Aog - ace attorney general

Suicide edition

/aog/ is a place to primarily discuss Attorney Online but also Ace Attorney in general.
Whether you want to talk about your favorite cases or characters it's all welcome here.

>What is Attorney Online?

In short: It's multiplayer Ace Attorney.
AO is a virtual chatroom/courtroom mix which we use to perform improvised AA-like trials, Civil Cases, Class Trials, Jury Cases, Investigations and more! Choose from a wide selection of AA characters (and guest characters), pick a position (Defence, Prosecution, Judge, Witness, etc.) and dive into a whirlwind of logic, banter, theories and memes.

Come join us on our server:
Attorney Online Vidya (Dedicated)

>The Main Reference Doc (contains AO downloads, rules, FAQs, polls and more):
Be sure to check there for the Quickstart Guide!

>Gameplay footage?
Streams are usually on twitch, evening US time. You can also check out recordings of previous cases there via guardlytheguard, lawfuldickish, and toodamnsmug, or their corresponding youtube channels.

Alternatively, you can look through our Case Archive to find completed documents and recordings of cases:

>Archive Initiative (for case recordings)

>How to create black footage for the 3DS games

Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 browser

Other urls found in this thread:

first for mommy s

>layton saves the day by going judge

server poll passes, rule 10a and 10b will be recinded

The number of yes votes to no votes?

someone go steno so we can start please

The next poll will be "Make Hazama's hair green". To vote, "/pm Votemod" 'yes' or 'no'.

due to a power out, it was low, however overwhelmingly one sided, so instead of re-polling a poll that was quite clearly going to pass I simply passed it. 13-4

that's bending the rules, don't do that

Please repoll this.

Local tranny asked if xhe ever gets tired of winning: sources say no.

the admin literally can't bend the rules because she is the rules

Because the old thread died, will the administration do anything about faceless gathering information on people for no reason? Or will this too be swept under the rug?

Can we have a poll to punish faceless for his rule breaking, anongrill?

Suggested by the discord. Make sure to vote yes if you agree or no if you disagree.

being as I have a bit better information on the subject, and I know when that was created and who and why, No.
There was a reason to gather that info. Not too happy about whoever decided it would be okay to plaster it on the thread, but I already received multiple messages from people involved stating directly that the accusation Fclss was responsible for it is was false.

You can, but I'll reject it.

no more shitposting also fuck that king of japan guy

Update the OP with the latest DGS2 trailer and release data already.
I thought we liked Ace Attorney around here.

>The sheer speed the rule 11 poll was denied by Anongrill

Boards have informed me I should be quicker with these things to not get peoples hopes up.

We're a dangitronpa server.

This game is dead.

Well they're right.

I did want to judge the reaction from the poll first, though. Oh well.

Except it's not false. We have the timestamp of when the doc was made, it was Fclss who made it, it was LONG before the lawsuit, it was Fclss who found his youtube, and posted his face in client and in the doc, calling him a pedophile.

I kinda would have liked to have guaged the response to it as well, tbqh.

Have you missed the part where Jumbles stated that he's the one who created the doc, and locked it?

As far as YOU know, the youtube was posted in the lounge during the acme docbomb, and prior as well, by the user of the youtube channel himself.

I DID post the face simply due to it being front and center of one of the video clips in his channel, however, I called him something akin to, what was it... fedoracore neckbeard or something?

Jumbles said he locked it, not that he added all of that stuff.


delete this


Luke Atmey

What do they all have in common?

they're all in your next ct

They're all meme characters who are never roleplayed properly.



All sluts

>Stop roleplaying on this roleplaying game

This king is retarded

>due to a power out,
So, my vote didn't count?

>I DID post the face
Why? What someone looks like is nothing to do with you.

Yeah, I don't disagree with you.




the same amount



niko when

Let's not slow down too much, aog.

Anybody have any problems in cases lately?

Fuck off Idler

Yes, you weren't there to play with us and have fun.


add this

I would be, but there's no cases to join right now.

Christ that case went to shit at the end. It was fun though

It seems lately that cases have been going more smoothly than previously. Wits are learning where and when to bend, same for prosecution and defense players are learning to ((see)) it. I'm proud of you all.

Not a good thing

So anonymose grill. Same time as yesterday. Want talk shit aboot someone who didnt do any ting to you again ?

Wake up.
Your hell is not over

Being a part of history is a mixed bag.

What dumbass is polling the "Local Menace" rule?

What good cases have you had recently, /aog/?
Are ya winnin'?

The Old Turnabout

The witch trials are gonna start crashing soon. It's a tradition for witch trials dood

stop with the chrono meme already

DLC picture for MAAI3

sure you're a fgt :^)

God cannot save us from our mistakes.

What isn't a good thing?


>That title
There is not a force on heaven nor earth that can make me click play.

Because fetishes

Give every mod a grade from F to A+

Can you list them first?

all of them: F

Anongrill B
Namu F
Adam A+
Gina A+
Bro A
Clovo C

A+ goes to adam
The rest go ungraded because they literally dont matter

Anongrill - C+
Could be way better.

AdamBlue - B
Adam is always alright, but isn't always available.

Namu - D-
I feel like Namu is useless. Maybe they can change the way the public perceives them.

Clovo - A-
Self-explanatory. Mods, does announcements, and helps manage the server docs. Bit of a twat though.

Bro - A
He's a good lad who seemingly only has one task, modding the server, and can do it pretty well

Gina - A+
I'm not even memeing either. Even though Gina makes questionable judgements she still takes modding very seriously all the time and sticks to her convictions.

Change Anongrill to a D and I agree fully.

I'd give Anongrill the D

Anongrill: D-
Doesn't even mod it feels like, and constantly stirs the pot in the thread for fun. I don't like the way they run the server.

Namu: F
Namu is like Anongrill, but he acts like he has a huge chip on his shoulder with everyone.

AdamBlue: D
I know I would get shit for this. I have no vendetta against Adam, and when he does moderate it's usually fair. But he's hard to find sometimes and harder to find on the server.

Clovo: A
Helped me with a question once. Does their job and is active in the community.

Bro: A
They are a good mod, does their job, and is active in the community.

Gina: A
Self explanatory. Does their job and does it well.

All get an A+ except for Anongrill who gets and F-

Anongrill - F. Terrible in public, terrible in private.
Namu - So bad he's ungraded. He's still growing up.
Adam B- - He's rarely on the server.
Gina C. Questionable judgement and a pushover. He's still growing up.
Bro A - solid. Cases and has good judgement.
Clovo A - solid. Cases and has good judgement.

Grill: C. Too much drama, but their judgment isn't bad.
Adam: C. Isn't on enough. Has the most interesting personality but there's no reason he should still be a mod.
Namu: F. F for failure, as Namu encompasses absolutely no qualities a mod should have. I'd bump grill up to an A if she fired him.
Bro, Clovo, Gina: A. There's nothing for it but to say that these three actually know what they're doing. They mod well and they actually case.
Liquid: B. Needs to be less power-hungry.

rate steno:

Redd White
Smol Vera
Anyone else I couldn't remember

1) Gummy

Reminder that we have fucking machines typing but they don't stenograph

>Smol Vera
Who? I know the rest

mango/idler i think

Don't forget your local globe guy, even if he doesn't steno that often.

globe guy?

Atlas, user.

Are you posting about yourself?

Every day is a new lesson, and it's good that there are people to remind you of that. Thanks.

Because I can. What's it to you, user?

Nice attention whoring mate.

Hopeman A+
Chiakigrapher A-
Other Chiaki D
Ray-Ray A
Emmy A+
Clovo A
White B
Seb B+
Gummy A+
Hajime D
Armando F- (never fucking steno again. Stop posting shit from and STOP TALKING IN CASE AND SPAMMING YOUR COFFEE BREAK EMOTE. GOD I FUCKING HATE YOU]

Speaking of Stenos, who is Peter Parker?



How to spot a pleb.