>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
What fire emblem character is this?
>tfw you get memed
looks like Ike to me
I want to nurse Lady Sanaki at my breast.
I want to HUG Legion (no homo)
>he didn't get 2,500 + 3,000 + 900 feathers + 4 orbs.
>Seliph that might potentially have good IVs to promote
I've given up
Check out that Raven, mine is pretty good and a bro for the TT
>implying that's bad
>no bara legion porn to spam Veeky Forums with while legionposting
why even live
I fed my +Atk -Spd Seliph to Hinata to pass Brash Assault 3 + Fury 3 to me my Camus :^)
get cucked fag
>Got my first two defenses in a while
>No bonus unit
Finally! Why there isn't more fanart of my bro?
Who else here having a burnout
This shit is boring
Nice OP.
>tfw tier 20
We are getting those orbs for the bug daily reward bug right?
>brash assault on camus
sorry thats bugged too
>Still has the Heavy Spear
it's time for Roy
Are you literally brain dead?
Just about to hit 40k and feeling it a little.
Lack of any significant rewards outside of orbs and ranking feathers kind of hurt the old motivation.
I've tried the following:
>Fury + SB
>TA + SB
>TA + QR
the last one is my favorite. Excellent versatility and results. Fury + QR is nice, but you lose to Lucina. If you have another lucy check your your nowi is +atk and can 1-shot her, go for it.
duel simulator is worthless unless you're using a custom meta list. According to my own list the two builds are "equal", depending on IVs. Fury loses to Lucina, but just barely wins against brave Effie.
Your Zephiel is dead
>Keeping Heavy spear
Killer Lance would've been better
Post your favorite song from the Tellius games.
Oboro is huge! Bulky and huge!
At least you're not just doing hard 5 over and over like me. I might just stop at 40k
IIRC it's coming on the 13th
is there even any use for this shitty slut
i already have a palla that can outperform her out of the box and i don't have a wo dao or silver sword to inherit onto her
god i would've rather gotten a 3* from that roll fuck caeda
just autobattle the hard difficulty maps
gets you half as many points but more than enough to get 40k+
Is +spd -res Camilla worth anything? With her axe or a different one. Just wondering if to keep her or feed her for savage blow.
we will get more orbs for the bugged orbs
I just got Echoes today
The dungeon crawling parts aren't mandatory, are they? My circle pad is busted and if I need it to play the game I'm going to be very sad
Did you roll for your Empress?
This ain't Sanaki. -HP +RES
Ha, my B button is broken so I have to commit to every choice I make, even the accidental ones.
What skills do i give these units, if any?
Bride Charlotte +atk -def
Mae +spd -res
neutral Minerva
Klien +atk -spd
+spd -res FCorrin
>get four 5* reds
>they are all Lilina
Why does red have the worst 5* units.
>have 78 orbs saved up
>the most I've ever had at once
>even MORE orbs keep being handed out
>mfw the urge to splurge
how do some of you people go months without spending? I'm only waiting until the last day of Summer before I blow my load, fuck if I can wait any longer after that
I love Severa! You should too! Post your favorite Severa builds!
I can only roll 1 and i want sanaki pls help
Yeah and got a shitty draug
So since I missed hero banner, how long should I realistically expect to need to wait for a banner with Hector in it?
>Not +Atk
Into the garbage bin sorry user. Not even Wo Dao can save it.
>you can get into tier 20 sub 4800s
this needs to change even horse niggers with their lost bst can easily cheese their way get in
yes and i got this fucking caeda
>someone other than me got spooked by a Caeda of the exact same IVs
Bottom right
You have to give her a bunch of shit to make her good. Or at least a better sword.
>tfw flying team sucks because Palla and Caeda
At least Bunmilla is really good with a blade tome
Yes and got -spd kat
I really like Tharja.
why do people roll when they have less than 10 orbs
Yes and this happened
fortify fliers fodder
the wait for elincia / aversa continues
Out of orbs for Snacki
Me too user, but sometimes I feel the urge to continue because the shitton of feathers I am getting from that grindfest
At least she's a slightly better dragon killer
but user I don't need 2 empresses
Especially since my current one is +speed -def
I might keep Poison Strike honestly, it helps more than I thought
Will give her Bonfire just to have both Ignis and Bonfire options available
the fear that they'll add characters i care about after using up my stash
i already have a flier team, one unit has fortify fliers and i have a separate 4* caeda with decent IVs
What happened to Caeda's wingspear?
Fury 3 or LaD 3 for Blade Olwen?
The way the new Arena Missions work will ensure that a lot of people have inflated ranks, since you need 28 wins in the Arena to get all of the weekly orbs, even though you only get 21 swords naturally (and with Arena downtime it's usually more likely that you'll only get to use 18 of them unless you no-life or have to get up really early in the morning).
>37 atk
>Poison strike
Because I snipe anyway, full rolls are for faggots.
Make alt accounts and roll.
Is this the peak of difficulty for FE fans?
I spend impulsively and have all the units I ever want
Topmost one senpai
I bet that's made you a MASTER TACTICIAN
Fury 3. She still enjoys a little bulk and with cav buffs can have a respectable enemy phase.
Fury, it works better with Desperation and utilizes her decent res.
im only having fun cause im trying to use all my mans
Of course. Only the best for my cute empress.
Saber cream pieing my pussy~
>using a shittier Tobin
>Fire Emblem Lunatic Classic Speedruns w/ no B presses
why hasn't this been done
That's my wife
Go back to /d/, mommyposters
fury, lad3 only nets you like 1 extr wins w/ full cav buffs
Who I should Promote?
Cherche needs brave+ so someone needs go before her, but also I have a +atk Raven.
Pulled a 5* Corrin from this new banner, but she's -spd +res. Is there any hope?
im going to reroll on my old phone until i get a snacki and use than as my alt from now on
i jsut want a snacks please ISIS
i'm kind of sad the apology orbs aren't a day earlier so if i get a snacki after i spend them its a nice birthday surprise
>massively reducing his offense for 2 extra points of def
shit build friend-san
>Brash Assault 3 to my Camus :^)
Funny to know anti-seliph shitposters are literally brain damaged
It would be like SM64 low A press runs, but less interesting
Jokes on you my Selena is bulkier than Tobin and far faster too
I'm going to use Tobin as well anyway because I'm a masochist
Valentian cocksluts
At least she's cute