Stay positive! Edition
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Stay positive! Edition
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>Lux thread
I approve
ravenous hydra feels better on jax even without the auto reset
Earnest Elf is still best Trist skin
retard detected
>Neither Rumble nor Corki got Omega Squad skins
uhhh riot??? hello??
never mentioned that it is actually better though, all i said is that it feels better
based retard bro
What went wrong
Lux best girl
Staying negative.
Shit taste.
Give me the most rage inducing adc to play from silver 1 to plat 5 please. Not caitlyn
weve known that for a LONG time, how new are you?
Miss Fortune.
atleast it will be for your team
im going to be negative untill the new star guardian skins come out
fuck league till then
and fuck you faggot poster
for your team? vayne
for enemy team? twitch
I don't see what being new or not has to do with that desu senpai
Hi /lolg/, it's the EleLux bootfag checking in to say this: I love Lux. That's all, have a nice night!
The sun is shining - we should too.
Why is he so based?
because weve known what characters were getting omega squad skins FOREVER and you choose NOW to bitch about it
so you havent been here long enough to see the leaks to bitch about it then and instead did it now
good thematic and fun gameplay
Old Warwick was better
Longzhu is fucking scary when they're mad, Pray on Xayah OP
>enemy squishies think they're allowed to leave their fountain
honestly, it's upsetting to see that not even mid-diamond players know how to lane against panth.. poor bastards eat my spears like they're doritos
New enchanter when
I'm gonna MARRY her
well user?
how do you lane against pantheon, besides not laning against him obviously
>someone actually banned Lux in one of my games
>Implying there's any way to avoid the spears
You just Q them whenever they try to CS, how do you avoid that?
so i heard that theres new omega squad shit now
when does it hit pbe
Guess that player knows she's a troll pick.
>Omega Squad Twitch is probably the only "Exterminator Twitch" we are going to see
Muh soul...
t. contrarian
He's a big guy
theres literally no fucking avoiding the spears. Honestly you need to run dorans shield and a ton of armor and regen and just hope natural regen is enough. There is literal 0 counter play to pantheons lane phase besides hoping pantheon runs out mana before you run out of health. Such a fucking stupid design that I honestly hope they completely gut until he's reworked. His spears should increase 10 mana cost per level. Kill him completely
It's a fucking point and click ability, you CAN'T dodge it. He's fucking disgusting to lane against.
Just don't get in range.
>just sit afk at the fountain
great idea user
you must understand that pantheon NEEDS kills to be relevant later. if he doesn't get them, he falls off HARD, probably harder than any other toplaner
a 0-0-0 camille vastly outscales a 0-0-0 pantheon
so start cloth+5 or dorans shield and don't leave your turret if youre below 50% health
also remember it's better to lose some CS or XP than to take a pantheon QWEQ to the face because you wanted one caster minion
>Veeky Forums shitters complaining about panteom
how would you win this teamfight?
>almost a get
hard to outscale someone when you cant even last because some nigger is throwing spears at you constantly
fuck off retard
Ban Caitlyn so I don't have to deal with it in the first place.
>This guy face when Pantheon comes out of lane with 250cs at 20 mins because he could freefarm with zero pressure
>just don't do anything if you're below 50% health and fall behind even further
how did our shaco not get an S?
cs was dogshit
He has almost negative cs, which is impressive for a champion that's just a split pushing piece of shit
hard to splitpush with the items he has
seriously what the fuck is that build
dont need minyans when you farm champions though
He was too busy farming champions :^)
Are you not playing Lulu anymore?
ask my irelia not to go ap
>just get no gold for 20 minutes then you'll outscale
stop giving retarded advice user
Every 20CS is atleast worth a kill. So if you just afk let panth have the free lane at 20minutes hes gonna have 200CS while you sit at 80 since you let him have the free lane.
dogshit doesn't even describe how poor that is
Is this your EUNE account or did you legit drop to bronze?
farming champs is nice but that only gets you an A for effort
Only pantheon posters are mains who meme their champion while no one cares.
this maha guy is fucking awful, he must be the keith of korea
Post the results Pixelbutts, show us your shame.
Reminder that Teemo is the only Omega Squad survivor.
The rest did not measure up.
>be at buffet in shin-juki
>wondering what to eat next
>notice a midriff entry in menu
>remember midriff user
>its breddy gud
Thanks midriff user!
League of legends
I play looloo in turkey flex and other servers + occasionally qonn
I play meme stuff in turkey duo (and quinn just now for the box)
it is my turkey account
yeah, and S rank shaco's can farm minions and champions. So he didn't get an S.
damn longzhu is good
>Playing on Turkey
>tfw noob teemo is in the background of all the splashes
>omega squad teemo is the last one standing
teemo had a hard life
play on euw with me merippu, I want to be your boyfriend!
was pretty fucking awful
>save xin from shyv invade
>get thanked by not getting ganks
>pantheon shits on me to no surprise
>take first tower while hes out farming kills
>play around them until i open top up to inhibitor
>win by getting carried and giving a last minute elder
what's a midriff entry?
Wew he fed that Panth. Wonder how he won
oh i don't know, maybe
I honestly started because of ikide iki and dörtte dört
and stayed because turks are pretty fun
>28/8 Panth
What in God's name?
It would be pretty hard to outscale someone when he has x5 your CS and
has goomba-stomped your entire team so that his entire team gets fed.
The champ is crazy, and thats why i like learning him. Panth with TP is really nice.
so if pantheon is as busted as /lolg/ says, then surely he's played in the LCS,right?
protip: he isn't
really makes you think
yeah i know
on the bright side we figured out that hes really into chasing us down, so we just played around him
anyone else hate jax's new auto animation
it feels like shit
my heart is already with another, user sorry
did yasuo change your experience
>he thinks competitive and soloq are the same
Everyone look at this nigger and laugh.
>28/8 Pantheon
>Still can't carry his team to victory
How the fuck?
>implying pussynigga lcs players would pick anything like panth when the games have a 2/3 score at 40 minutes
fuck off retard
>Kayn the edge lord within days of release
>Urgot rework videos within days
>Omega Squad Skins
Fucking excellent
You're a fucking retard, I'm denying you your (You)
>struggle to get chests for a few days
>get 3 lucky games
>suddenly out of chests
how can those tiny legs hold ur"ten ton horror of zaun"got
An entry on the menu that contains meat from the midriff of the animal.
T. Non native speaker