League of Legends General - /lolg/

papi edition

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First for camille mains

why the fuck i cant login

Would you play with me, /lolg/?

>Urgot to Urgot



I dunno you seem cool

Hey lolg. A new patch is coming, and 7.13 left us these champions as the top 10 on Platinum+ Games.
What's your opinion about them? How will the new patch affect them? Will fun be allowed?


I want to be eviscerated by Camille!

xth for Syndra


really wish starting threads with lewd shit was a on-sight ban

dont know why they let FGG and HGG get away with it so much too

shitty champ full of wasted potential

shes so straight forward and doesnt have enough kit synergy or interactions.

shes just a basic stat check diver who wont be picked up ever unless she is grossly over powered

I never understood new ww. How do you play him and what does he like to build? Is he really that good?

best champ

holy shit urgot does not fuck around

Xth for the 2x4 (Jinx)

>We're unable to log you in because you may be offline
>looked up the Known Issues page
>workaround isn't working


>Riot misspelling "personnel" in the patchnotes
shit company

>urgot ult kills olaf
>"as the bones foretold, a quiet peaceful death"

Olaf mains btfo

I love Riven, my most perfect and cute wife!!!

>(muffled)...what exactly have i been killing...?
>NGH, UFF - That's better.

What did Urgot mean by this?

>lewd stuff
he's wearing a shirt and underwear?

>Urgot is a leg man


xth for all azir players

fucking riot


Is Urgot the next Jhin?

He is a skirmish god, darts around the map like a jet and has great sustain so he is never low hp. Has a lot FREE stats in his kit and over-all he is just great
I love playing him, build him cinderhulk, tittyhydra and tank items in general, he is strong

Probably stupid question, but do you have a Jinx playlist or something? I need some tunes.

Is he one of those champs that needs tiamat before finishing his jungle item to help clear his camps?

>how do you play him
clear camps, gank, try to set yourself up for duels, and late game dive and lock down targets
>what does he build
start machete + anal bead (no joke) then rush tiamat (also not a joke).
after that cinderhulk, titanic, and typical tanky bruiser stuff
>is he that good
yeah he's a solid pick at all elos and isn't hard to play.

>it's real

This is a video which discusses some of the finer details of the franchising system coming in 2018 if you're interested

I've been playing Heroes of the Storm since the OW event because it's actually pretty enjoyable and having matches that don't last 55 minutes regularly is good.

But god damn this Urgot rework has me so tempted to come back, my boy's gotten so much love.

I'm going to miss old Urgot's voice
Especially "Fear? No, I am the mind killer!"

>People still calling Nunu a badIvern
>Some threads ago they said Sona wasn't strong
>Some other threads ago they said Sejuani was gutted to the ground.
I love you lolg, keep it classy.

Why is Riot such an awful awful company?

I literally just wasted 45 minutes trying to make my game client work. Kept getting a RADS error (running as admin wasnt fixing it)

Tried a bunch of different annoying suggestions from the forums and nothing worked

finally fixed it but why the fuck do I need to play around with my computer and with the download files to play a fucking game

get your shit together you absolute garbage company

Judging from the interactions
>Swain is indeed a corrupt fuck who's destroying Noxus from the inside-out
>Draven replaced Urgot as head executioner
>Sounds like Riven did something to genuinely betray Noxus
>Urgot seems to have genuine respect for Jinx... does she work for him, part-time?
>sounds like Singrd fucked him over and turned him into the cyborg abomination he is now
>Seems to have genuine respect for Camille as his true Rival

Anything else I'm missing?

Thanks, I am interested, and will now go search for a video explaining it that isn't yours

in what fucking dimension does lol have matches that last 55 minutes regularly you shiteating mentally impaired hotsbab

>"i don't know what he said... but he screamed it"

I enjoy Urgot's voice.

> laugh track plays for 10 hours

Urgot's wants to make Zaun great again.

>caring about league lore

Riot is far too incompetent in making lore for you to give a fuck

theyre constantly changing it and its full of cliches and inconsistencies

I can't even log in right now on NA and everyone is too busy talking about Urgot's voice.

What should I be building on annie? Some people say morello is bad others say protobelt is bad. not sure what I should be going

>when your midlaner goes 10/0

Because nobody gives a shit about you, you worthless fuck. KYS.

>Spray and Pray
>20/30/40 bonus AD removed
>NEW: Twitch's empowered attacks deal 3/4/5% max hp [+ 1% per 100 AP] magic damage on hit to all targets struck



haha made you look

It's a possibility.

Now it all depends on his kit being fun to play while being viable but semi-balanced.

That and a good login theme and lore for an added bonus.

can you guys teach me to clickbait better? I need concrete advice


Yes actually, these are some songs for her

Just logged in with no issue you dumb fuck. Call your cable provider.


pic of tits
thats it

how does urgot ult work vs tryndamere and kayle ult

There are no other videos that give such statistics and numerical values to my knowledge
Good luck

you got me but then i read the rest of your post so nah :)

he kills them

>He has great sustain, some of the best clear times in the game with Tiamat
>His Q allows you cling to and get on the other side of an enemy and if you hold on to it you'll follow them through movement abilities (even Flash)
>His Fear also gives him 40%+ full damage reduction when activated
>If lanes are pokey or aggressive enough for enemies to be consistently below half he can be on either side of the map whenever he wants in a few seconds via Blood Hunt
>Max HP % damage on Q allows him to solo Epics like Rift and Dragon easily and at a decent speed
>The range of his ult scales with his Movement Speed so if a Blood Hunt is active and you're exceeding well over 500 MS as a result you can ult people from insane ranges
>E can be activated before you ult for it to automatically reactivate when your ult connects to allow you to finish it uninterrupted
>Early game healing gives him very strong 1v1 potential early against other junglers
>Versatility of his kit lets him easily opt into either a melee carry, bruiser, or tank
Warwick is pretty good desu.

I don't see many League YT'ers doing this, I mostly see exaggerated "build names" such as "SUICIDE SION" and "NUCLEAR RAKAN" with a bit of the build in the thumbnail.

any other tips?

>uses a energy cannon instead of a noobtube + c4 charges
>those blood red eyes and white hair

anyone else think its bit disappointing?

They're caring enough to the point where they're showing genuine interest in expanding the IP outside their MOBA game.

>cho'gath hitting the patch notes yet again
Why don't they just rework this shitty outdated kit?

Yes and for him its one of the biggest early game power spikes in the game

Riven's betrayel is probably her leaving

>To Vi
>"Underneath those gloves, you are broken"
>To Xin
>"You can fight beside them, but you will never be a demacian"
Wasn't expecting that. Xin rework when

>teemo with a regular helmit on
>not PTSD teemo instead lurking around

I'm guessing this is fan made?

doesn't kill trynd
does kill kayle
still revives from zilean or GA

For Bandle City's best, they sure look like a bunch of pushovers.



look at the edge of the splash

it's an old photograph from when she was still alive and when teemo was a rookie

now he's the last one standing in that universe

deepest lore

Not like this champion isn't going to be busted or anything with these lethality changes
Not like she's already strong
What's with riot and their desire to overbuff shit to 65% winrate levels

Seeing veigars eye expressions is pretty nice and worth it for the skin if you play him

these skins happen before he turns into Omega squad teemo
Omega squad is teemo going crazy from watching all his squad die

in all of the splashes it has teemo looking scared and noobish

now he is the only survivor while all of his friends are dead

xth for Omega Squad Tristy, Twitch and Fizz are all first day buys.

>splash is an old photograph
This was before the PTSD, lad.

>that face


fuck off niels

If you have CDR runes skip Morello. Hextech is fine but it takes some time getting the hang of it.
I usually do something like Liandry's, CDR boots, Rylai's Void, then Hourglass or Banshee.

I didnt expect you to like swain vladfag, pleasantly surprised.


what if
>squad was actually a bunch of pushover retards that got killed in miserable ways
>teemo IS the only survivor with heavy ptsd and he developed sadism

I don't think that's teemo, but just another random yordle.

Pretty good. I'm trying to branch out and not have the whole thing be punk rock and dubstep.

Fuck off, Vladfag.

Tristana's splash art looks way worse than the other ones

it is teemo

> riot is actually BUFFING alistar

enjoy it while it lasts i guess, alistar always becomes popular when worlds rolls around then he'll get gutted until this time next year, as usual

Why does lux e have such poor damage and ratio?

You need a shit ton of ap to even just one shot the ranged creeps with it while other mages are one shotting the whole wave by that point

Teemo's all thats left of his old bandle bro's

I guess all the humans went full YIFF IN HELL FURFAG REEE and killed everyone else

>tail knife
Still, the skin feels a bit off.

It's Teemo. He's in the background of all the splashes.

why did you add swain good job

Its the splash art you fool. The pics themselves are "old" pics of the Omega squad before they died.
That is a younger, noob Teemo

Will her be good again with these lethality buffs, bros?

Everything that made over the top good Alistar is gone though.

hes no longer a flex champ that can be rolled in literally any role like Seas2 ali

He doesnt get 90 free AD from his ult anymore

his heal is a lot more harder to pull off and requires him baby sit in lane or assist in kills

he is just really meh


Do you love someone user? Tell me about them! Why do you love them?

>overcompensating noxians with genes spreaded all over the world because of invasion rapes
Behold pure aryan blood

yes it's an underwhelming skin, her halloween skin is way better