wtf I love trucks now
Wtf I love trucks now
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The perfect bait.
Drumpfkins on suicide watch
i wonder if they also had "i fucked around on my wife and got some sweet head in the oval office" back in the 90's...
I'm so tied of Libs trotting that line out.
Yeah, Trump said it... in the context of "hey boy, you're a multi millionaire and chicks are throwing themselves at you? heh, might as well grab 'em by the pussy".
But Libcucks are too dense to grasp that some women are whores for men with big bank accounts.
I don't get it, that's a pro Trump redneck right?
>actually defending a fucking sexual predator
You fuckers are legitimately delusional holy shit
>not being a sexual predator
this is why you are a virgin or the girls you sleep with will only do the starfish which is honestly just as bad.
>still bitching about Trump
>libtard pays money to have his autism plasterd on the side of s-10
probably a buttravaged mexican construction worker. rednecks don't drive tiny pussy trucks like that
Sexual Predator? Really?
You that dense?
Okay, you're a multi-millionaire and women are literally begging you to fuck them so that they can get a chance at some of your green.
Are you gonna turn them down?
Course not.
Your gonna grab em by the pussy, fuck them good, and give them some cash.
That aint being a "sexual predator", that's being smart in taking what's being offered.
Though I suppose you don't have any experience in women throwing any pussy your way.
>he doesn't grab sluts by the pussy
Soyboy detected.
jesus christ i wish i could be this stupid so i would actually be happy.
also you dont grab the pussy you virgin fuck you slap that shit
That truck is pathetic but trump supporters are evn more pathetic.
How do we answer the american question? both the american left and right should be gassed
>I'm better than both sides
Only an Veeky Forums fag could be this elitist.
But I am unironically better than bith sides.
Do you have an actual argument? And you can actually grab chicks by their pussy. Try it sometime.
The cost of getting those decals is probably higher than the value of the truck.
typical chevy cucks getting BTFO once again
chevy cuck trucks simply cant compete with the CHAD FORD MONSTER
waste money on shitty stickers, can't even properly maintain their own car.
I bet this faggot never changers his oil
Just because you can doesnt mean you should.
>Just because you can doesnt mean you should.
>t. tripfag
If irony were made of strawberries, we'd all be drinking a lot of smoothies right now.
>tfw you will never be THIS mad
Trump is objectively handsome, 6'3" and worth billions.
I'm only 2/3 and get women throwing themselves at me, I can only imagine how easy a celebrity has it.
lol Trumpfags getting triggered over a simple truck
I would say the typical things like “take this to /pol/“ or “why do eurocucks get so angry over us?”
But honestly, now I just laugh at them. Have fun with those rape parades and don’t forget to keep those legs in shape to keep dodging those trucks
Also sage’d
>imagine being this asshurt
bump for great justice
Thats not a real truck.
butthurt Mexican shit
On a Mexican truck
ugh, the starfish is WORSE. I'd rather be getting no pussy than starfish pussy.
>putting stickers on your car
it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe, car stickers are the easiest way to identify retards
even if the car is modded (ESPECIALLY if the car is modded, looking at you stancefags and liftfags)
>putting stickers on your car
This but especially weeb or Veeky Forums related stickers.
>Trump is objectively handsome
kek. all he needs is that last one i suppose
>kek. all he needs is that last one i suppose
poorfags making fun of trumps wealth
You just can't make this shit up
It's like the driver WANTS to be deported.