/felmg/ - Felmyst General

Ignore obvious bait posts and attention seekers. By not responding you do not give them what they want, attention.

Felmyst (Or Gummy) is a TBC server coming out soon. 1x rates, no p2w, progressive content release.

>Register and download client


>What time is it going to come out???
July 21st

>I'm sick of leveling!
TBC leveling is easier than vanilla, more exp for quests and less exp required to hit 60.

Previous thread

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Okay here's a the deal with /wpsg/ vs nu/vg/

>/wpsg/ is basically oldfags who have played in private servers for years, from 1x vanilla to instant cap mop servers and even cusom content servers. Basically people who love the game and always have. Of course there is cancer and autism there too, it's Veeky Forums but nothing anywhere near current levels.
>/nu/vg is basically all the people who heard about nostalrius on /v/, reddit, imgur, etc and flooded Veeky Forums with their cancer. They think playing vanilla wow makes them special, kind of how girls act nerdy and geeky to get attention. This is why there are so many attention whores in /elyg/
>eventually went from /nosg/ to /krog/ to /elyg/ and here we are today.

That's why so many people from nu/vg/ virtue signal
>muh 1x
>muh journey
>muh community
Even though they never played retail vanilla, pretty strange behavior.

So remember, when someone is talking down to old Veeky Forums and /wpsg/ stop and think. Was this post made by a redditer?

>The Redditor is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shitposter, newfag, cancer, meme-loving fuck, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Redditor and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

arcane fire does more damage than deep fire
why is everyone playing deep fire

>the autistic funserver crew is butthurt that the tranny subhumans took their spotlight and no one fucking talks about them anymore

wew lad

the absolute state of /wpsg/ server hoppers

I had thought the standard fire build was like 10/48/3, what build are you referring to?

discord killed Veeky Forums guilds desu

This is pretty spot on, even funnier are all the newfags denying it.

i miss the good old days when /wpsg/ veterans were feared and respected. nowadays you have newfag redditurd chucklefucks coming in every day from r/wowservers and pretending that they own the place without ever bothering to assimilate into our culture. it's a fucking travesty lads.

Discord on its own has more than enough potential to be cancerous, but if used correctly is a tool that most guilds can handle.
Discord combined with Veeky Forums leads to several (or more than several) individuals treating it like a yahoo chatroom, most of whom have very little interest in the actual video game. The discord chat becomes an attention grabbing contest which quickly starts rewarding the lowest common denominator bait, and the Veeky Forums thread devolves into a dumping ground to shitpost or falseflag other members of the discord anonymously.

i honestly do not see a way around that but that's just me.

/wpsg/ became irrelevant the day /nosg/ was created
you are nothing

t. 2015 outlander

you are the cancer that is killing - nay, has killed - the Veeky Forums pserver scene.

>it's another redditers respond to reddit bait to prove that they're not from reddit episode

>i miss the good old days when /wpsg/ veterans were feared and respected

holy shit, for a bunch of autists playing a 15 years old game in a fucking pirate server you are giving yourself way too much credit, its fucking embarrassing

/wpsg/ was the worst cancer this board has ever seen
you would know if you were actually here back then
the whole reason /nosg/ was created was to get away from the /wpsg/ cesspit

is it worth playing druid at all on gummy with the 2.0 itemization? I mean, outside of OT

>/elyg/ unironically responding to /elyg/'s /wpsg/ falseflag posts
Hahaha holy shit as if you couldn't expose yourself anymore

Was formed from an idea to raid with speed, precision and focus. We expect our raiders to perform at their peak in all aspects of the game be it dungeons, PvP or Raids.

We strive for fast progression, Monthly Speed runs, World Bosses & anything we choose to get involved in.

Raid Days & times: Thursdays, Sundays and Tuesdays. at 7pm GMT+1 time zone.

The goal is for 1 day clears of all content as move to no more then 2.

What we expect:
>Level to 70 as fast as you can!
>Be on time for raids at least 30 minutes prior to raid time to pull @ designated time.
>Be prepared for raids with proper consumables, world buffs & Foods and have the means to support your consumable use.
>Have your gear fully enchanted.53. Be active in game and online when needed. (We are not looking for raid loggers)
>Strive to constantly upgrade your gear even if its the most minor upgrade.


It impacts all classes. Play whatever the fuck you want.

>7pm GMT+1 time zone.
Felmyst is the NA server. Please return to Warmane.




back to redit with you

actually prolly better to use imped manashield than cs but yeah you get the idea

Alex seems to be raging since his mom kicked him out his house.



>wrathbabies feeling the momentum

Retards who don't know how to manage attention fags are the problem, if whoever is in charge of the guild banned these idiots on the first offense the problem would be solved.

Alex is having a meltdown.
>second rift in BM
>tells his tank to go
>tank dies due to not enough heals
>spergs out, closes wow
Now he's telling his stream how bad his group was.

is that the spec to play at fresh 70 or was arcane frost better?

Do you really have enough mana as a fresh 70 to use this build optimally?


How long are we thinking he'll last?

arcane frost is t5

yes. burst cooldowns cost mana but you have some other talents that make up for it.
arcane concentration, arcane meditation, master of elements.

Also this build helps a lot with crit which you clearly lack on fresh 70 deep fire

i'm planning on enjoying my two weeks on gummy in fact

by the way - do not EVER accuse me of being a, quoteth unquoteth "wrathbaby." i've been playing since january 2005.

Dumb Wrathbaby.

My bet is he'll get to 70 fine, but he'll encounter roadblocks when gearing up and suffer quite a few spergouts due to "fucking baddies".
He will then jump on whichever anti-gummy theory is floating around, as warmane fags will be in a shitposting frenzy and there will be several to choose from. Best guess is he goes with the "gummy is unreliable" meme as that's the more believable or he could even backtrack and go with the "blizz will shut it down, no point to this" track but feels unlikely for him.
He will then commence an anti-gummy crusade, most probably with some people "feeding" him info indicating some sort of corruption - some unwarranted bans could easily be used as "evidence" if he was clever enough (he's not).

He'll exhaust all of his attention with that, then lay low and wait for blizzcon.

On Gummys?
He will probably struggle to level up considering his job and constant stream sniping.
At lvl70 he will struggle to find a guild and decent groups because most people know about him and his behaviour. No half decent guild will take him i think.

>makes it to 70 after having to stop streaming due to constant ganks
>joins one of the 'big name guilds'
>realizes he isnt that good and the added difficulty on gummys server makes it obvious to everyone else
>spergs out on some of his guildmates
>they start talking shit to him, making fun of him
>quits the guild
>finds 'evidence' that gummy is a 'bad guy'
>makes a video everyday on why felmyst is bad
>starts to hype up northcraft

>gummy is unreliable
Look i grt that you weren't here when he took down scriptcraft 1 and 2 but gummy is definitely unreliable at best.

it's a PvP server
he wont make it past hellfire peninsula

I'm not arguing that, just saying how it would likely go for his drama seeking.
This seems similar and plausible as well.
Isn't he already set up with a guild tho?

he's not making it through stv unless he finally figured out how stream delay works

Whether he has a guild or not is irrelevant. His personality is shit and once he starts yelling at his guild mates for his own mistakes, they'll turn on him.

Even with that people will find him, especially if he gives them the reactions they're hoping to get. He will for certain have a "friend" who will let people know where he's at if people are too lazy to search the zone.
Yep. Being in a pug and getting sperged at is one thing, but when he sceeches at guildmembers they're going to tell him to eat shit.

Would you guys be interested in a guild with raid times Saturday and Sunday during the day, morning or early afternoon, EST? Obviously it hasn't been created yet, and there's no discord, nor do I plan on there being one frankly I'll bite the bullet and pay the whopping $5-$10 for a vent server just to avoid that cancer-riddled hellhole, just trying to gauge interest.

tfw wont happen
why do good things never happen to us, friends?
has god abandonded us?

>trannies going horde
>loot council
>the absolute state of Mandate of Reddit

doa guild

people these days want discord

the guilds have already been formed
too late to make a new one

>loot council
>all the good loot mysteriously gets funneled to the officers even if they're shit
every time

there's the only alliance guild, most of the moved there too


I'd possibly be interested but I'm not sure weekends work for most people, or at least not anyone with other obligations.
I think weekday evenings are best, spread out in at least two nights.
I'd also be willing to throw money down for vent server or helping out.

I would definitely be interested in that, anything to get away from the cancer that's been on Veeky Forums the past few years.

He keeps getting killed in PUBG and blaming his viewers for 'distracting' him. Now he says he is going to ban everyone who talks in his chat.

It's not surprising he went from 500 viewers to less than 100.

is the nerd named Cassette in discord here, LMAO?

actually yeah, us or eu?

and he just said on stream he's horde as well. thank fucking god i don't have to roll horde to gank him

desu both scriptcrafts were on their way out when gummy shut them down, I didn't really care too much
That's not to say he's reliable, though.

Are there even enough people from here that want non-cancer? Honest question.
I think a Veeky Forums created guild that went beyond strictly Veeky Forums would be ok but that may be a shitty opinion. I can't think of a Veeky Forums guild in the last four years that hasn't had a lot of teenage cancer involved.

gumby alliance
don't miss it

Need to coordinate and take all of his names/variations when the server launches:


What else?

It's always been cancer, but it was never literally tranny spam cancer before nostalrius/discord was a thing. It was never anywhere near this bad.

why are redditors raiding us?

>still not PvE TBC server without vanilla content

>I've decided that it would be best if we went Horde. While there are valid reasons for going Alliance, most people interested in going Alliance are only concerned about the cosmetic differences. The ability of other players to enjoy the game will negatively impacted if we go Alliance.

We will also start recruiting from Veeky Forums, so share the Discord link wherever you can. Unlike other Veeky Forums guilds, we will not permit every outsider to become a raider. They must first bypass a screening process (i.e. an application). Since this is a guild, nobody from there will ever need to go through an application.

>Loot will be distributed via a voting loot council. Members of the council will vote on and debate each item


Hey Alex. Why are you so angry? Is it because your mommy kicked you out of her house and you had to get a job?

alex-kun stop being so rude desu

Is isn't like anyone here has a morning job. 8pm or 9pm PST is the perfect raid time.

cmon man. alex just wants to get drunk every day of the week at mommy's house. i would too if i was balding in my mid 20s

Alex do you actually think any guild will invite you?

>I'm not sure weekends work for most people
I know, my work schedule sucks so I can't guarantee being available for any block of time each and every week during the week.
us, though the raid time should be fine for people in eu I would imagine

Ok, that's somewhat encouraging. Thanks.

>Loot will be distributed via a voting loot council. Members of the council will vote on and debate each item

Fucking christ. If you retards let them buttfuck you all over again, you literally deserve it at this point.

yooooo ......broooooooooooos...... what faction we rollin....

>rolling horde
>rolling with the tranny trash

>terrible at wow
>terrible at pubg
maybe you should go outside

horde if you wanna play blood elf with the trannies
alliance if you want to roll with the normal people

user, it's not nice to mock the disabled.

>clearing prenerf kara with 2.0 gear

i wonder if hes terrible at washing the dishes at work

That's not even fucking funny.

Not even fucking funny.

Man, imagine being so bad at any video game you play.

alex is going fucking BEAST mode. just smashed his desk. i guess when he's not playing with other people he can't deflect and he can't handle it

>guy with shotgun misses him 7 times
>cant hit him once with melee over 15 seconds

really hope someone is making webms


I hope you fags have a VoD or streamable link or something

redpill me on loot council. why is it bad?

nice try, tranny

it's bad if you join a Veeky Forums guild. if you join a guild that isn't corrupt then it's definitely the best way to do it

loot council is good if you have a serious guild concerned with making progress because it means any piece of gear will go to the player who will receive the most value increase from it

if you have trannies on the loot council however it just means officers get items and other people only get it when there's no increase to be had

how much did your mom pay for the keyboard, alex?


he made the absolute wrong choice trying to heal in bc heroics. he should have been a ranged dps whose only responsibility is sheeping/seducing/fearing/trapping moon. no cleaves to be hit by, just cc your mob and burn shit down

>tank dies because alex doesnt heal

>all the degenerate tranny subhumans get full tier in a month
>the beta orbiters slaving for them stay with blues till t5



The only issue with going alliance is that alex has decided, for the moment at any rate fortunately he's flaky, to also go alliance so I can't camp him. But seeing this just reaffirms that it is the right decision. No contest.