/pubg/ PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds General

Dead threads for a live game edition

>Online maps with loot highlighted

>Flight path calculator

>Resources for statpadders

>Empty wiki

>Month 3 update patch notes

If you have any decent resources for this game feel free to suggest and add them.

Previous dead: →

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first for pewdiepie

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drdisrespect playing with break

Lel he is trolling him so hard

Discord is ruining Veeky Forums.

God I hope they add the FAL at some point.

>people that loot the blue 80% of the game

>another ak
Wow its fucking nothing

Loot the blue?

For such a popular game, this general is rather empty

Everyone is using that shitty talking app Discord.

Fucking normbloids

Ded gaem

>being this retarded

FALs and AKs aren't even close, it would be closer to an SKS.

It's only popular because of twitch, and then after you buy it and play it for a month you realize how shit the game is and stop playing, hence the dead general

Even the twitch streamers which gave this game life are talking shit about it, but it's not like they can stop playing since its the popular flavor. I feel for them

Ninja, Dr, Summit etc...

Is there anything more upsetting?

please tell me i did good by buying this shit?

Nope. You got trolled my man

Damn I just want to play this game at maximum velocity like the Dr

The core concept of this game is nice but how much time does it take to get burned out? Only one map in play right now. While there is a skill gap, the matches are pretty straight forward. So what gives?

You made it to top 10, good job!

Played it for more then a month, still having fun, not seeing your point

Well that depends, are you having fun?

Being the guy in the parachute

Well that varies from person to person. I've been playing for a couple weeks now, no burn out in sight especially with the new map on the way. The adrenaline high from a well earned chicken dinner is pretty addictive

Surely you're wrong and you just don't know what having fun is....

Or... do you have *friends*???

>3 of your squadmates always get killed by one of the enemy

I'm starting to question my life choices.

show me to the discord


Thank you whoever for the Reshade tip. The game is noticeably more pleasing to look at since I installed it.

Wew lads this game is bad

You are holding onto the slim hope that it will get better because it's in EA, well tough luck, you will waste 6 months figuring out this game is 99% finished with no major changes in site

SCAR is the shittiest rifle.
Come at me.

>muh stability

>turned on the game to mess around the settings
>went to some remote place and fiddled with settings and switching monitors for a good while
>no weapons nothing
>go to random house might as well try to kill someone
>im in circle just gonna wait with 1 shotgun from the house

I fucking ended up taking a car and driving until it was smaller and winning the game with 2 kills fucking crazy

why cant i play this good solo

Nobody gives a fuck about your username Truehitman2012

>you are on the 2nd floor of the garage building
>you jump from the balcony and kill the guy from behind while he camps the stairs


>Cropping out your names
That's why. TYour shame keeps you from fulfilling your true potential

Put some pants on.

Because Duo/Squad have baby mode revive system that lets you never learn from your mistakes as long as one of your fuccbois is around to save you.

It's pretty fun and it really gets your heart pumping when you make it to top 10. Every little sound, every little thing you do could be the difference between win or lose. You eventually get into spots where you can see every other enemy and the decision comes down to kill one or two of them or just wait it out.
I haven't been burned out by the map yet, it's pretty fucking huge and there's a shitload of different scenarios. What does get me is uncontrollable RNG. Sometimes the Circle spawns on the other side of the map and you traverse half the map but don't find a car. Other times you make it to the top 10 only to get colossally fucked because the final 2 circles favored the other guy behind the rock while you're stuck running through open field.

Does it affect FPS in any way? I like the look, but the game runs like shit sometimes and I can't afford to spare any.

>play squad/duo
>always first to die
>always find shit loot
>aim like shit
>play solo
>all of a sudden become Rambo
>actually can aim well
>find 3 Kar98, 2 SKS, 7 AR suppressor, 6 painkiller and a blowjob all in the same house
>no one else to share loot with
not fair.

High speed, low drag. Anything else is suicide.

>game goes into early access
>they haven't really fixed much since being in EA
>improved performance drastically
>added a couple of guns
>added the vaulting animation

>still haven't fixed the circles
>still haven't fixed the third person view mechanics
>still haven't fixed the shit tier RNG weapon system to have it make sense

>some of the custom servers are 100x better versions of PUBG just by tweaking a few basic settings

Cool meme

What's wrong with the circles and 3rd person?

They are too RNG at times, and they almost exclusively focus in on middle of nowhere end games where cover is sparse - which feeds into

>Third Person View
In short, it's circumstantial wall hax that are always on. Someone behind a tree has perfect information, whereas you, if you are forced to move via the circle, are deprived of all info. If the game was first person only, you could reasonably make decisions - "I don't see anyone looking at us, so I'll run!" or whatever.

It's not that, necessarily, any of these two things on their own are inherently bad - it's the combination of them that makes them bad.

3rd person is boring, it makes the game too defensive

Circles make some areas useless

3rd person encourages camping by allowing people to view things while remaining in cover. If the game has forced 1st person, people have to peek and reveal themselves in order to see their opponent.

Valid arguments.

In hyperbolic terms, it's wallhacks that apply to some people at certain times

In just normal game terms, even if somebody had to peek a few inches of their head to see out of a window, you'd atleast have a chance of seeing them - as opposed to right now, which is no chance

What if the circle closes in, and effectively ends the game in that area?

Don't care about circles being RNG, but I agree with the third-person

I would completely rescind my claims about the RNG circles if it was FP only. HOWEVER I think the circles can still be tweaked. But it would fix the majority of my issues

What if we got a hunger games style map for duos, everybody starts at the center, loot in the middle for the brave and stupid, aka the grab what you can and get out map.

i honestly thing it would be a good change.

People have been suggesting this from the start

>Middle has either high value military items and level 3's galore
>Outer areas has sparse loot and shittier guns

Make the middle area the size of one of the small cities, like Pochinki, so it's not just a loot pile in the middle, and you are golden

I prefer the loot areas being more spread out, it's not like someone's just going to come across an M249 in some random woodhut at the moment. The really good shit is always in the built up areas.

How well would large cities work?

Game is fun but is it just me or does it run like asshole on anything but low settings? If I open my inventory it freezes up for like 2 minutes, when I land after jumping the houses are still using the far away models and I can't enter anything. I'm at my 2 hours so does anyone have any advice for optimizing it or should I refund and hang my head

Third-person is hot trash for the exact reason you described.
I think that circles would be less detrimental if they were always just a bit slower than running speed.

Post your pc specs

8gb ram
i3 6100 @3.7

I think it's because I'm on windows 7

Hard to find good videos on FPV only servers, but StoneMountain64 did one


Game looks WAY fucking better gameplay wise, but not as polished obviously since it was designed for third person, but even just watch how he's clearing the house, checking windows, etc.

Did they change something with the pump shotty? I got killed twice today because I load it with 5 shells, switch back to shotty to kill someone short range at some point and I have to pump it. Complete bullshit, I had ample time to shoot but I couldn't.

Its a cpu/ram intensive gaym, also im not familiar with amd cards, whats the nvidia counterpart

you have exactly three seconds to tell me why you don't pick up the crossbow.

a 970
turns out i was actually right at 3 hours anyways
i'll just have to manage on lower settings, it works fine but i like pretty games and i can run arma much better

Moving the game folder onto an ssd and upping to 16gb ram helps

>game still hasn't added civilian style weapons, like bolt action hunting rifles that don't have a scope mount and semi auto only civilian rifles that can't take foregrips, suppressors, etc.
>they still let you put an 8x on the Kar98

>>they still let you put an 8x on the Kar98

there is literally nothing wrong with this though

>they still let you put an 8x on the Kar98

What did he/she/xe/apachehelicopter mean by this

Didn't know the gun invented in 1935 also had a mounting system that was invented in 1980. Silly me

>thought this game was some normiebait for normies
>looks like maximum normie game
>based around super flawed games and shares some of their flaws moving forward
>but it seems like people are having so much fun......
>decide not to buy it
>friend buys it for me and himself
>duo all day and have the most fun ever, including winning the map by hiding inside a flower bush

friends are sugoi

Someday there better be 24/7 rain custom servers. Goddamn I love Thunderstorms so much in this game and IRL, it lets you be so much more aggressive because of the noise saturation. That and its so damn cozy.

Silly user >:3 bahhh

>only one 8x scope exists
>no kar98k has ever had an 8x scope mounted
>only picatinny rails exist
>i hate fun and cant understand that im playing a video game
>i dont know enough to be bothered by tons of weapons using the wrong ammo

its becuase you have an i3 and a mechanical hard drive

this game requires SSD. requires.


Nice try faggot.

>game is using 1913 pic rails on a Kar98

Just seems silly to go out of your way to include a WW2 gun if you are just going to modernize it. Why not include more relevant weapons like a Remington 700, one of the most popular 7.62/.308 rifles in the world that actually makes sense to have rails? Especially since having an iron sight only bolt action rifle would be fun as shit in the game?

Oh wait they put the M24's in Airdrops for some reason so, shit, guess we have to take a WW2 gun and modify it up! OOPS!

I have a system similar to yours but with a pretty good SSD. The average framerate isn't that horrible but the frame pacing is all over the place and I get stuttering. It does freeze for a sec when opening the inventory and I get lower FPS there. Refund?

haven't you noticed they like the soviet shit aesthetic? even their newest rifle added is russian


>provides good argument about how scopeless Kar98 would be good for a video game

It's almost like I already covered that in my post user

Do you have aspberges faggot, just seems silly to go out of your way to display such a large amount of autism if you're just gonna act like there's nothing wrong with you. Why not include more relevant phrases like "its only a videogame so it doesnt matter", one of the most popular non autistic responses that actually makes sense to have come from the mouth of someone without a disability? Especially since being on Veeky Forums wouldnt you want to try to not be as much as a faggot as others here?

Oh wait, its you. Youre an annoying cunt who cant fucking accept that games arent always realistic! OOPS!

no the grammar isnt gonna be the smoothest, I'm just trying to keep true to the source material

>some rifles can hold addons others can't

needlessly complicates and slows the game design, shifting emphasis from fighting to looting, bad decision sorry move on from it

Only if you don't mind playing on low until you upgrade or if you can fit it in the time limit

Of all the realism shit you could complain about you pick that? Not the fact that it fires the same round as the sks/akm and the nagant revolver somehow?

>Makes realistic argument
>Makes argument about how that realism actually feeds into the gameplay

yes having a bolt action rifle that has the same stats as a rifle that can be attachment'd up is good gameplay

>shifting emphasis from fighting to looting
The games core loop actively involves looting. Making trade offs in the loot should be, and is, a key component of the game. Do I want to pick up this Vector with 500 rounds or this AKM with 60 rounds? You are forced all the time in the game to make loot decisions - what if you only have a level 1 backpack, or no backpack? What supplies do you pick up?

no not really you mostly loot what you see

slowing down the game with "this rifle can't tkae scopes" is bad period

>slowing down the game with "this rifle can't tkae scopes" is bad period

I completely disagree because if you want to build your game on this axiom in general, we should have two weapons of each class - the world loot version, and the crate drop version. There is no reason to have the M16, M416, the SCAR, and all this other shit at all.

We should also remove the ammo management component of the game as it complicates weapon choice - I have an M16, and found a Kar98, if I drop my M16 and pick up an AK, I can share the ammo pool, freeing up space in my backpack for more redbulls

Or even more simply, you spawn with a level 3 backpack, so you are always aware of exactly how much loot you can carry

Let us simply simplify the game and have it focus exclusively on murder

>I completely disagree

doesn't really matter when you've demonstrated you don't understand the design intent of this game. g'day

>writes huge post about how simplifying the entire looting mechanics would feed into a "murder first, loot on autopilot" loot system
>"you've demonstrated you don't understand the design intent of this game"

wew lad are you always this smug when you have no argument?

Mate you're just a dumb cunt

ITT: The biggest faggot known to mankind

>no arguments or rebuttals


>literally incapable of realizing hes the elephaggot in the room and that people have given up on his childish autism

Go back to >>/k/

Feel free to not reply. I've provided structured, sound arguments that feed both into the design intent of the game and just generic gameplay concepts.

If you are this booty blasted feel free to go to reddit where only the most positive, permissible ideas are on display

>feel free to not reply
Nice attempt of trying to win an internet argument
>bullshit about structure
muh intellects
>that last sentence
Fucking hell please be under 20, theres already too many wizards in this world

>muh internet arguments

Looking for some feedback on my video.


Any feedback, really. This was the first thing I actually edited

is there any rain servers on rn?