LuluOP purged edition
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LuluOP purged edition
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I want to aggressively impregnate this vastayan, and I want her bf to be there to watch!
whats a fun thing i can do top lane
performing rites is always fun
Morgana. Watch how they become frustraded, watch how most junglers will gank on automatic without factoring Black Shield.
xth for high elo cucks btfo
some of us dont need to be lucky :)
all good in the neighborhood without a shitty lulu picture in the op
i go out of my way to not post in threads with lulu in the op
bully everyone
>Play Poppy
>Chunk someone to 50% HP with level 1 greenfather's mastery
>go back in a few seconds and get your grasp of the undying proc and replenish a bunch of health and lower their health to 40-45%
>watch as your based dolan's replenishes your HP back up
>win lane
>Wanting aram rift
>Not all for one rift
Hi there Ronaldinho jr.
Sup guys check out my new Urgot fanart, in honour of his getting a good pair of 8 gauge legs
>ywn cheat on your waifu with Eve
who is a good furry hero for mid lane
i only play furries
So i hear they buff him and i don't know why i usally destry every melee champion after i got Phage or Jaurim's Fist
is greenfather's that important
you'd be getting them down to 52% hp without it
>Ronaldinho jr.
Literally Ahri.
Goodnight, /lolg/. I hope you'll have good ranked luck and all, see you later or never.
Just make it end, please.
>one wants to fuck ashe
>the other wants to fuck darius
so is he supposed to be the bisexual lol champ?
I feel super powerful when playing him too, but you can't argue with stats, he doesn't win that much games even though he's almost only played by dedicated players
Of course I'll never cheat on Jinx, she perfect and far better than even a 100,000 Evelynns!
When is riot going to buff jinx?
What champion pisses you off the most?
Ziggs and/or Kennie.
>play against plat singed one trick
>get ganked and my shen counter ganks
>we win
>get hex drinker into maw
>kill him any chance I get now
>7/0 with more CS
>we siege mid all the way to their nexus towers while singed, in his tilted rage, takes the tier 1 of my top
>post game lobby
>"I can tell you're new to riven"
>"uh sure"
>"you didn't know when you could kill me"
>Tfw killed him 5 times solo and forced him to stay behind any chance I got, always 2 levels ahead minimum
There sure is a lot of smart people in plat.
>Not having a mistress
Praise the sun!
Clearly he wants to be vored by Sion
I've never seen this but I'm laughing now
I want to get Sjokz pregnant and go to a beach when she's incredibly large to flaunt her size to everyone
Holy shit stop crying about your fucking missed renekton play how long have you been posting this for?
What if my waifu is Eve?
those with more mobility than I got
>perfect and far better
The sun is evil
8 months
>he's almost only played by dedicated players
Pretty much these our victorys are result of out autism for him, also having the opportunity to split push like a mother fucker
Flat is perfection.
>Waifuing Eve
Then you have good tastes.
>Gets outplayed
>Gets so butthurt he autistically spams the webm of his ass getting decimated for months
We get it. You're bad at the game and a pathetic piece of shit.
whats the deal with kayle I'mm at an 80% win rate on her and just above 50 on everything else, the thing is I don't seem to hard carry the team or anything just run round the side lanes in the mid/late game getting massive farm and Ring someone during team fights.
S O O N tm
comfy bfs~
Hey guys, I made a guide on how to spot a redditor on /lolg/. Feel free to add your own tips
1: Complains about Yasuo, Riven and Vayne but not Caitlyn
2: Thinks Gangplank is a fair and balanced champion
3: Has a postive opinion on Thresh and Thresh mains
4: Refers to Orianna as "the most balanced champion in the game"
5: Mains jungle and believes that jungle is "weak" right now
6: mains support and uses "im a support main" in their posts
7: Follows e-sports religiously but rarely plays league themsevles and/or is a low rank
8: Likes cloud 9
9: Doesn't like TSM but when asked why not can't provide any reason
10: Says "tyler1 was a good streamer but he deserved to get banned"
>See people picking lux into katarina
>Every time lux gets fucked
Why don't people learn? It's probably kats best matchup
be murdered by the sun!
Best guy!
Rakan is fun!
anyone want to erp
The nerf to the ult isn't minuscule by any means. On live you can run up to someone ult them get the speed boost catch up and stay on them. On the PBE with these nerfs you have to get in dash/auto attack range first and then ult them or they will just disengage and leave. Also you have to remember that even when you do get in range the movement speed on her passive was also nerfed. Chasing someone like Riven, Lee Sin, or Ahri down is pretty much impossible on the PBE right now if they don't want to fight you. The only way I have been able to is by taking ghost because flash a lot of the times isn't enough to chase these champions down.
xth for breast metal waifu
should I buy Rakan, Bard, Nami or TK? to supp, obviously
She's braindead af even when playing from behind. Just build her correctly and you can get away with massive mistakes
get fucked
Depends on who's asking
Also I don't want to take it too far; I've already been banned twice for erping
They removed the MS from her ult entirely, and then nerfed the MS from proccing vitals. It's overkill. One or the other. She will be unable to 1v1 late game because she will be easily kited, and therefore, she either does damage and can't kill them, or does no damage, and just plays bruiser like Irelia.
11. They like champions I don't like
12. They hate champions I like
13. They're white males
14. They like 3D
>lux gets fucked
I don't see a problem here.
But that's great. Why are you complaining?
Flat is cute.
The perfect size breasts are those that belong to the woman you love.
ima need some sauce on that
how do i make friends?
Fuck off nigger
Someone post the jew image. Fiora deserves to be shit considering she never has. Her rework was on the same level as Leblanc but at least no one plays Leblanc anymore.
Fun fact in latin america his voice actor also does Xander from Drawn together, so everyone is being calling him a weeb fag there
Ooga booga
>2: Thinks Gangplank is a fair and balanced champion
I'm so confused how this is reddit worthy.
>9: Doesn't like TSM but when asked why not can't provide any reason
Thats like everyone in this general. I don't like TSM because of their fanbase and extreme ability to throw.
if you're talking about game friends:
pick shen and ult them
I'm not being sarcastic
I don't even know if I'm building here correctly i just go Double dorans>tooth+boots>huricane>and the games usually over before rage blade finishes
any decent porn site and search for lux
how lazy can you get
How do I know if I have kill potential on my opponent in lane? I watch streamers and it's like they instinctively know "Ok I can kill this guy now", but I have no idea until I'm halfway through a trade whether I can win or not
i dont know man
ive never had any friends online or irl
back the fuck off???? shes mine
I want to marry Sona and Have MF as a mistress !
>not liking tsm for their fanbase
That's like saying you hate MLP for it's fanbase when we all know how ACTUALLY great it is
>I'm so confused how this is reddit worthy.
Because Reddit has a hard-on for all melee glasscannon champions AND had a hard-on for tobias until he became your regular everyday inter that somehow doesn't get banned while ruining dozens of games a week
Diana it's past your bed time. You don't want to accidentally see the sun do you?
Pretend to be a girl in this general
Damage foresight? For most people it's just time invested.
Maining a champ and sticking with them. You'll understand your strengths and weaknesses in lane and what opponents you can kill and when.
>His mistress isn't even invisible
I'm not Diana; I've had several bad experiences with the sun
Riot should add an indicator that shows if you can kill an enemy champion if your ability damage is higher than their current HP, like the one you get for Cho's feast
be murdered by the moon as well!
renekton probably has the best dick in lol
>Of course I hate them
Implying any of us have the courage to talk to a girl online
I want to marry Sona and be a loyal husband who makes her happy!
What's your ign? That's usually a place to start.
Unless you mean irl, where I would say to meet people who share a hobby like mtg or 40k or dnd or soccer or whatever.
I did.
4 years of my life I'll never get back.
We can all share her user, i just want to smell those braids
>Wake up
>see this
What do?
Best girl.
Best figure.
Best wife.
>I'm not Diana
Sure and the Benghazi attack was over a cartoon right?
How am I supposed to build Diana post patch?
ROA into Nashor's? But wouldn't that make me too squishy for a Diver?
I want to look EXACTLY like Shyvana!
>Light Binding damages minions but no longer roots them; it now stops at first Champion hit
>Lucent Singularity's slow is halved at the event horizon, but doubled from its current at the epicenter and scaling accordingly; or else it increases over time, like a smaller and weaker Nunu ult. AP Ratio lowered to 45% but base damage at low ranks is much higher; Like doubled at first scaling up to current value for rank 5. Cannot be re-cast for 0.66 seconds after casting, counting travel time
>W changed from 50 / 65 / 80 / 95 / 110 (+ 20% AP) 」to 60 / 85 / 110 / 135 / 160 (+ 20% AP) 」
>accelerates when touching allied champions besides Lux
Massively nerfing her forcing to Support. Might need a new passive too, as if her current one isnt Bad!Leona passive anyway
Using sarah fortune as a cumdump doesn't make you not loyal user
I'm sure Sona would think of it the same way as you using an onahole when she isn't in the mood.
you forgot to mention an exception for sissy9 sneaky fans
other reddit redflags are:
liking Xayah and Rakan (huge hits on the leddit cause of some stupid "THATS HOW REAL MALE AND FEMALE BIRDS ACT XDD" shit)
Straight Ezreal posting
Fiora is balanced
Yasuo is balanced
plays ranked past gold but cant make it past plat
takes normals seriously
never ff
uses probuilds as an argument
Remillia is the first female pro player