Why do we as a species like to go fast? Seriously...

Why do we as a species like to go fast? Seriously, I drive like a fucking maniac even if I know I'm eating up gas and ruining my tires at every skid. Is there a psychological explanation other than being an adrenaline junkie? Or is it the mild rush of "breaking the law", i.e. speeding.

How do you guys get over being immature behind the wheel? I fear that I will become a crazy old man with dementia hooning his imported miata I bought with my 401k in the parking lot of ralphs.

A hefty speeding ticket usually helps. Most people don't like to go fast. It's just us few with some screws loose.

>we as a species like to go fast?
honestly that's just a percentage.

i really don't like going fast, unless i'm in a hurry to get somewhere

>How do you guys get over being immature behind the wheel?
A truly mature man knows that it's not how you drive that makes you mature, it's why you drive how you drive.

Do you want to live your life spending tens of thousands of hours being bored out of your mind wanting to drive faster, or do you want to live life on your terms and accept consequences like a grown ass man when they come, instead of being a good little bitch.

When you're lying on your death bed, do you want to wish that you'd have driven the way you wanted more, and regret your life, or will you have died with some peace knowing that you drove the way you wanted to drive and lived a fulfilling and enriched life?

>Do you want to live your life spending tens of thousands of hours being bored out of your mind wanting to drive faster

Bruh you say that like I don't drive like it's my last day on earth everyday if I'm late to work everyone is getting their lives endangered but fuck me if I get written up again I need that new exhaust and some numbers written on a sign isn't going to stop me from overtaking at 90+ in a residential

git gud

Because fuck everyone else I'm a faster driver, that's why.

We like to skate across the Earths surface and cross the threshold to infinity.

i got 3 speeding tickets in a period of year so i have no fucking clue

only some of us humans

>Bruh you say that like I don't drive like it's my last day on earth everyday
Nah, bro. I'm just saying there're two ways you can live your life; I'm not accusing you of living your life like any of those two ways.

>Is there a psychological explanation other than being an adrenaline junkie?

Yea it's called being so shit at everything in life that you need to do dangerous life threatening stunts to make yourself feel like you're worth any ones time and attention.

Because I've been depressed for years and speeding is one of the only things I enjoy

Everyone makes love differently, some just wanna get there first.

Gotta be your philosophy of driving. If you drive fast not to break the speed limit, but to exceed traffic speeds. You probably either want to assert your car/driving skills on the road over other people.

Just a bit of 'passive' aggression, everyone gets it.

you probably just have toxoplasmosis. I bet you own or owned a cat.

>TFW your pic gets reposted

>Why do we as a species like to go fast?
more fast is more better;
reptile brain knows increased velocity means less predators and more cooze

>Seriously, I drive like a fucking maniac even if I know I'm eating up gas and ruining my tires at every skid. Is there a psychological explanation other than being an adrenaline junkie?
>Or is it the mild rush of "breaking the law", i.e. speeding.
yes. all of that

>How do you guys get over being immature behind the wheel? I fear that I will become a crazy old man with dementia hooning his imported miata I bought with my 401k in the parking lot of ralphs.
go on long trips, stop listening to music with fast tempo
>sad but true, give up the eurobeat or forever speed

>had to take a different route to work for a week because of roadworks
>hoon it over new road going 30km over the speed limit
>road had speedcameras
>usually takes a month for a ticket to arrive in my country
>just got my first two tickets in today...
>will probably recieve more tickets in the course of the week

We're programmed to be that way

>he cant hoon

that quote is pretty dumb
sometimes i think scientists and philosophers are so full of themselves they think some of the most ridiculous and dumb things are somehow profound and inherently true

You know that's from a movie right? Are you actually a moron or just that bad at making bait?

I'd try to reason with you to maybe try and fill you in on why what you've said is so hilariously moronic, but it'd be wasted on such a lesser creature.

Here's your YOU

Don't let those fagots give other philosophers and scientists a bad name.

To a lot of pedestrians, shitty drivers and driving enthusiasts are all the same, just people in cars.

You have the people who drive 10 under the speed limit if it's lightly raining, and will brake hard mid-corner on top of driving 10 under the speed limit, on top of having already having braked before the corner.
People who will slow down to 5mph to make a right angle turn. People who look at the recommended speed limit signs and drive that speed despite being well below the speed limit, and well below the limit of grip.

Then you have the people who will trail brake, take a traditional racing line in corners, take the S curves straight, know pretty well how much grip their cars will have in corners, and rev match.

>Why do we as a species like to go fast?

We have a limited time on this earth. I don't want to spend what's left of mine crawling along behind some drunk.

That sucks bro, in the US they need to verify the driver before they ticket the vehicle.

Yes Jeff Goldblum is truly one of the most overrated philosophers of our time