>It's another episode of getting fired from a minimum wagecuck job for pretty much no reason
This is getting frustrating now. I've been fired from multiple jobs.
>It's another episode of getting fired from a minimum wagecuck job for pretty much no reason
This is getting frustrating now. I've been fired from multiple jobs.
There must be a reason why you get fired. I've been fired before from my job at a grocery store chain for showing up for work at least 20 minutes late each time and stealing energy drinks.
Honestly not sure. They say i don't work so well or make up kind of dumb reasons but I don't see myself working any worse than the other employees.
Sometimes I've been fired before training even finished.
Do you try to put in effort? I've always had success with putting on a show for the bosses by working extra hard and showing a little enthusiasm for the first week or two. Then they ease up on you.
Are you fat or ugly? These might be factors affecting how people perceive you. If you are genetically subhuman, people tend to be more judgmental about you and see everything you do through a negative lens ("the failo effect").
It's worse working through temp agencies. I would consider myself to have great work ethic and a hard worker, but no matter what when that 90 day period is up, they will do anything to not hire me on full time with benefits.
Just recently had a company tell the temp agency I no called no showed the entire weekend and they didn't want me back, even though I worked that entire weekend. Didn't even get any pay.
Another place terminated me 2 days before my 90 days were up for temp to hire because it was a tobacco free facility and I had a pack of cigarettes sitting in my car. They actually went to the length of going outside and looking in my car to find a reason to fire me.
I'm getting fed up with temp to hire jobs, but that's pretty much what everything is in this town that isn't a doctor or lawyer. Even RNs here are through temp to hire staffing agencies at most health care centers. Sucks living in a large city that's mostly niggers and spics that companies don't even want to be liable for white people.
Check your privilege, shitlord. Diverse people need jobs and benefits more than you.
>Are you fat or ugly?
Lean and kind of look like one of the models for the propaganda posters of Nazi Germany.
I don't know, I feel like they often act very hostile towards me as a result. Sometimes I've been fired for literally no reason, was doing everything fine but I guess they had other ideas.
If you treat the job like it's beneath you chances are you're going to get fired.
Act excited about working, put on a show whenever boss is around, i know it sounds lame but there is plenty of people out there who will treat that wageslave job as a blessing but bosses expect you to at least act like you're happy to do it/care about it
So what? Am I just suppose to suck their dick?
it's fucking retarded, I didn't even do anything wrong they probably did it for upper management reasons or something.
If you encounter one asshole, you got unlucky, but if you find yourself surrounded by assholes, maybe the asshole is you.
Or maybe the assholes are the min wagecuckery managers.
>treats his job like it's some kind of punishment
>complains that he gets fired
I get it man, I really do, but if you want to make money you have to suck it up and just pretend you like the shitty job. Maybe try to find something about it you like. I know how this may sound to you since I was 19 once too but just take it from me: if you don't make an effort to thrive under any circumstances, you're going to be very miserable.
it's definitely just you then
No I get that man. But the thing is that I swear to God most of the times I literally can't think of anything I could have done better given my situation.
I make well over 6 figures and I'd probably get fired to if I had to put up with a min-wage job. What's keeping you from looking for a better position? Education? Geography? Your history?
All of the above plus some more.
>He got fired
Seriously how the fuck do people like you even manage it? Literally all you have to do is show up and not be a complete mong.
Don't worry though lad, because for every one entitled cunt like you there's 10 Mexicans and pajeets waiting in line to kiss the ground your old employer walks on.
You're losing jobs because your attitude is shit. I'm willing to bet that your work is shit too, despite your protests to the contrary. Be grateful, work smart and hard, and for fuck's sake stop being such an insufferable sandy butthole.
Wage slaves are are a dime a dozen and employers know it. They literally treat you like human waste.
The last wagie job i had, I got fired for just looking at a dyke supervisor wrong.
nice b8
maximum kek
I've never been fired in the 24 years I've been working. Start taking pride in what you do, regardless of how menial you perceive it to be, and you won't get fired. Well, unless you're an idiot.
>If you don't literally know your entire job in and out, and do it with 100% complete enthusiasm you deserve to be fired
No. What kind of bullshit is this? I literally did nothing wrong, i could understand if i fucked some shit up.
I MEAN SHIT I DIDN'T EVEN GET A WARNING MOST OF THE TIMES I GOT FIRED. I literally just got fired. Which leads me tobelieve that it wasn't based on my performance in any way.
Get your CDL Class A it swear best choice I made ino my life at 18 now 22
>They literally treat you like human waste.
Because you are. Anyone that chooses to be a wagecuck in this day and age either has an IQ in the lowest 20%, of they're some kind of self-hating masochist.
Ive had like 30 jobs and only been fired from 1 because i hated it and i valled the bosses daughter a fat retarded cunt and left mid shift. Propped the door open and told her i knew she was to fucking stupid to work any knob that wasnt on a street corner.
I regret nothing.
How in the right hoky fuck are u so lazy or autistic u get fired from MULTIPLE minimum wage jobs.
My fucking sides.
Checked and keked.
>Fired for pretty much no reason
>just because you don't know the reason doesnt mean there's not a reason
If you are continuously getting fired from multiple jobs the problem lies is not your employer, the problem is you.
t. Employers
OP stop smoking weed, get some sleep (8+ hours), and try to not eat like a slob. So you can do the work that needs to be done at your peak performance. Sounds to me like you are lazy and foggy-headed. Been there done that enough to know the experience quite well.
Most places will only fire you if you're entirely incompetent.
The only time I got fired was because I essentially quit, but still came into work everyday and sat there and did nothing. Got written up three times and got fired so I was able to collect unemployment. If I would have quit, I wouldn't have been eligible for any benefits, nor would I have gotten my remaining PTO.
I was managing a team of people and I started scheduling them for max hours if they wanted so they could get paid, but I didn't give them anything to work. I just sat there at my computer doing jack shit. Lost the company a lot of money and ruined a bunch of long-standing customer relationships. I went from busting ass working 70 hour weeks w/o OT to simply coming in at 9 and leaving at 5. This dumb bitch who used to have my job tried picking up some of my slack since she was the only own who knew how a lot of the systems worked. I enjoyed walking out right at 5 and watching her sneer at me and ask if I was really just going to leave for the day.
About a year after that I heard the company laid off a good deal of their staff. I have no regrets. It was a shitty place to work.
Hiring people costs a lot of time and money. Employers don't just hire people and then lay them off for no reason.
Obviously there's nothing wrong with your looks, first impression or CV, otherwise employers wouldn't hire you in the first place.
Maybe the work you do just really sucks.
Maybe, but what reason could they have to fire me before training finished?
it's retarded. I was no worse than any other employees.
in that case, you absolutely are either
a. completely autistic (not meaning this as an insult but as a fact of life)
b. You 100% need to learn to read people, as you obviously have no idea about human nature you, you fucking NEET alien.
Give some greentext of one time when you got fired
Work ethics, social incompetence, lack of interest, disregard of common work norms, I've seen plenty of things people got fired for that are not directly related to the actual job duty performance.
I've had to fire one young girl working for me because she wouldn't stop tweeting about all her work tasks on twitter all day long including visible company internal documents in her selfies.
>it's retarded. I was no worse than any other employees.
You clearly were worse. And you probably are retarded if you can't figure any of this out.
Okay but I didn't do anything really retarded like that.
Seriously guys I'm not a fucking autist. I know you all think I am,and I know this all sounds like bullshit but I swear i did nothing wrong.
In any fucking case, what reason could they possibly have TO NOT GIVE ME A WARNING? Would you really do that? Hire someone, go through building rapport/getting to know them.... Then just firing them over something incredibly sutble and minor instead of at least mentioning the issue to them and seeig if they fix it?
Excuse me if i'm the autist here but that's just retarded.
Yes. Yes. You are. This is the central dogma of being employed. You let someone else tell you what to do,and in return you get money. The less you earn, the more miles of dick and shitty work you have to take in order to get anywhere.
Some times that shitty work does indeed require sucking dick. The problem with being on the bottom is that there are literally thousands of others they can hire, so if you don't act like this job is what stands between you and starving, guess what, you're fired.
Next time,try showing up an hour before you have to, looking fresh, being polite to _everyone_,while you hustle your ass off getting shit done.
Maybe it's some sort of uncomfortable retardation employers don't want to deal with. Like have you made sexual advances on coworkers? HR usually doesn't want to get caught up with that and if they can, they will fire you for unrelated reasons.
Any situation where they may want to protect your "victim" of further harm or vitriol might qualify here.
Doesn't have to be harassment, maybe just nobody liked you and the company decided that you don't contribute to a healthy work environment.
Do you have any strong political views or social attributes that may be disliked by a large percentage of regular employees?
"You got fired because you forwarded /pol/ memes to coworkers every day" wouldn't be something you expect as an "official" reason to get fired.
No man. That's the fucking thing. I always tried to be as well-likeable as possible.
Although now that you mention it sometimes i did complain about the workplace to other employees which they actually snitched on me about a couple of times.
you figured it out TA-DA! Don't make your opinions vocal unless asked directly about it if you are merely a simple employee
You see, we're getting somewhere. Now you should ditch that notion of others "snitching", you're the new guy, you're not their friend. If they're complaining about you, it's not because they want to purposefully harm, they don't care about you. They just see someone who just got hired already complaining, which does not reflect positively on your future commitment in the company.
What kind of fucking snitch actually does that though?
There's your problem. You're assuming that coworkers are your friends and that they will look out for you instead of what's best for the company. Employers will always prefer people that will look out for the company first.
Should I try setting up my coworkers and snitching on them too then
Setting them up? No.
Snitching on them? If you think they pose a significant risk for your company, always tell your employer.
You gotta look at employment like investments. Any good manager will use risk management strategies to avoid damage. The more information he has on risk factors, the better his decision making process will be.
And when I associate myself as the ideal employee/snitch that's when I start stealing shit from the company?
Good idea my man.
That's quite the leap there. It probably will just get you a criminal record.
How about embezzling funds
Because they probably didn't see you as a good co-worker and wanted you gone. I would have done the same thing.
congrats, you've ass kissed to become a higher-up and permanent part of the company if you so wish
Same. Bonus of never getting employed ever again.
Let me tell you, stealing shit or embezzlement is a super bad idea for low ranking employees. It basically only ever works out over a longer timespan if you#re at the top of the chain with no direct oversight.
fuck you normie. Thanks for opening my eyes to the evil of normies, next time one snitches I'll beat them up
That's the whole point of temp agencies. Their bread and butter is stringing along idiots with a bunch of temporary jobs where they get to collect off your paycheck every period. If you get hired full time they just get a one-time commission and the gravy train ends. The temp agencies themselves will sabotage you getting a full time, even if the company wants you.
>What kind of fucking snitch actually does that though?
The kind that got you fired from your job
Never complain, unless it is to family. To everyone else there, never complain about anyone, anything, or any situation. It is always "peachy"
how about if i just become some sort of criminal instead of working like a cuckold
so then what am i suppose to do
The job fucking sucked and the managers were faggot queers, why wouldn't I complain? Maybe it's different in your country but I didn't think people snitched here.
You CAN complain, just not to any coworkers
I think it's becoming quite clear why nobody wanted to keep you as an employee.
What do you do then
Probably dropshipping and cryptocoin trading
Because if you complain they will fire you.
Sheesh. They have all the power in this relationship,so if you want their money you do as they say and act the way they want.
This isn't rocket surgery,you know.
Some times you are the dick, and some times you are the ass. This is a fact of life.
He's a self employed stripper
>working for others
I've gotten fired at a grocery store for no reason before. If you're not a normie and don't get along with management you're out. Thats minimum wage.
Look this is your attitude towards those jobs. What you need to do is find a job that doesn't "fucking suck" to you and where the managers are not "faggot queers" (This is entirely subjective by the way)
I have been in a similar position like you except unlike you I didn't complain to anyone and I hid my true feelings because I felt trapped.
My advice: Swallow your pride if you have any and go on welfare and just spend lots and lots of time finding what is right for you in your life because the chances are your attitude is not going to change towards these low end jobs. Also maybe stop saying shit like "snitch" etc If you beat up someone who "snitches" on you you are probably going to get a criminal record and fuck your life up even more. Just look out for yourself.
>I've been fired from multiple jobs.
Newflash fucktard, there is a reason and you're just too stupid to realize it. I hate ignorant little piss ants who blame their short comings on other people. Grow the fuck up and get a real job.
"failo effect" i like it
Are you fucking retarded? If you show up on time and actually do the work you are 95% better than most minimum wage workers
If you're a white guy competing with niggers and spics for jobs you're a pretty shit-tier white guy.
>show up an hour early every shift
>got praised originally for initiative and hard work
>kept my head down and worked like an automaton despite chatty colleagues
>literally never take a day off all through holiday season
>suddenly four months later shifts get cut in half
>suddenly they start cancelling what few shifts I have minutes before they start (remember, I'm getting there an hour early)
>get fed up of this and call in to have a day off for my birthday so I don't miss my plans for no reason (I honestly would've worked for under normal circumstances)
>"yeah man, no problem!"
>don't get any shifts at all next week
Really made me think.
Oh yeah, to top it all off, the industry I was working in was quieting down this time of year. That's fair enough. But then they suddenly hired three more guys in my position and started giving them better hours than both me and even those senior to me. I just don't get it.
Fuck wagies desu
Reading your replies you honestly may have autism or something. You are probably also fast and smell bad.
Lean and smell good actually.
> North Carolina