The Secret World /tswg/ + Legends /swlg/

It's not dead, its just a secret.

Other urls found in this thread:

First for Carter.

It sucks. Funcom killed this game.

Best girl.

At this point I'm wondering if the game won't close before its Steam release...

More like people were too retarded for the first one and killed it, then Funcom tried to appeals them with a washed-up, money-hungry version and killed himself afterward.

>At this point I'm wondering if the game won't close before its Steam release...

isn't it on steam already?

TSW is, not SWL (the relaunch).

>Notice: Secret World Legends will be available on Steam by the end of July
And they pulled TSW out the Store, too.

It's literally the same game though, aside from a combat gameplay update.




Fuck The Cost of Magic with a rusty chainsaw.

Carter is super cute.

Assuming they actually continue the story, what location do you want to head into?

Most bets are in the Congo but I wouldnt mind a detour into the Hive prison.

Even vg threads can't stay up long enough before they die.
I wonder how many accounts are actually active but it must be low, like Battlestillborn open weekend low.
Only the retard whales are keeping it alive.

To be fair, the last general was nuked by some poke autist.

>when you get offered the succ

How long do you give it?

eh fuck this game

have fun slaving away to mythic unless you swipe a couple hundred

Childhood is waifuing Carter, adulthood is realizing Annabel makes more sense

I fucked up. I horribly fucked up.
I should've used my MoF to buy Aurum instead of wasting it on shit

Who dis


>I should've used my MoF to buy Aurum instead of wasting it on shit

aurum is overrated, unless you desperately need more bank space or want to fuse purples NOW just farm a few days, sell some stuff and list exchanges to have some for the future.

Casuals want their loot now.

patrician is waifuing both for a threesome and starting a harem.

So, what will Reddit complain about next, Funcom changes it, and Reddit will complain about afterwards?

Every weapon being effective
Reduce MoF gain per day
Reduce Talisman bonuses
Every clothing can only be bought using Third Age Fragments, 20k each

>Reduce MoF gain per day
Well, there was that one guy complaining how HE doesn't have enough freetime to do every single daily challenge, so they should be weekly instead.

i need more inventory slots, jesus christ
7 for unwielded weapons, 14 for typed talismans you aren't using, and then extras when any given talisman is at 20 and you need something else to throw fodder at

45 is max you can get with marks and takes 2-3 days. dump the maxed shit in the bank or get a private cabal and dump the unbound shit there to multi-fuse later.

he wasn't really wrong with that, having a weekly amount of challenges would be a godsend.

>having a weekly amount of challenges would be a godsend.
And your reward is 10 MoF

So, two threads ago we had people posting left and right, what happened?

Same thing that happened to the old TSW generals, fatigue and loss of interest I imagine.

Unless we form a cabal and start doing lair/elite runs there's really nothing for us to do except come here and complain.

why would it? the basic idea is good, but that's where it ended. for funcom it makes no difference if I I farm 10k a day or 70k on the weekend, weekly balance is still the same.

if anything it can be argued having to grind daily will burn people out faster, if they grind on the weekend they won't always complete it, which means they're marks short without burnout, prime candidates to spend some money on aurum.

you catch more flies with honey. and even retarded casuals have a breaking point (even if that gets worse every year).

a few of us are probably in private cabals to have more storage space. we really should get a steam group or discord going just in case.

What will most likely happen is that weekly amount of challenges will be implemented, but the amount of MoF you get per week is reduced. To an absurdly low amount. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

makes no sense and is waaaaay to obvious. people are already getting retarded about some fake math how much it takes to get to legendary, if funcom blatantly nerfs weekly marks you can bet reddit will be full of drama about it.

funcom might be understaffed and stupid, but they're not that stupid. especially when they can just mess with the exchange behind the scenes or "rebalance" some other numbers so you have to spend more marks here and there instead of flat-out nerfing gain.

suddenly i'm swimming through pea fucking soup
i thought the fog was outside the island now, not sitting on it

I think I'm going to pass on this one.


>i thought the fog was outside the island now, not sitting on it
That..somehow kinda makes sense and kinda depressing.
At the fucking least let me save the CDC girl

The fog rolled over the town before receding

but they're all fucked anyways

Seriously, Funcom? First this and now that?

I don't get this reference.

>one of the party members uses chaos
The effects are so overwhelming, I can't see anything with all the green and purple shit bursting around.
dank oldfag meme

>boss uses an aoe that isn't a white circle
>hidden underneath purple explosions and fireattacks

>Champion/Boss uses AoE attack
>AoE circle is buried underneath filth


This sounds really dumb.

>Game starts caching from HDD the moment boss starts drawing 1hk white circle under you
>How dare you not run our 10 year old 32-bit game engine from SSD and expect good performance

i'd be up for a making kebab for and run elites/lairs desu

what do you get out of lairs?


The DX11 client is so fucking unstable. I should just go back to DX9.

I don't think DX11 client is that impressive when compared to the DX9 client.

It's fine if you have a new-ish GPU. I haven't suffered crashes at least for now but who knows. I don't see a reason not to enable it if your computer isn't from 2012 but it definitely was unstable on older machines at least.
I think the tesselation and SSAO are really nice.

>game crashes when you close it

Im a patron as well so I can toss it together, if you make one post it here I'll join. Not really sure if I'm lair-ready yet but most of my gear is blue, just gotta sort out a few talismans, I'll be tanking as well.

Lairs are tuned for mid-level purp gear afaik

The vidya chat channel seems dead. Would a cabal be any different?

Running lairs/elite/NMs would be enough, cabals are borderline useless.

Weapons are purple, 4 of my gear pieces are purple. Still looks like a bit of a wait though.

I actually use DX11 client and it's pretty stable for me. I had like.... 5 crashes since launch and none for the last week.

Funcom didn't include raids or non-Shambala PvP yet, so there isn't any functional reason for cabals beyond extra storage.

It was fun back in TSW when you could organize an impromptu cabal group and dominate El Dorado for a while.

to be fair you can usually still see the boss casting or know from the tactics and animation what's happening.

it's really not as bad as guild wars 2 were shit was LITERALLY burried in geometry because anusnet was too stupid to apply the texture on top

>first boss in HE
>freeze because loading
>kicked halfway through the map into lava

/chat list #vidya

rumour has it a lot of the crashes are due to the shit browser engine they included in the game. haven't checked into it myself or if you could replace it with a newer version to fix some of it.

that they put even more shit into a simple HTML window because they couldn't/didn't want to make a proper UI version doesn't help -
daily login is just a html page, pretty sure cache/chest window is as well.

or could be the shit flash UI in general. they could've been smart and gone with an open solution and let community fix their shit, but no....

>not as bad as guild wars 2
I can scarcely think anything doing combat coherency worse than GW2.
You have no idea what's going on because of the overdesigned effects and stupid aoe circles all over the place.

>dontgetcarter - @zombiedanny It's alive! As in 'you'. Where you been? Any luck with our little 'project'? Inquiring minds need to know, D! As in 'me' ;-D
>zombiedanny - @dontgetcarter Like I told you: Friday. My research is almost done, and I have Clues & Sh!t. Just like Sherlock Holmes. (the new, cool one)
>dontgetcarter - @zombiedanny Friday?? Maaan. OK, I can wait. It's a date!
>zombiedanny - @dontgetcarter Ummm.... !?!!?
>dontgetcarter - @zombiedanny no, wait, that didnt come out right...! awkward... not a DATE-date, just you know SAVE THE DATE cause were hanging :-S
>zombiedanny - @dontgetcarter Yeah, okay. Cool. Not a DATE date. That's awesome. I'll bring some comics and candy & make it TOTALLY not like a date.

G-Guys. I think she wants some.

I didn't think I could love Richard Sonnac any more than I already did, and then he just started reciting Ozymandias to me and beautifully tied it into lore by giving it a particular meaning for the Templars.

How is he so much better than the other factions? How?

Geary is just as great. The flavour of Templars and Illuminati are just completely different.
I don't think anyone likes Bong Cha, though. Dragon is boring like that.

Reminder they "fixed" pistols

back the fuck down danny she's mine

he can be a bit of a dick. after that mission in COTSG shitting on the sentinels and jerking himself over that a templar would do a better job I would've decked him.

nothing beats the cunty-ness of dragons tho.

you know what you have to do


that's actually pretty clever

in what way?

or you might've seen the stallone remake (imo not as bad as people say)

To be fair the only person that could jerk themselves off over doing a better job IS the society that has been in business since almost as long as the sentinels doing its job. It's still not right, but it's at least not completely off the mark and more likely something he'd pick up from how they compare to the other guys.

And its not like the Templar wouldnt totally bind their members like sentinels if it worked.

Only a real Monster Slayer is worthy of Carter's carters.

Bong Cha is shiiiiiiiiiit
Geary is at least amusing while she's being a bitch, Bong Cha is just a bitch.

>When compared to every other story dungeon, Polaris gives objectively hittiest loot
>Hell Revealed onwards there are bosses purely designed to waste your fucking time

Is there any differance in rewards for different ratings in scenarios anymore?

>implying final boss of polaris isnt designed to waste time
eks dee
thankfully slaughterhouse only has fast bosses

Polaris' final boss does his bullshit max ONE time during the entire dungeon, he doesn't turn invincible, then laugh at you as you're killing mooks that die in one hit and you don't need to lure him to anima wells that can spawn on entirely different section only for him to suddenly decide to stop to do some laughable AoE attack you can step out of.

>fucking mayans dung last 2 bosses
>teleport faggot
>scripted blablabla
>add a sprinkle of bugged hp bars which make the random cunt dps suicide to type
>it is not

i just want tsw to have wildstar targeting if it's gonna go action based instead of tab targeting
but instead there's literally no ability to target people outside of your 5man group for healing

Can you guys give me some tips what I should get as a blood healer? Never healed yet



Is the queue system broken at the moment ?
Or is it just that nobody needs a tank for elite 1 ffs ..

I'm queuing as all three classes for 2 hours lol

Fairly sure people use LFG

Form Cabal when?

As if anyone would pay patron for this shit game

Wait,.you need Patron to form a Cabal?


I can do it i guess, whadda ya wanna name it?

Depends, are cabals cross faction? Make it something meme.
