Video of Veeky Forums user driving car

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Wait, does the guy only see with one eye?
Because if so, some of his errors make perfect sense, like crossing the stopping line due to poor depth perception, not being aware of his surrounding because of a reduced peripheral vision, etc.
Doesn't excuse shit like turning left from the right lane but still.

>yfw this pic was made by a successful guy on the right who wants to see you fail.

It was obviously made by a Female Gender Supremicist.

Honestly it looks fine to me.

how are you this fucking retarded?

>Virgin tier glasses
>Can't drive manual
>Tacky, convertible, shit tier Corvette
>Cries when he realizes the magnitude of his autism

This is definitely someone from Veeky Forums

>inb4 asshurt

The Corvette is from the show. They put them in sports cars as a small bit of entertainment.

The guy's disabled. Why is he even on the show? Lots of people in his position can't drive it's no big deal.


Except every boss, that makes more than double what I've ever made, has exhibited a majority of the characteristics on the right.

Not say those are good attributes to have but they tend to pop up in very driven people.

Pretty much this.

It makes sense. You don't come out on top by taking blame or being modest. You only come out on top by climbing on the backs of the losers.

holy fucking shit........
I work with a guy this fucking stupid........
every single day i tell him the same goddamn thing....

Can someone explain to me how the fuck people are this bad? I mean granted I see dumbfucks everyday but this has to be overdramatic for TV

He wouldn't have gotten his license if he drives like that. No way.

Fetal alcohol syndrome how unfortunate


Wait, are you telling me you're not allowed to switch lanes in the land of bagged milk?

>when driving in your country is so bad that they have to make a show about it
Good job canucks

The best part is that they talk with that slow stilted monotone Canada accent as well you know eh so it's even more funny to hear a retard talk like a double retard.

>be a mermaid

Ummm... its not just Canada...

>As of 2012, Canada's Worst Driver is the longest-running show in the franchise.
Can't make this shit up

This. I feel bad for the guy being made a spectacle of for TV, whoever let him pass his drivers exam is the real retard.

It is a big fucking deal tho because assholes like him insist on driving anyway and letting everyone else in danger. But of course we have to let these people drive because it's the PC and nice thing to do, and if you don't they'll cry discrimination nevermind how utterly shit they are with a fucking automatic vehicle mind you. Same shit with old people

Old people you can just ram them. Their bones are fragile so they'll wind up in the hospital for a long time and they probably won't remember what happened anyway.

This has to be an act, imagine if they put a literal mental disabled person on TV to laugh at him.

Dude don't make fun of Canadians like that. They have feelings, too, you know.

You can't change lane when there is a full white line separating them PRECISELY to avoid changing lane at the last moment and possibly getting hit by someone who was engaged in the lane you are transferring into. See all the times when he nearly gets ran into because someone is coming from behind in another lane? That's exactly why you have some time beforehand to get in the lane you need to be in and don't have to do it at the last moment.

>tfw there are actually people who don't know what a solid white line means
>even after they put up signs to stay in lane these days
They walk among us, user.

At least you can legally hit slap them on the wrists for being idiots.
>they won't learn anyway
you know, maybe in quite some cases, self-driving cars may not be such a bad idea...

I feel sorry for the Corvette.