cucked myself out of a War in Heaven event didn't I
I swear at this Rate I will never get to see it
Same with the Crisis's 9 times out of 10 they spawn right next to me and I kill them before they even get a foothold

How do I get into turn-based games?

>choose white ruler
>hier is black

play Heroes of Might and Magic 3

> get vasselised by Advance Start neighbour in 2213
> 2240, materialist FE DoW's them for building colonies too close
> "Ha ha, time for FREEDOM"
> can't DoW my master while we're both fighting the FE
> "whatever, I'll do it the day after the peace treaty once his fleet's been stackwiped"
> overlord's fleet can't catch FE fleet so never gets blammed
> peaces out after 8 years of war with his fleet still totally intact and only losing 2 outpost colonies


To add insult to injury, during the truce my overlord rebuilt the colonies and the FE didn't do shit.

I, also, went ages withoit seeing a war in heaven.
But don't get your hopes up for epic superpower clash when you do trigger it; it's riddled with bugs and most of the time the blocs don't form because if you're already at war (and every regular AI usually is) the appropriate diplo options don't open up at the right time.


Can anyone explain what the tunneled slipgates anomaly in ES2 does?

Maybe the King Consort is black.

>its not like its CK2 with $100+ of miscellaneous shit
Give it a couple of years.

That's because the only fun part of Stellaris is the very early-game and you'll have to buy $500 worth of DLC to make the other parts of the game fun.