>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Azura is shit
kill all tripfaggots
Guess my waifu.
Best girl
for a res tank Sorin that is +res Luna or Moonbow? And Gronnblade+ or Gronnowl+?
Post your TT teams and recommend some compositions to other guys!
When will Heroes get a better event other than Tempest Trials and Voting Gauntlets?
best girl
Had to actually wait till I leveled these people to level 40 but, yes, those videos actually work.
Azura a best!
Is it Claire?
3DSbabby here. Finally playing FE7 for the first time. Is there anything I should know so I don't fuck up later?
I've only beaten the first tutorial mission so far.
So what un-playable characters do you want to see in FE:H? Also characters that haven't been seen fighting before.
There's plenty of people I'd like, like the Eight Legends, Mikoto and Garon, the Crusaders, etc.
Give it to me fucking straight /feg/.
Who is, hands-down, the WORST, most UNBEARABLY terrible unit in Heroes, not counting healers?
I will 5* them as soon as I get the necessary feathers and will post updates on their build as it progresses.
There's a couple of extra chapters you can miss that have specific requirements you might want to look up so you don't miss them.
you have to be a special kind of stupid to fuck up FE7 just play it
How come no one ever calls this guy out
This is a bookworm
Use all the booster items before you finish the chapter against a General boss. Chapter 10 or 11 I think.
After that, you lose everything and when you re-recruit everyone you get pre-set inventories, so you'd lose the items. Conversely, use Lyn's Prf as much as you like, because it'll reappear magically.
>your upload get translated within an hour of being uploaded
Feels pretty good.
How come no one ever calls you out
Requesting a team with Sanaki on it.
literally who
I unironically fucked my cousin.
I just switch to my cav team on the last map
How do I build Lilina by the way?
I have a Thotja and wonder if a Blade tome will help Lilina?
How come no one ever calls this guy out
>Alm attracts pussy all over the place
>throws it away
>Grey has to work for the one chance to get his dick wet and Claire treats him like shit the whole time
>beta Clyde found the most rampant and vicious but still submissive lady in existence, probably gets fucked all the time even if he might have to deal with the fact that Matilda has a fetish for fucking while stained in blood
Why is fate so cruel?
Damn I didn't notice it came out
Unironically Tobin
Post the story
Moonbow is usually better, especially since you'll be doubling a lot.
Gronnblade is better if you have Hone/Fortify skills on the team
Gronnowl is only good if you have Spur Atk, since its mt is really low
Other than that, enjoy having one of the two units in the game that can tank QP/Moonbow/DB3 Reinhardt with cavalry buffs
which pegslut do I fap to
>Suddenly the tower is filled with Sanakis
Do you think this is how ISIS gets people to roll?
Stop being degenerate Roy.
Here's my team. I got Tobin so I'm just chilling on it for a little while now. Might be a few days before I go back at it seriously for the Seal/Orbs.
Bosses like Garon and Mikoto will probably be playable eventually, but I wonder if legendary figures will too.
It'd be pretty cool to have Naga, Nagi, Adult Tiki, and loli Tiki all fighting in one team
More like ugly as fuck hick.
How come no one ever calls this guy out
I wonder which mexican tripfag is behind this post
Lyn's Mani Katti regenerates after chapter 10, so use it as much as you want
Use stat boosters ASAP. Saving them up ends very poorly.
Level Nils as much as you can
Florina will either be worthless or your MVP. There will be no in between
Ever since I upgraded Xander and Camus, and rolled Cecilia and Thundercock Ive needed nothing else. I don't even use my Effie and Hector that much nowadays
give me the rest
Hawkeye, I think, mostly because I've never seen anyone try to use him for anything but DB fodder. Even Sophia can do reasonable builds with unique tomes.
Wait, why is Tobin shit?
Wanting recommendations on builds for +def-hp Sanaki and +res -def Summer Robin. Don't plan to rule the arena with them but it would be nice to be able to use them on other game content
Absolutely. +ATK Blade+ Lilina with a Renais buffer can actually tank Tharja once and kill her on counter before Thotja can double because she hits THAT hard. You will one-shot every red sword in arena not named Eliweed or Caeda. You ought to even be able to initiate on Tinyhand and kill him on the double after tanking one hit. Blade+ Lilina, especially +ATK, has nuclear level single-hit firepower.
Reinhardt and Nino should get married! Unstoppable power couple!
How come no one ever calls this guy out
I like Hana
So who's your waifu?
>tfw 5* klein that was level 35 at the beginning of the tempest now has almost 3k sp
>tfw i have a 4* with the perfect IVs
>sp doesnt transfer over on merges
what do i even do with all that sp if i ever decide to promote the 4* one
I'm just merit grinding. My "real" team was Eirika, Linde, Mae, and Ninian.
Damn, guess I'm tharjafag now.
How come no one ever calls this guy out
Odin. Not even blade tomes can save his pathetic base 22 ATK
Hug Nino!
Love Nino!
Pet Nino!
Be Nino!
Because the man who works hardest for sex gets the best sex.
Slap skills them merge.
Just remember to equip them again.
how do we know he's mexican
did he post something
If I were to level up Tobin and use him for the remainder of the TT, do you think I'd max his HM by the end of it?
Inherit more skills to learn and try out different meme builds
Despite having one of the highest BSTs in the game, his spread is abysmal. He's basically a -atk+res Seliph without a Prf weapon. And he can't get IVs to maybe fix it either so he's stuff with that junk.
his names is Raul
>copying an image from the archives
not fooling anyone raul
I can't say because /feg/ hates her thanks to tripless shitposters
I really like Tharja.
Why was Clive blessed with an actual goddess?
There's always those maps in history mode. You didn't clear a normal one, right user?
How come no one ever calls this guy out?
Mathilda loves bullying his huge dick.
I actually really liked Mia from the short time I played PoR since I'm a sucker for memedon girls.
Yellow from the Pokemon Special Manga. My waifu for laifu, since I was a wee lad.
Probably my Mae went from 100 HM to 2000 HM in four days. Admittedly, I've used stamina potions, but it should be possible.
You'll keep Tobin once you're done, right?
Maybe people are tired of witch hunting
Who cares if people like Tharja
Tsubaki Yayoi
They really are three Awakening tier characters. Nephenee is the least worst, Ilyana is the most worst.