League of Legends General - /lolg/

Superior Noxian males edition


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First for camille mains

where the fuck is kled (the best noxian, yordle, husband, top laner)
he is my huband and i love him

Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.


So midlane is a wasteland now of zero skill or player interaction really at all. Who cares if you have "early game weaknesses" if you can just spam wave deletion at early levels and get all the cs under turret anyway?

This has been a long time coming but we are basically at peak PvE in midlane now. The only stats that will matter on the "best" midlaners will be range, cooldowns, and ability to delete champions with as few items as possible.

Post Vi lewds!

A new patch is coming, and 7.13 left us these champions as the top 10 on Platinum+ Games.
What's your opinion about them? How will the new patch affect them? Will fun be allowed?

You love him so much you will never be able to have him

shut the fuck up

Can i beat top itself?

Can someone give me tips for poppy top?

sorry he's not even breedable


I want to go swimming in Lulu.

Build full AD and crit


Silver 1 promos lets gooooooooooo

you not being dumb
>waaah how do i counter assassin
>wtf he can walk inside walls op

Ban Trundle/Fiora.
Pray your team isn't retarded because this last patches don't favor tanks.

kled/morgana is a bad meme
i can breed him! i want to put a hot load in kled's belly!

Is bandlebro here? Also I want to marry Tristana!

you got this laddy, I believe in you


>(Kinda wish he could be more viable for climbing in lower elos so I could main him).

have you ever heard of IvanPavlov?

hes a challenger Teemo one trick who basically plays Teemo or dodges

stop giving yourself excuses and just accept that you are shit lol. I get so tired of this "I cant climb because X champ is le shit :((" trite when you have people like PinkWard,Hiesendong or Tiltrellia climbing with retarded "troll" builds and champs.


anyone that can kite him or people who outduel him.

Kaynes nowhere near as broken as you think he's going to be trust me. Rhaast can be a little annoying but shadow assassin Kayn has zero room for mistakes and is punished hilariously easy



So S-A takes skills while Rhaast is just the solo hero queue?

What is his jungle path?


but that's a zyra line

>diamond 4 32 lp
>got 3 legit trolls in last 5 games
>be top and pick trynd
>our midlane pre picks yasuo
>don't want to be an ashhole and ban it
>"please don't otherwise we are full ad"
>jungle picks zac
>"zac has enough ap"
>game starts
>he completly tils off the face of the earth
>constantly flaming our jungle
>flames everyone else
>completly delusional and insane
This champ is honestly a meme,he even had an actually good winrate (60%).But he tilted the moment he got early killed,Fizz didn't even got the kill.

Also ofc we got outscaled because they had 2 Tanks (Renekton and Sejuani) but hey Zac got enough ap damage :^))))

I am so tired of people tilting in low diamond...

that wont result in reproduction

>You better cuck!

Reminder that Noxus is most spreaded and thus dirty race in all of the runntera

I don't think those nerfs are going to matter much at all, it might be a bit harder to hit ult vitals but you still have slow from e and q on a pretty short cd



you mean that bloated ugly fatball?
Lulu is canonically ugly and fat as you can see in pic related

For a moment, yes. What's up, friend?

So is UrgotxCamille OTP now? Is that why they gave Urgot his titty-groping hand back?

mpreg is canon in runeterra

If he enters a wall can he just stay in it forever? Does it force him out at some point?

Pretty sure that's a Zyra quote.


Yes, when the duration ends

>t. newfags

new r34 of the yordles when?

do NOT bully gloloo

xin ziao nerfs when?


>Bandle has already made thicc Omega Trist


vu when?

here's a tip: stop being bronze


dont get mad be happy
veigar accepts lulus ugly face

>xin ziao is only strong at bronze


omega trist is so shit

Xin Zhao is the simpler version of Lee Sin. He's not on a good spot, but I'd not call him weak.

How do I learn how to draw bandlebro? I want to try but I have no clue where to start. Also love your work keep it up!

It's on the way, male anatomy is just tough for me

More will come in a little bit, I have a few ideas I'd like to draw for the new skin.

How do you feel when your wife prefers midgets with hats rather than fat midgets in cellars?

i love you too even if youre a jew

I'm not a kike

Do you have the gif of tristana being sexed from behind with the bulge of the guys dick showing in her stomach? I havent been able to find it for a solid week


learn the basics, practice and after that fuck around and get a style

Kledfag's just as much shit as that ship is tbqh.

w-who is this thot bot supposed to be

Some patches ago I got called a dumb ass for using Xin.
Got told "He does no damage."
Jesus Christ everyone here are just meta babies.

shhh i accept and love you the way you are no need to hide it
shalom with lulu

well I think they're cute together anyway

Redpill me on this man

When you say learn the basics what do you mean? Like drawing faces and stuff? Should I get a book?


Looks nothing like him nor is like she's the only person with a beret in the game so stop trying to force your meme.

my sides

you fags actually think adc takes skill




I'm not shit! I'm great!

>Try playing the tankiest champion ever released into champions with weak early game

Uh, okay?

Yes, she means the basics like anatomy, perspective, shading, sketching and etc. IE - drawing from real life, first and foremost.

itachi with shitty model, animations and abilities

congratulations you got yourself caught

Try playing a champion that can clear a wave level 2

I'll be waiting for your waifu's new pics. Have a cheer from my side.

Just go to /ic/ and read sticky


or here hubpages.com/art/how-to-draw-learn

jesus christ this general is starting to become fnaf/undertale-tier with avatarfagging degenerate fatass furries

Any tips for playing Yorick? Who are my biggest counters? Who do I shit on? Is Triforce better than Black Cleaver?

Use real life references and try reading up on tutorials by the pros. I have a few art books I use but they're on my laptop. I can post on my tumblr the list of them when I check them if you'd like. Just keep practicing and don't be afraid to make mistakes.

meaconscientia.tumblr.com/tagged/tristana should have what you're looking for, along with some other gifs and pictures.

Just a random guy, I tend to make them vague for the self-insertion sort of thing.


>Caitlyn nerfs
>Diana buffs
>Fiora nerfs
>Garen buffs
>Singed buffs
>Taric buffs
>Yorick buffs
This patch can't come soon enough

more or less

usually because of good AOE you start Raptos>Red>Wolves>Blue>Scuttle>Gank

Rhaast is a great upfront fighter and gets to abuse the hyper effective bruiser items atm (Cleaver,DeathsDance,Tabi,Maw ect)

ShadowAssassin Kayn needs to go full Lethality to get the most out of his 1 second burst and has VERY little room for misplay. like if you get snared or pushed away you cannot just "walk " at them or else you die. your E is your ONE and only gapcloser and it has a sizeable CD. if you fuck it up you have to back off or risk death because you do not have the HP or resist to survive a face on confrontation.

Shadow Assassin is also completely at the mercy of bruisers and tanks not having the sustained damage/survivability to deal with them as most of his damage is also on his passive which is only active for 3 seconds. so anyone with about 3k HP and 120+ armor is a big "yeah naw fuck this" for Kayn. and If you are thinking " well hey I can just do the best of both worlds and go Deaths Dance,PD w/e on SA Kayne like Zed so I can manfight them!" then keep in mind you are gimping yourself as Rhaast not only makes much better effectiveness of those tools but you also SA Kayn has ABYSMAL ratios and base damage on his skills.

I said before and I will say it again. Kayn will not be replacing any current "assassin" junglers like Kha'Zix or Elise. Expect him to only be a flex pick or a champion played by mains and occasionally on a circulating game mode. Wall walking is not a big enough strength to validate adding this dude into your comp if you are trying to win realistically. hes a "fun" champion and not much else


Literally how new are you to this general?

>ez babs

The ultimate "I got filled/second-role mid and I don't know how to play the lane" pick.

Get yourself ROA (although IDK how much that works lately), CDR boots, visage and Zhonya and your combo will consist in burning everything you have and almost emptying your HP bar in order to zhonya while transformed to steal life and deal damage on that spot.

Great at stealing early game kills from allies too.

the fiora nerfs wont solve her issues, she is turbo cancer, she just wont mow you down if you have ghost and shurelyas active

avatarfags have always been a thing user

Will do thanks.
That would be much appreciated user. I will do my best!

Sorry, boys. I keep the fuzzy cuffs at home.

>downloaded the image i posted and even used my line
holy shit you bitch

Use a real life photo as reference at start. Don't use other artist work cause if they draw something wrong anatomically you will learn wrong but an actual human body can't have wrong anatomy.

Thank you, Bandle

odd, the only people i see picking swain all have mastery 7 borders

and no one takes him mid, he is a top lane bully