/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

New 3DS game is called "Deep Strange Journey/Strange Journey Redux" further info and teaser:


SMT HD Project teased at Nintendo Switch Presentation:

>Starter guide

>Tips and tricks

>Artbook, soundtrack, manga, and other downloads

>OST links

>Misc. translations


>Recommended reading

Previous thread:

can't believe you cucks didn't make another thread while the previos one was on the verge of dying.......again



What the fuck took this long, I was 'bout to make a thread myself.
Pic very fucking related

>Navarre tells you he felt lonely with nobody being able to see or hear him
>Then you met him and gave his life meaning again
>And you kill him
Despite becoming a Disney-esque character, he was a good boy.

A guidebook that I just got in has some pretty cool art

give me your hoy, boys



post the cover. i need this

You can get it on Amazon. Worth it for that pic of Beth alone.



Those are some shitty memes.

Off yourself.



Hallelujah is a cutie!

Demi is tsun!

I'm still a Samurai!

I want a female protagonist

Women can't handle being messiah.

>tfw the If... femprotag married a self-insert persona character

>the female if... MC is the canon one just because Tadashi wanted to marry his waifu

I want a protagonist that is not a bitch ass Messiah. Fuck Stephen and the Great Will.


>implying it may've not gotten hit by the delete wave
Which ones which? I'd guess the one on the right but who's the short haired cutie?

>he didnt play smt2

I did.
Who's the short haired cute temple knight

>he's pretending to have played SMT 2

who do YOU think that is user?

looks like the SMT1 heroine


look up her older design

Her hair is even longer in this one.

I want to know what you think the relationship between heroine and Beth is

is beth not the little girl

its beths momma

heronie is a ded bitch

wtf even happened to her anyway

we know the hero was murdered and they set it up to look like an accident but we don't even know what happened to her

at most we can theorize that she gave pascal to madam

What are they watching?

tokyo revelations

the ova

>immediate Lucifer fight after Merkahbeth.
Holy fucking shit this sucks.

Lucifer's easier than Merkabah

Yea I died the first time mainly because I got surprised I'm sure I'll get him next time, just caught me off guard. Man they make you work for that neutral route huh?

I think the artist forgot to draw Demifiend's legs...

It's not really "neutral route" so much as the other half of the game and an actual ending.

I'm almost there. P4A, P4AU, and P4DAN will be tough to get through.

>Digital Devil Saga
>boss keeps using Seraph Lore which pretty much leaves the whole party with 15hp
>his two adds finish us up
>the boss uses it every two turns
>haven't got media yet,
i-i just need a bit more atma for it ;_;

you fucking need Void Expel man

You're not quite there yet boyo, keep at it.

I personally wouldn't count the Persona fighting and dancing games, but that's up to you.

I fucked up my neutral route on IV and now I have to go Law. Someone convince me to carry on and not just start over.

even better then, since i'm farming atma for Angel on serph alongside farming for media for Argilla

Just do every route. Otherwise you haven't "beaten" the game.

Neutral is shit and will just lead to the citizens of Mikado or of Tokyo genociding each other. Law creates a literal utopia and removes degenrate fujoshits

Doing the Law route first is actually preferred, since there are no NG+ exclusive Law quests. Do Chaos route next, since it has a lot of quests that you can only do on NG+.

Do it for him

It'll be quicker to NG+

I'm now on my 4th playthrough but I went Chaos for the 2nd time again instead of going the White ending to finish this game because I wanna get revenge on Demiurge

What's up with this meme?
He's a ghost, not a Mickey Mouse ripoff who sings and dances.

>tfw you blow

>get void expel
>the boss doesn't summon his gay unicorns for 90% of the fight
>when he does he doesn't even use the combo attack i farmed void expel for



She doesn't look as out of place with her Demonica helmet/mask. I want to know who the fuck she is and where she came from.

in b4 lilith

Someone translate.

>Dat Arthur mini-portrait.

Also i think maybe she is from one of those advanced civilizations wiped out by the Shartzwelt?

Why are fertility goddesses and tit cow female demons making a resurgence in SMT? Is YHVH falling a sleep on the job?

Doi is a horny teenager and they need to sell the games somehow.

that's how SJ is

What if someone is asking Doi to draw mommy goddesses?

Cant wait for the "lets stay on the Shartzwelt and breed those mommies and female demons" route.

>Sexy demon milfs
He sounds like my man.
>works on a game which second half focuses of that aspect
Lucky man.

>The new route in DSJ is just an expanded version of the Anthony sidequest with you and Amon saving both humanity and demonkind by playing matchmaker
How would you feel?

>Amon IS Anthony

>Ever scoring.

how about a route where you become the ruler of the Schwarzvelt

does Nocturne have a canon ending? if not, which is recommended route?

True Demon

are we dead?

I hope so.

Let's talk about Chaos

Subbed PV 02 when

Was Dadga like a edgy father to Nanashi? (pic not related)

My dad revives me whenever I die so I guess?

Should I get SMTIVA or save my money for DSJ?

DSJ comes out in like a year user


you'll have plenty of time to save up for SJR

Alternatively hack your 3DS

I suppose, Dagda looked quite attached to Nanashi in the end of the anarchy route and I actually felt sad for him

>Alternatively hack your 3DS
And play the undub version, the only good thing about the eng dub is Xander Mobus as Dagda

To be fair English Lucy also sounded cooler than the nip one.

Aside from Nozomi, Toki (might be biased as I can't stand her in general) and 2-3 minor characters, the English VA was great

So this is how DemiKids came to be...

Give me your best Jack Frost screencaps
I need something to brighten my day

Finally beat Lucifer and Merkabah, think I'm done for the night. Feels pretty good though.

Kaneko come back babe

>5 out of the 10 games I've played are Persona titles


How does the new scenario in Record Breaker stack up to the vanilla DS2 story, length wise? Is it worth playing if I've already beaten DS2?

is this true

Not enough demonfus

Here's a photo of a top twenty demonfu