A mediocre physician makes $300k per year. A good one makes $500k+.
Why the fuck are you wasting your time on retard tier business plans or trading instead of trying to get into medical school?
A mediocre physician makes $300k per year. A good one makes $500k+.
Why the fuck are you wasting your time on retard tier business plans or trading instead of trying to get into medical school?
if they make this much how come all the doctors I've ever had are so fucking terrible?
>mediocre physician makes $300k
No they don't. You have to specialize after medical school to make anything close to that amount and that means 10+ years of education after secondary school and countless dollars down the drain obtaining that degree just to get the opportunity to maybe get a job at a hospital.
Because I don't want to go to school for that long and potentially fail after going hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt
Because it doesn't matter how smart you are as long as you pass med school. Any average IQ person can be a physician if they work hard
Your time in school is an investment. Just consider it a job...your average salary including years in medical school and residency would still exceed that of others working jobs straight out of college
My parents were wealthy doctors. Combined income of 1 mill growing up. Needless to say they were constantly depressed overworked alcoholics.
And yet they retire young and live lavishly til they die
in what country is this?
Average cost of medical school is $278k and the average cost of undergrad is $128k. That's a $406k investment for a job that isn't guaranteed. Say you finish undergrad in 4 years at the age of 22, then finish med school 4 years at the age of 26, then residency of 3 more years at the age of 29. Keep in mind you're making zero dollars during this time and constantly racking up debt from living expenses, places to live, etc. Also keep in mind that you're not guaranteed a residency position and that if you've ever engaged in unethical (cheating on tests) or illegal (DUI, possession charge, etc.) activities then you won't get a spot.
Still seem like a sure-fire way to retire "young"?
Who pays that much for undergrad? I'm paying 36k to go to a good state school which also has a top 5 medical school
And you do get paid for residency
And wouldn't you agree that all methods of getting rich have SOME risk? So yes, this one does too.
Sorry I assumed we were operating under the assumption that we all go to Ivy and not some state school. Apologies.
>work too much
I see this a lot in doctors
Can confirm that happens with investment bankers too unfortunately. Turns out, money doesn't buy happiness it just gives the temporary illusion of happiness through distraction.
>school for 8 years to make 180k
>school for another 8 years to make 500k
meanwhile investment banking
>school for extra 2 years to make 150k
>work comparatively to med school another 4 years for 300k
for money, there are far far easier ways to make money.
you have no idea how much you give up to become a doctor, both in cash and in soul. literally ibanking is a cakewalk in comparison.
Not everyone can make it to med school. Mind you I took STEM at a prestigious college and it nearly drove me insane, was on the verge of killing myself so many times because of the pressure. The worst part is that I knew medfags had it much worse, I knew an Asian who literally studied 18 hours a day on the weekend and would still be not satisfied with his grades.
This shit takes insane willpower, and an ability to cope with less than 6 hours of sleep per day. Was not made for me.
what does that have to do with them being incompetent, inconvenient, ultradouches who get away with absolutely anything?
It does buy happyness, if you are making it effortlessly throught instagram/youtube/anything online.
So after paying $100k for 4 years of undegrad, $300k for 4 years of med school, and making a pittance during 4 years of residency working 80 hours a week, you'll finally be able to start paying off your enormous debt? Of course, this is assuming you were able to pass through the rigorous selection process and get picked over the millions of other people also competing for the same position.
not to mention if youre not the best youre working at bumfuck nowhere, usa serving hicks or southern nogs
99% chance your doctor acts like that because he has to spend his entire day treating retarded boomers, niggers, and Mexicans that can't speak English.
It wears down your ability to be personal with people really fast
to be an investment banker, one has to get hired.
Pretty sure a doctor can pass exams and get certified and work @private practice.
You have to be cool to be a banker, not a doctor.
switch two of a med students studying and flip it to 1 hr of working out and 1 hr of fashion and etiquettw study per day. still less effort.
Because I'm already well off financially.
No desire to bust my ass for years in order to make more. I'm related to a doctor, and once they came into money, they stopped practicing entirely.
Are you the new Breitbart journalist?
None of my friends who are doctors could work at my firm or any others like it. You have to fit the culture, as in someone should be able to look at you and tell "yeah that guy is an investment banker" based on how you carry yourself and interact with others. You can teach almost anybody the math we use or how to dress like us but having the connections, attitude, charisma, etc. is the difference between getting a job in this field and being out of work.
>13 years primary school
> 4 years college
> 4 years doctorate
> 4 years residency
25 years of study before finally being able to actually "work".
Jesus lads what hell.
You're looking at a power law. No matter the field, top players make millions, and most people make below average. Should you become a chef because Gordon Ramsey makes millions? Should you become a golfer because Tiger Woods makes millions? No. You should advance yourself in whatever domain you have picked in life, and if you do transition, pick one that connects to your past.
this is a smarter decision than going to academic graduate school, but still a dumber decision than not going into finance or law, when you calculate the time vs money ratio. Only complete fucking moral fags take these jobs, and even then they try to justify outragious health bills or tuition rates.
Can confirm this as the truth, i work 911 in cook county IL ghettos as paramedic. No one cares about their problems, the ERs are over saturated with stupid fucks like who dont actually have a medical problem
>operating under the assumption that we all go to Ivy
>on Veeky Forums
with an idiotic assumption like that, I can tell who definitely isn't going to an Ivy league school
I have a friend studying for the MCAT to get into med school and material-wise its not that hard. The only fucking stupid part is medical schools will look into what youve been doing since you were in fucking high school and will question why you werent interested in medicine since you were a fucking teenager. Then there's the begging for letters of recommendation from professors and physicians. If you want them to write a glowing letter, you better not be autistic or introverted. The whole thing is a fucking pain in the ass geared towards extroverts.
As a medstudentfag in New Zealand, med school here is a total of 6 years (fresh out of highschool).
$15,000 NZD per year (about $11,000 USD) and you're basically guaranteed a job in NZ once you graduate.
We get paid $27,000ish in our 6th year of study. And then we get paid around $70,000 our first year out and can expect that to go up pretty quickly. After specialising you're looking at $400,000 to $800,000 per year
It's really not that hard so far - I still have plenty of time to get drunk, play sports, go to the beach, go to the gym, I really don't do much study.
Have to say though, med school is terrible. Everywhere you look, there is a severely autistic kid making a fucking stupid mistake. I've never seen so many socially outcast people in a room together until I went to my first med lecture
>just found out I have to wait another year to apply for pharmacy school
I'm not even sure its worth it anymore, but I dont know what to do with my degree
I have a bachelors in biology and it seems like anything that doesn't require me to go back to school for multiple years pays like shit
you are aware of the hours these people work right? being in the medical feild consumes huges chunks of hours from their lives.
>200k+ salary
Can't even fucking imagine that. I mean holy fuck. The highest paid surgeons in Finland barely make 100k
You get paid during residency to cover your living expenses and stuff. Not lighting the world on fire but you do get paid.
That's because it's mostly not real. My father in law is a doctor and his best year ever was $165k. The only doctors who make obscene amounts are those in private practice that don't deal with insurance.
I'm a mediocre physician (Neurology going into Neurocritical care). I'm currently in my residency. I'm 32 years old. By the time I will be making the salaries listed above I'll be ~35. I started making money at 28. My salary was 54k. This last year I pulled in approximately $150k from salary + moonlighting. Feel free to ask me anything.
here's my 0.02--coming from PA student (there's a reason why I went PA instead of MD) and the offspring of a doctor who owns a private practice
the road to become a doctor fucking sucks
>have to get extremely good grades in premed weed out classes, usually a 3.7 or greater in order to be competitive for med school
>after four years of busting your balls in undergrad and missing out on a number of social activities, wasting your youthful years, you then go on to another four years of even more misery with harder studying and horrible rotation hours in the later years
>after wasting the years the between 18-26 by studying and living full of stress, you then have to work another 4-8 years (depending on your specialty) with horrible pay and shitty early morning, long-hour rotations. (was 5 years for my father who is a radiation oncologist)
>once you finish that, you realize you did nothing socially meaningful or exploratory during your whole 20's. All you did was study and work long hours.
>finally, by your mid-thirties, you "might" be making over 250K if you don't have a shitty specialty like pediatrician or OBGYN, maybe even more if you're specialized
>but then you realize your body is a mess from lack of physical activity, you missed out on exploring the world, you hardly ever got to go out with your friends every weekend to get pussy. you missed so much
Just some sad words of wisdom from pops. Despite making 550K a year, he says he would never do it over again. He talked me out of becoming a doctor, so I went to PA school instead
hello mr doctor
my name is drago and come from country called bulgaria to U.S.A
i am looking for business job in your country. can i work with you in business man job? in bulgaria big boss call me mr ideas man. i have many rich ideas to make money
i pay two months salary for business job with you please help
thank you mr doctor
- drago
real questions though, how long did it take you to get your degree?
How stressful is it, do you work long hours like regular physicians do? are you on call all the time?
I think neurology is pretty interesting and I'm still trying to figure out what i want to do
and how's PA school in comparison?
It doesn't seem to be much different to me
I know it makes pretty good money, but in terms of hours and shifts and stuff how does it compare?
Because in the 8 years of headaches and med school i would take i'll be retired.
Fuckoff with that wagecuck shit.
Trued entrepreneurs never want a conventional job. Hence the businesses. And the stockfags are either lazy or uninformed.