$16.25/ETH on Coinbase

I tried to tell you guys that we're going to the moon.

But did you listen? No. You called me a shill. You said BTC will always be king. ETH is the future. 50+ major corporations have interest in this crypto.

The Flippening will occur. Screen cap this post.

Other urls found in this thread:


eth is a mess

Monero is the only truly fungible cryptocurrency available and now people are getting caught on DNM through Bitcoin. Monero is the answer: praisemonero.org/

Begone shill.

>16.85 on Coinbase
G fucking G BTC.

Bought 300

bought 150...going down a bit but who cares i dont really want dollars

It's going to explode here soon.

All these companies are getting in on this. ETH has their attention. What does BTC have? Chinese miners?

The Flippening WILL happen.

oh how I wish I listen to you and your advice, nameless, unknown, random user on the most fucked-up, autistic site that's actually about weibo shit.

Nocoiner cope.

Don't be this sad anons. Jump on for the moon mission

shutup faggot. I've been buying BTC since 2012, when you were still swimming around in your fathers balls.

It's OP's arrogant "Oh why didn't everyone just listen to me" tone that rustles my jimmys.

I don't think you have any idea why bitcoin is worth what its worth, It has a totally different usage than etherum. Do you even realise what eths mainly used for? Do you understand there is limitless eth coins?

I can't get Ethereum in New York, does this mean I wont be able to get Monero?

A simple Google search would make you look less retarded next time.

>at 18 million per year.

Did you literally read your own picture? You have new shit coins available to you every year, bitcoin has a known cap and will reach that in the future. They're introducing each year the amount of bitcoins there is in total, not to mention the original release.

Yes, I read my own picture, the entire Ethereum website, many news articles, and have been actively involved in the market for it for a long time.

Coindesk released a good 50 page report called "Understanding Ethereum." I suggest you read it.

I got 1k, should I get BTC or ETH?

>you said BTC will always be king

That's still true ,only Bitcoin is going to the moon

Long term, Btc. Short-medium term, Iconomi coin. Its the NASDAQ of cryptos. Eth? lol

I'm going to laugh at all shitcoiners when the federal government makes exchanging these for USD illegal due to massive criminal use.

Considering that iconomi tokens are issued on the ethereum blockchain you're a fucking retard.

Who wants usd? Sorry fucker no one wants usd. Thats why people want to exchange their shitty usd for ETH

Nobody takes you seriously, troll.

Be quiet iconomi shill the grownups are discussing eth

Good god buy btc. It's the only one close to a household name. And once it hits parity with gold it will be on the news, only then older people will begin to be comfortable with the idea of crypto.

Sorry bruh no one wants your drugs and child porn coin. Ethereum is backed by JPM and goldman sachs and intel. Bitcoin was the canary in the coalmine the myspace to ethereums facebook.

Yes, once it hits parity with the multi trillion dollar gold market. Parity is not an equal unit price, nobody announced BTC had reached parity with the US Dollar when it hit $1.

The chinese do. And why the fuck would you want a crypto currency that is backed by JPM and goldman sachs. That is why everyone is running the fuck away from USD to bitcoin because it cannot be manipulated by those assholes.

The chinese are at least 3 years behind the english speaking world culturally. They are the last to know anything because their access to information is limited by the language barrier.

If you ever spent any time in china you would realise they just follow what they think is cool in the west but they never quite get it right.

The chinese are the ones mining most of the bitcoins you dumbfuck. Pull your head out of your ass and recognize that the USD is currently dying and the country with the largest population is dominating bitcoin. Wouldn't it be wise to invest in the coin that the most people will buy into?

Can somebody donate me literally any amount of mETH? I want to tell my friends I'm a legit crypto-investor and i'll be rolling in bitches in a year or so..

still trying to create and verify an account with coinbase to buy some before I cannot afford it.

Bitcoin isn't even used as a digital currency anymore, it's just become a hedge against volatility. Ethereum actually has a real use you fucking faggot

Yeah i already said they were behind the times. The fact that they are busy mining and bagholding an obsolete cryptocurrency merely proves that fact.

>It's the only one close to a household name

It's well known among non-techies for all the wrong reasons. Either because it's "that thing pedophiles use to cover their trace" or because its value bubbled up, popped, and is bubbling up again. You don't think the companies in the EEA have the power to make ETH a household name?

You're missing the point, it's their population size 1.3 billion.

Yes, they can make it a household name but only in countries actively working with the US Fed Reserve. The point of a good crypto currency is that it is decentralized. So simply by association, the EEA is tarnishing ETH. Because there are sovereign governments that do not want to be tied down to the US fed reserve.

Bought in this morning - how fucked am I?

And so what? Did you really fall for the china meme so hard? Do you think chinese people want to invest in a currency controlled by chinese people?is that why they bought bitcoin in the first place? Or do you think chinese peoples primary aim is to get their money the fuck out of china because it is a corrupt backward shithole? Please engage your brain

Your grasp of the field of economics is tenuous at best

Where do you guys store ETH? And are passwords for the Ethereum Wallet local, or does a password always provide the same address on every device? Is it a hash function?

>China is bad because Trump said so


No china is bad because its a fucking tip and the people are cubts to each other like have you ever seen the place?

Cold storage

It's the chinese government that is buying up the bitcoin, then they are going to be redistributing it within their economy. Jesus do I need to spell this out with crayons for you? So JPM and goldman sachs are going to be left with shit because the USD is dying along with the Fed reserve because of the fucking derivative bubble - so they are going to need China's participation for ETH to work long term. Japan and Phillipines now accept bitcoin as tender b/c they know that China is going with bitcoin and the USD is done.

Chinese government is doing no such thing you complete dimwit

And bitcoin is not legal tender in japan or the philipines you fucking stupid bastard

Yes, they are - well at least according to internal PBoC whitepapers.

>mfw sold 5k eth for $11

Here you go...

How did you generate it?

Legal tender means you can use it to pay taxes and the government itself accepts it as payment. All that misleading article is trying to say is that japan now has a bitlicense where any company wishing to deal with bitcoin has to submit to a long and tedious list of regulations. Its actually bad news for bitcoin spun as positive and you were dumb enough to take it at face value. You fucking dunce

Er, no they are not. Show me one single source which says that the chinese central bank is buying up bitcoins...go on.

>Guys bitcoin is becoming legal tender in Japan this is bad for bitcoin!

Ethtards need to leave this board

You're the one touting all of this ETH bullshit to these poor NEETs when you don't know the first thing about the movements of bitcoin on a geopolitical level. Otherwise you would have known about bitcoin adoption within Japan and philipines. The people that are really watching the debasement of the USD understand why this is happening. And I guarantee you that they will not invest in a crypto system that ties itself to the problem.

Gemini exchange

For my account, if I use the same password as somebody else, will that other person be able to access my Ether, or are passwords just used to encrypt the actual private key? What I'm trying to say is, are keys/accounts derived from passwords, or are keys independent from passwords?

Only repeating what I had heard - don't have a copy. Take it how you will.

Lol with tards like you in this market the information asymmetry is in my favour. You're like a jihadi goathurder with a faulty AK and i'm a B2 bomber with lazer guided missiles. See you on the battlefield soon-to-be-poorfag

I will take it as complete bullshit you pulled out of your ass

Your mistake.


I'll buy 10 ETH if one of you fags answer this question.

Keys are independent from passwords. You need the keystore file to access your eth, it's what represents ownership of it on the blockchain. The password is just an added 'clientside' level of security so to speak, it's not all that different from needing a password to get into your PC to access a bitcoin wallet stored on your hard drive, for example

If you create a new account with any of parity, geth or myetherwallet, the password will just additionally secure the private key. Only if you use a brainwallet will the password be the private key. In that case, use diceware to generate a secure random passphrase.


Thanks, but then why does the main wallet force the user to generate a password for each address (account, by their terminology)?

Because it would be much easier for spyware to retrieve the private key from your wallet.json without having to brute force it.

Its a security investment
Buy either a trezor or a Ledger Nano S
Both are around 90-100$ish
Not connected to the internet, basically A usb key wallet. Very easy to use, very secure.

>he thinks "there is limitless eth coins"

holy shit you are a fucking retard