TERA General - /terag/

Don't end it now edition

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>Useful Links - modding, porn mods, /terag/ player's personal lewd galleries, a few useful guides

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>Veeky Forums guilds and how to join

discord.gg/gPKMfv9 - Touch Fluffy Tail discord - mostly just the discord for people who still play TERA
discord.gg/5BN8qEq - Reddit discord but it's pretty much just the TERA community disocrd now

Elin album: imgur.com/a/PdM3t
Castanic album: imgur.com/a/JJwCl

>Elin lewd SFM

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


Elins, cute or lewd?

Just let it die, let it die, let it shrivel up and die

BRHM tomorrow. i'm excited



d e a d

What happened?

Good answer.

Apparently some furry from /vp/ made a shitload of new threads.

Last night a bunch of idlemaster fans made a ton of idlemaster threads. Today some furfag from /vp/.

I should check if I have some idolmaster spanking stuff.

Stop making excuses and just accept the general is beyond dead

>"p... please trust my opinion, guys!"

I'll keep the thread alive this time

hes not even wrong about this general being dead though


You will fail, Shepard.



They probably know it and use it to manipulate people.

Slightly lewd

They can manipulate me into giving headpats if they want~

I remember a lorefag explaining in game that elins were actually very manipulative. Kinda like the fair folk, they have their own logic and their own goals, who just happen to meet the Federation's own goals.

How can anyone deny a request from a cute little elin? So much cuteness is truly dangerous

Please headpat me ?


it looks cropped, as if you are sucking on something and looking up at the one feeding it to you

You're a cutie , thank you very much !
Perceptive ! Someone was feeding me with delicious cheesecake

Headpatting cuties is my life

let me fap to you in game Matsu!

That's really nice of you !

what's so good about brhm

Thank you!
I also offer tail brushing and hugs

Sorry~ I grabbed her for a content thing!

Wah, you look adorable in that dress

i miss peri


Is one of you a spooky ghost?

please stop dying.
What am I going to do if this general dies?

You can move on to better generals

Let me fap to you in game kyntsune

Oh my god! Since when did bosses in low tier dungeons have so much HP?
This is soooo much more fun, to actually fight the bosses, instead of just killing them in 20 seconds.

Must be really difficult, or drawn out, to solo dungeons now.

How is it possible for a thread to be this dead

Not enough human butt

Who is that elf in the OP and does she fuck?

I'm worried that all the lewd posting scared everyone away.

no, its because you stopped, so post more


always need more butts, they keep the threads alive

can you also post some front shot with your kitty elin? i love her face and on imgur if with bear chest/naked~

The other user was right, the lack of lewd posting is what drove everyone away. No sluts posted so I took my jerking elsewhere. It's been almost 40 minutes since you posted a butt. Spread those legs, slut.

>Spread those legs, slut.
Does this please you?

Sorry it took so long I can be all yours now if you want.

Any fap sluts on right now?

does this elin slut want to be played with?


As long as you are okay with the apperance i'm using being client side

Mmn. So fucking lewd. Take a picture from behind. I can't lewd right now because no privacy but damn do I love some teasing. What's your IGN for future reference when I decide I need to dump a load?


That is completely fine with me, I sent a friend request

Are priest completely obsolete now? Or at least after the patches? So many mystic buffs, even though mystic is already better.


My fucking dick. You make me want to cum.


This one is a lot better with sounds.


keep it up~

Post webms with super short skirts. Make me blow my load.

we can talk in game if you like cutie

Are you the same slut that gave her name earlier in thread?

Sure am. You want to say "hi"?






do a few /win with a couple outfits with skirts
bonus points for webms


god.. so fucking good! morreee

Good morning /terag/
Finally home.

Welcome back~

Does this mean we can expect fresh explicit shots of your castanic pussy and ass daily?

I'm not sure about daily. But I'll try my best to pump some out at least. Still no outfits and I'm not too good at taking screens yet!

Did you just get off? I tried to meet you ingame

You could always use the proxy for costumes.

I switched characters. Message me on CH@ bunniesarelewd

When can we look forward to you being available~?

What's the proxy? Does it allow me to use whatever outfits and stuff I want clientside? Loving the butts!
I'm going to go out in about an hour or so. So I'm available right now until I have to leave~

hmm, I think I'm about to finish wrapping up some stuff so that works out

>Does it allow me to use whatever outfits and stuff I want clientside
Yes that is what I have been doing. Message me on the above and i can help you out with it.

I was so worried the slut posting would stop. God bless you sluts.

Good good. Leranie on CH or discord buttcrack elf

Any sluts I can fap to online?


I played Amnesia for you earlier. I wanted to relive old memories

I didn't get very far from where I originally left of due to my constant pausing. I was a coward then and a coward now

I'm going to fuck that bunny butt.

Not if I get there first.


I kinda have to fap at work now

Keep going.


deleting my posts was very rude janny

Good girl.
