/fgoalter/ Fate Grand Order NA General

Old Thread: Game released with Prologue (Fuyuki) and Chapters 1 (Orléans) and 2 (Septem)

>[Mega Pastebin]


>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 9:00 PM ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC
If you create an account during this period, you receive the following rewards:
4* CE: Beginning of the Journey
4* Servant: Saber Lily
6,000 FP, 10x 4* All EXP, 5x 3* All HP Fou, 5x 3* All ATK Fou and 30x Saint Quartz

>[66,666 Facebook likes, Gilgamesh rate up]
Rate up period: July 06, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 AM ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu) 03:59 UTC
5* Gilgamesh - [Limited]
4*s Lancelot and Atalante
3*s Cú Chulainn (Prototype) and Medea

- The welfare 4* Servant is now available in the Shop, exchange the voucher you get in your giftbox for it.
- First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest - July 06~13th.
- The Half-AP cost Campaign is in effect until July 20th.
- An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.

>[Master Mission]
Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments

>[Daily Quest]
Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.

The wait hurts

I can't wait for Christmas so I can get my wife and daughter!


Das gay.

I love my wife!

So how is Quetzalcoatl lads??

>my wife and daughter
I'm scared to ask who is who

Surely spending only a couple of tickets would not affect the outcome of you obtaining her.

jannu is very cute and the best waifu

Best Rider.

I saw I had some person on my friend's list with a level 60 Kiyohime, so I decided to use her. She's fucking cute! Too bad I already have Vlad, Herc and Tamamocat or I'd think about leveling her up too.

Me too.

Reminder that jps should stay out of our thread! We will nuke you again!

>QP millions
>exp cards

What should be my top and which should be my bottom priority?

I love Tituria

It would, fuck off, i've never used a single ticket/quartz and i'll keep saving until she gets released, my mind is steel

>8 rolls today
>no Hassan/Medea

Feed my Jewishness

Faster you pig!

Mana prisms. We don't know exactly when the rare CEs will drop, and you don't want to suddenly find out you only have a week to gather 5000 of them.


Fuck, this game has made me gay. The first thing that came to mind after seeing the OP pic was, "Now fuck."
Ozzy and Gil best boys.

I just want to be friends with my servants is that really such a bad thing?

Give me one more golden archer piece, please!

I'm in the same position as you and decided to try to go ahead with it.
Grinding for those pieces is hell.

>i have never used a single quartz

Literally stopped playing for two days from burnout trying to get her and seibah

Nero festival when?

fuck off person who doesn't understand mathematics


>FP CE on Altera

fuck off

>FP on Altera
Fuck off.

I wanna Fuck Ko-Gil

After the initial roll and the roll that got me Waver i mean, but after that i didn't use a single one

Announcement when?


Anyone know who to email for account support? Some stupid fucking stoner tried getting my account after posting fc here.

>IA on Hassan
Fuck off.

>Rerolled about 80 times on Day 1, memu edition
>Got jackshit
>Just gave a try on my phone, got Jeanne and 3 other 4 stars
>Started playing on that account
>Got Gil and all the other servants in this gacha with just 45 quartz
It seems memu nerfs my luck to E-rank.


she is fucking cute but she's also not that great. i use her rn for lack of a better berserker in my collection and i'll probably ascend her eventually to max but she probably won't have a place in my final party as much as i like her (she's set to my favorite servant in my room)
however, summer kiyo will eventually be good and worth using

Anyone else f2p but terrified of the slippery slope that happens when purchasing quartz?

Even in mobile games, Shirou can't escape his fate.

Most people don't take 100 dollary-doos and flush them down a toilet hoping a turd doesn't come back up the pipe.
That's what it means to "frivolously spend" on a mobage gacha as bad as this one.

Say goodbye to your account mate. Try begging an user for a reroll account

>Lancelot NP
>Can make out the gurgled ARRRRTHURRRRRRR
Man was obsessed

should I buy the 15 or so quartz for refilling AP

or should I not go full retard?

In depends on your master level and how ready are you for your next ascencion
>Farm gold cards while burning the silver ones for mp, around 300 should be enough.
>Check the QP requirements for all the ascencion and skill level ups you are planning to do and farm that amount + extra you decide too
>Spam the living fuck of the 30 or 40 AP depending on your level and hoard all the Mana prism you can get
1/2 is not coming back for a while, get to it

>game tells me to fucking use another friend by omitting my first pick
>Start using another one
>its gone now

Oh fuck off


You're right, MOST don't. Keep in mind that whales who are responsible for like 70% of profits in mobage are generally only like 2% of the population.

That's literal EX rank luck.


Refresh the list til they're back

Why are you even rushing the game? It's not like NeroFest or anything is nearby, theres not even any announcement of upcoming content that would require you to spend money to refill your ap.

Why is mash so lewd?

Thats what happens when you're a self-proclaimed incel.

No. Only buy when you're waifu gets a rate up.

Does it really matter? what if I treat both as both

>around 300 should be enough
What the fuck are you smoking?
Grind to 5k asap.
Unless you want to be that guy crying about FP and being mocked in a few months time.

>walk into your My Room
>see this
What do you do, user?

I have only ever spent my quartz to refill my AP. I never wasted it on a gacha roll.

Who are you going to grail, anons?

Is there a guide on what essence to equip for each servant?

I would whale but I cant buy quartz on memu

I don't own a phone that can play FGO either and I dont think usin google play credit would work

fuck Gil
give me gold monuments you fag

For the hardest current jp content, do you need a certain setup to win? Or is it doable with any 5* and a few 4*?

Can I stop now?

I've been using her as a backup in case one of the actually good Berserkers goes down just because it felt wrong to have no bond with her.

If anything it should've been spent the exact oppisite way dumb dumb.

Spend them on gacha rolls instead.

So do most players just deal with having NP 1 on their SSRs or is there some other way?

No you don't, cuck.

Kintoki Rider and Kiritsugu and Emiya.

Ask why you have to be such a faggot.


>Only 2 5*
>Shittiest 4*'s
Fuck no nigger, time to whale some more


join in on the action also fuck the guy that fucked Ko-gil

she's my favorite servant currently released but i can't help the way the game works
i am using her as my last sub and it's worked out in my favor a lot, since by the time i get down to my last sub a glass cannon is usually what i need to finish something off

>Not gil+waver

Ok you don't understand.

Proof your love.
Where is the LV70 NP5 Altera?

If fate permits it.


All of the lolis.

You can chain NPs to do increase their power.
Some NPs gets upgrades and make them strong enough like Gilgamesh's NP

I mean save those cards, you can always change them for mp at any point but you might want to level your characters during the event
You keep farming mp after you have everything ready for the nerofest

Saint George

What an alpha.

Most content can be rolled over with 5* servants. Lower rarity servants need synergies together to make up for the lack of stats. Even then, you could still probably do the hardest content with a well leveled and skilled Mash by that point of the game. It's very friendly towards low luck masters.


Yeah I completely misread that sorry.

What if you save so much and for such a long time and when the time comes you don't get her?

some fights will require specific setups. not necessarily specific servants, just specific archetypes, like a good ST damage dealer or a servant with immunity/dodge/etc. they don't have to necessarily be 5*

for the most part it is unlikely you will clear all content with a single team without ever changing some of them for certain battles

>2 of the 3 better 5* in the game
>Better 4* in the game
Fuck off.

>not even grailed her
fake love

I'm sorry Arashi, I didn't mean to burn all those copies of you. Please come back

who is the angry manjew?

I'll whale even if i have to take a loan from the yakuza to get her, priest