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Summer time edition

>Doomfist! (Now on PTR)

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Reminder that Blackwatch a Bestwatch and got shit done, Overwatch was a mistake.

First for Reaper is the dad and Sombra is his daughter


Here comes T.Racer!

Please don't tell me Doomfist will be Genji 2.0

>play ranked
>team got totally destroyed
>every game
How? Why do I end up in those teams?

Efi is lewd

God tier OP

t. Angry Reyes after he lost the cyborg ninja to the regular team

Here comes T.Racer!

Here comes T.Racer!

Gives us the update already you fucks

Screenshot this post

Without proper fixes Doomfist will break the current S5 competitive Meta and instantly become a must pick or lose the game.

There will be no viable counters if he is teamed up with a Lucio, Mercy/Zen, Winston/Rein/Zarya, Pharah/S7/Mccree/Reaper dual DPS pick

Reminder Doomfist is completely innocent and his worldview is objectively 100 percent correct.

Keep climbing the SR, senpai! You've got this! You're a legend, man!

Doomfist already has problems vs. the DPS of the current meta and not counting the long range characters. You tried at least.

Not to mention he works best in triple tank, ironically.

>people hate Genji/Mercy
>Doctor who rehabilitated a patient
>love Roadhog/Mercy
>international terrorist with a humanitarian worker
I guess it makes sense since Roadhog is the player base self-insert.

nah man ive had to work my ass off just to get to 3540 only to lose 2 games after it and be put in diamond again

its a trudge but i keep trying my best hoping that my DM abilities will carry me to GM on tracer


D-delete this right now.

Cry some more Chu


Haha no

>genjifags mad Hogcy is canon
Roadhog is a gentleman.

>Diamond is plagued by smurfs
>Just want to get into Master's
>Can't because there will always be a smurf in the majority of games


>tfw still no beach skins for OW but HOTS gets some

>Doomfist will never have a Doomguy reskin
Why even fucking live anymore if I cannot rip and tear?

*laughs in gold*

Shitposting aside, I genuinely wonder how many people thought they were being serious about this.


You've got this, Senpai!

here comes tracer:D

why are gold guns locked behind 1million hours of cancer mode

it wouldn't be the same with all the anime grunting doomfist does anyways desu

I tried But yeah I'd cream if Doomguy made it in somehow.

Haha yes

Charging Dva's mech as rein when she ulted used to let you kill her with her own explosion but they removed it cause they're gay

Pharah is perfection

What could Mercy's non-event item be?

cheers lub:DDDD
cabelry here:DD

It's really just shitposting at this point.

she is
and deserves a summer skin


- HALT deals 20 damage for every character bought together greater than one. (does nothing to pulling 1 character, but does 120 damage if all 6 ram into eachother)

- Supercharger increases passive ult gained over time by 1.5 to those connected

- Supercharger heals all those connected 5HP/s

Roadhog is a skewered pork dinner stuffed with bacon.

Which skin is the best in the game and why is it graffiti Tracer?

So when are they killing off characters?

>doomguy gets in
>he's broken as fuck but it's ok because it's doom guy
>he'd have a shit ton of weapons just like in doom
>his abilities are doing a glory kill on low health enemies, and pulling out a chainsaw
>ult is 3 BFG shots
>this'll never be a thing

this makes me just as sad as thinking about Jacket being a hero

>Here comes a T. Reinhardt tittypad

Shields gained from Doomfists passive increased from 30-50
1second delay unchanged

Lets him cap off at 400 (his max) if he hits all three abilities (or just hits 3 with slam, 2 with uppercut and one with punch etc.)

You forget Pharah/Mercy
>person who cares for others health with a dirty sand terrorist whos caked up in explosives and uses them to attack others frequently

>As a hero

What powers would you say he should get?

First, delete yourself from existence, you stupid fucking shipper.
Second, pharah is a security cheif.

That's not Kamen Genji Ryuki.
But it's still a nice skin.

When they realize they nerfed Rein too hard

>lost 4 Games in a row in Silver
Why? Why do I have to fight vs Korean with a team full of monkeys?

Literally and actually never ever. No matter who died the shitfit from tumblr would be one for the ages.



She's a security chief for a security company that's been having a pretty botched record but is still getting more money from the UN even with the fuck ups.

>missed sentai Genji
>missed Sanzang, Bajie, and Wukong
>missed Junkenstein
>got car Bastion, graffiti Tracer, and chemo patient 76

Stop. spurdo is legitimately the only meme that makes me laugh and I don't want it associated with tracey

I'm not even a shipper, just pointing out the one thats more overdone than the mentioned two.

>genji has shown remorse for his past actions and life while using his second chance to better his and others lives
>Pharah is a security guard
>Mako is a terrorist
Who would a humanitarian doctor want to engage in furthering a romantic relationship?
That's right.
Mako because women love trying to "fix" people.

yet she did good in there according to her bio so it's not her fault her organization as a whole is not that competent

Next year's CNY you'll get the Journey to the West skins, and Halloween will bring Junk's. Who knows about Genji's though.

>Won a match because everyone got salty and started playing off-meta
>Enemy team couldn't compensate and lost what was initially 0-2 stomp

and she'd try to fix the cute, fit, power girl with mommy issues

deba joo :DD

A total of 75 health recovered across 25 meters doesn't really sound ult-worthy, especially since 76's health thing is around 200 in 5 seconds.

am i the only one here who keeps refreshing reddit in the hopes for update news?

Why can't Tracer just go back in time to stop herself from getting in the plane at all?

>yet another thread without mei in the op.
ah, that's fine. she'll be in the next one. clearly op just forgot about mei. they always do.

Because mei is dumpster tier

Mako needs no fixing, really he just wants some quiet time. When you're around someone like Junkrat a lot, then really its easy to understand why

Why couldn't Tracer go back in time to stop 9/11?

She's going to be come the jobber of Overwatch.
>Ana and Soldier will spank her
>Doomfist will pummel her
>nu-Overwatch will have to save her ass






Well, at least Halloween is close
I fucking adore how cheesy sentai is though, I wish you could trade skins because I got five tracers this anniversary

When she's in the present she can't actually travel through time m8. Maybe as a ghost she could warn herself but that sounds too complicated.

whose cum is that

Well its mildly healing, boosting your damage 50%, and passively increasing your ult that you gain over time without doing damage/healing. It'd say that makes the ability much more viable and an amazing utility now that Orisa's damage is garbage.

Where Rein is a full on anchor tank, Orisa would be a moderate support and anchor.


Everytime I see this picture, I always link it to that one picture of Tracer holding Winstons glasses and crying, then think Mei has his glasses too.


>Without Aku's powers, I wouldn't exist

that made no fucking sense


For passive time, is that in minutes or seconds?

Take that back, Mei is maximum comfy


>It appears you're using cheats. The last kill on Lucio is almost certainly a push to toggle aim hack. I've watched this footage several times and the way you snap to his head just doesn't seem right. Maybe I'm wrong though.

It felt cheesy but weird when I had the skin on, backfilled on King's Row attack, and managed to get my team to go from being stalled at the first choke to suddenly snowballing the entire match. Genuinely felt like a hero that match. It probably didn't help that I was listening to Kamen Rider Ryuki's theme song during that time.

Cum/spit swapping gets me hard as a rock, thanks for this

Thats the one ;_;

Maybe we could judge it better if it wasn't a fucking slideshow

>5 minutes for 1% charge

Stop asking stupid questions.

>who's cum is that

>Pharah works for Helix Securities
>Helix Securities have gotten beaten by Soldier, Doomfist, and Anubis AI was breaking out
>if they progress the story, Helix and by extension Pharah will be made out to be weaker because they can't handle Solder, Ana who's working with Soldier, and Doomfist who broke out of their high security compound