your practice to runs ratio should be 1:1.
/srg/ - speedrunning general
Other urls found in this thread:
did srg finally die?
Dr4gonblitz is back?!
Wrong. Attempts take up more of your time as you have to start the game from scratch and go through it over and over again. You are fucking retarded.
ded thred
t. 6th place player
Speed running actually has a general? Please, someone get chemo for this cancer before it starts to spread.
it's just the trannyloving janitor
No, not 'wrong'. Practice is never and should never be 1 : 1, that is absurd. An actual runner going for good RTA times will have thousands more hours in attempts.
Cave Story will be the new cancer meme game. Screencap this post.
what was the last one?
>An actual runner going for good RTA times will have thousands more hours in attempts.
Imagine being this delusional.
This is a meaningless post.
im glad that this general is back
i missed it
It'll be ded again by the weekend
so what was the best part of games done "quick"?
All the hot trannies
a link to the past
i loved all the trannies
and the ff7 run
fuck off
did anyone actually watch the ff7 run? i sure as hell didn't
the 30 minutes i saw before falling asleep were okay
I think that is the point of doing a 2 AM 8 hour long run
I think it was the love live thread spamming earlier that killed it
Hello darlings. The thread died because some autist from /vp/ spammed /v/ and Veeky Forums so much with pokeporn that all other threads died for a bit. Comfy ESA in about 10 days right? We'll survive till then :3
i watched the vod the dudes literally sat on a couch for 8 hours not moving eating drinking pooping or peeing to play and talk about final fantasy 7 lmao
I've done that for work before, it's not hard.
oh calebs streaming right now playing the highly competitive chrono trigger and having a messed up couch lol
Does he punch the couch?
>not watching /ourREALgirl/ whose streaming right now
>SGDQ ends
>/srg/ immediately dies
What a curious situation!
rofl how crazy man 8 fucking hours without pooping hahahah!
he did just reset an hour in so he might start
Narci is /our girl/
that meme has had a long life
It's objectively the best speedgame.
can we bring back the "above it all" meme? i liked being able to shit on streamers for not having anything they could be shit on for
uh no it isn't
If theer was a hack to be able to collect all the stars with one start of a level then YEA, it would be ok
But otherwise its just a boring fucking grind
Also they only do 120 stars instead of collecting all of them for some reason.
This pathetic general is all about trying to shit on people who have nothing they can be shat on for and setting up autistic crusades because of their own jealousy/obsession.
word. it's pathetic.
based toastrider
the true 120 star record
can anyone help me out with Dark Souls 1? It'll be my first speedrun game (i've beatedn it at level 1 tho) and i'm having some difficulty
i've saved the practice save states from the website, but when I load them in I can't find them in my files in the game. It's just my normal stuff
Just play game and go fast
so now that sdgq is over, what were the best runs? and the worst? staff do anything retarded this time around?
Best runs were trannies, worst were the trannies, and the trannies were the most retarded trannies
I liked the part where the fat asian got on cam to eat a subway
people who stream with skype calls are the worst
>muh dick
>lol dicks
>haha gay dicks
fuck these people who ruin videos of runs
I just watched some of Bonesaw's run and it failed to live up to the hype completely.
None of this is funny and the run is shit. What do people see in this?
mute it you crybaby
There should be a dark souls discord you can join where they should be able to help you. I doubt anyone who remains in these threads speedruns dark souls
>Speedrunning is a serious competition between professional gamers.
>professional gamers.
Who's the most well paid speedrunner and how much do they get from speedrunning?
Speedrunning is memorizing a route and doing it over and over again until the stars align and you get a time seconds faster than other autists who are doing the same game.
>Who's the most well paid speedrunner
Probably Carlsagan42 because he's a scientist or something.
>how much do they get from speedrunning?
Nothing lol.
where do you think the route comes from?
No, that's just what Clintstevens does. Try watching speedrunners who actually care about their game.
Glitch hunters and routers
So there's no professional speedrunners then I guess.
when are we streaming
good idea, thanks
>Glitch hunters and routers
Which isn't mutually exclusive to being a speedrunner. Top runners contribute to the meta often.
Glitch hunting, routing, strat development, practicing, testing, running multiple categories, running multiple games, TASing, ILs, etc. etc are all a part of speedrunning, and all things many speedrunners participate in.
Even in a single category, the experience changes wildly between when you first learn it to when you become an expert at it. On top of general improvement, the meta is constantly evolving and you never stop learning new things.
Then there are the whole recording, streaming, pc build, console collection and retro gaming aspects, which are entirely different hobbies in their own right.
Anything can sound ridiculous if you reduce it to its lowest common denominator. This is a form of false dichotomy (black and white thinking).
no shit lol
that poor dude he has the spirit but hes just too fuckin fat
thats because despite big events like gdq speedrunning is grassroots still and itd be nice to keep it that way
GDQ is corporate as hell
>non-profit organization
put the tinfoil hat back on and
GDQ LLC is for profit.
>reddit bait
do you have the nerve to parrot some of that "proof" floating around out there lmao
They admit this themselves, it's not exactly a secret. The charity pays them to fundraise.
keep going
No. The vast majority contribute nothing unless something accidental happens due to dumb luck
Low tier bait, sweetie.
calebhart42, he makes about $35,000 per day. Keep practicing your speedgames everyone and that will be you someday soon
Fuck off nigger it's not even bait. You would know this if you were part of any sub-community. The vast majority are retards who just learn the route and play it over and over again for 25th place on the leaderboards
is he even really a speedrunner anymore at this point
i mean no one cares about his runs theyre more interested in his guns lol
what's this guy's deal
I'm pretty sure he was molested
yeah, so it's like arcade and rhythm gaming. who cares lol
ask the world guitar hero world champion whos swimming in puss and money who cares lol