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Top 5 fun guns
not my favorite gun
not my favorite gun
not my favorite gun
not my favorite gun
not my favorite gun
Winds of Purity Furis, Tigris P, Blast Torid, Ogris, Kulstar.
>there are people who can't farm 70k focus in 12mins
feel bad famalam
fuck me
>there are people who think anyone gives a shit about them and their tierlists
>there are people that still haven't capped all focus trees
Is it a good idea to max out corrupted mods?
>there are people who think
My favorites are
>Tigris for shredding lines of enemies with only 1 shell, then another with the second. fucking satisfying
>Rubico because it's so damn sexy. Sniper with a revolving cylinder, oh god muh dick
>Javlok because it's both fun and look great with my Graxx Ember
>Staticor because it's so damn good for a secondary
>hard time between Opticor and Quanta Vandal. one is sexy with HUEG lasers, the other one fires weaponized geometry
>he doesnt follow tier list
shitter detected
most of them, yes
some you want to keep copies of at lower rankes, like blind rage for example
>there are peopl-mfw
Tq, that was bait. They are making fun of you
New player here.
Am I not meant to be able to solo Relics just yet? Because I just can't finish one of these fucking things. It's rough.
>there are people still shitting up the general because they are mad about being BTFO'd two threads ago
feels bad famalam
I miss the Ogrisbox model.
Depends on how new you are and what tier of fissure mission you're trying. It should be doable in a group as long as at least one player (including you) isn't a total fucktard and you're not attempting an Axi fissure with all MK-1 gear though.
Should I use Chromatic Blade? How should I build my melee for it?
I mean ideally for maximum build flexibility you'll want one of every one at every rank because this system is fucking stupid and prioritizes grind above all else, but really just having them all maxed then like a 2/10 BR or TF and a 4/5 FE will be enough to get the most out of them
Sancti Castanas
Euphona Prime
toridbox and grakata-ignis too
This new operator mode seems pretty cool, but not very useful.
Is there no way to like, level up your operator or something? I assumed it would be an expansion of the focus system but seems like it's just a shitty 100hp space wizard boy mode.
quanta vandal
tigris prime
latron wraith
Prisma Grakata
>shitty 100hp space wizard boy mode
go play harrow's quest, it just keeps getting better fuck these incompetent fucks
beamspam resets resists on sentients/shadowstalker, and you have to animekid dash for kuva
>Should I use Chromatic Blade?
If you plan on being an EB Excal, yes.
>How should I build my melee for it?
Melee's only part of it, you need to build your frame for 185% power strength which means Intensify and Transient Fortitude or Transient Fortitude, Pendragon Arcane Helmet and Power Drift. This gets you guaranteed status on every hit.
Then get (Primed) Pressure Point, Condition Overload, Berserker, True Steel, and Organ Shatter on your melee. Last three are up to you, I use the +90% Ice and Toxin mods and Life Strike most of the time with Fire colours on Chromatic Blade.
I have heard they're gonna nerf Condition Overload so enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
>building for crit
>3x 90 elementals
yeah no
why give wrong info when the right info is already RIGHT THERE
Not him, but clients still work for berserker, so thats why you have it on.
tq you are trying really hard to show off for new players, we understand. Just stop giving bad advice
the zenith has a really neat gimmick
it's a shame it sucks
>implying i'm telling you not to use berserker
so dumb it hurts
What Syandana (if any goes best with Titania? Trying to find a good one but they all clip out or look dumb over her wing-things.
Then say so, dummy. Dont make me hit you with the "be rational not dumb" newspaper
Dex Pixia
The actual wing syandana actually looks really cool on her but that's 6 dollars on cosmetics, user
Last time it took new player about 2 weeks to find tq pretty much obnoxious and unbearable, wonder what's the new record could be?
>replying to tripfags
I'm finally MR20
Please be happy for me
Not that one, but another 10ogen one, but this one from the Nova Asari bundle works
have no idea what I'm looking at
what the hell I haven't been on vg for years I thought the name was where you put the noko/sage stuff so you could be lazy and not scroll to the bottom for your posts
I'm not a dirty tripfag user I swear
Retook it without my melee being in the way
there's only one dumbass tripfag in this general and that's not him
>Excalibur Umbra
If the operator being sacrificed is what this new thing is all about, then wouldn't be smart to already have a FUCKTON of frames already made? That would mean that, take Ivara (fav frame). She came out fairly recently, but I know for a fact there isn't an Ivara Umbra in the oven atm.
There has to be more than one Umbra already made if DE was willing to show it right? They wouldn't force players to go out and get Excal to get his Umbra while he's the only one? Seems smart to at least wait till you have idk five-ish ones ready, especially since there isn't too much of a visual difference.
>finished my second sortie ever
>get my second riven mod
>it's fucking shit
and not just ANY kind of shit, it's duplicate shit for a shitty weapon not even 400% multishot + Damage could salvage
where the fuck did you see a trip you retard?
these guys literally own DE, Warframe, and their awful new shooter, right? the same structure that owns the failed chinese chicken company sumpo and invested instead in the games market? I wonder if they ultimately made the decisions that are leading to chinaframe dying and umbra finally being officially announced...
Why in the world would the operators be sacrificed
>chicken company
>Leyou is a Chinese company. Until 2014, the company was known as Sumpo Food, and its main business was supplying chicken meat.
What the actual fuck
Le (You)
sauce pls
>DE is owned by a literal chinese chicken company
it was in 2014 that they acquired a majority share at 58% (and PWE like a tiny 3% share for some legal reason), but early last year they upped it to 97% and full ownership
so, yes, for the majority of its "release" lifespan now warframe has been owned by a fucking chinese chicken company, this was a big deal on here a few years ago
>chargebacked my ticket
>got unbanned
>got to keep all the stuff I bought from baro
suck my big black cock glen, you horsefucking jewfro kike
Can they just let the guy who designed Nidus do all the future frames, please? This motherfucker is fun AND good to play as and all his abilities actually synergize.
>tfw you reach 10+ mutation for the first time
get to 100, kiddo, then the real fun starts
options field is where you do that, and noko is the default behavior now so you don't have to do anything special
wanna buy a javlok, staticor, buzlok, or quanta riven then fuccboi?
sure I'll take it all for 10 Plat
Same guy made Harrow.
Makes you think.
Harrow with his current casting speed with launch stats would be fun
newish player, what's a recommended exploding weapon, or something that just fucks up a large group at once
post them javlok deets then, nerd
ogris honorable mention
kulstar for secondaries
hikou prime x concealed explosives
Bloodborne PC when?
We space WoW now
>Ballas saying "your life for theirs"
Literally the only thing these idiots are basing the tater sacrifice thing on. Meanwhile it's neglecting
>That steve mentioned this is where we learn about what the warframes are
>That Ballas would have to be ALIVE AND DOING SHIT to make us this offer, and while it would be interesting and something our resident warframe designer/magnificient bastard would certainly have up his sleeve, is like the exact opposite of occam's razor
it's likely that they're pulling the EVA-01 thing and Excalibur was crafted using the dying father of a tater.
Ballas wants a weapon to use to unfuck the OTHER two fuckups of the infestation and the sentients, so he manipulates the void-fucked dad to give up his life to provide a life for his kid, who's currently too psionically powerful to do anything but sit in an induced coma in the potato chamber. Excalibur Umbra is the actual prototype of the production prime model, and/or possible a "berserk" frame with your dad's void echo or whatever inside.
This may explain "hey kiddo," now that I think of it.
Chance about that chinese company being a front for money laundering?
Because people can dream
What you said doesn't address the question of whether there will be more than one (1) Umbra coming out
>it's a tq doesn't understand how chromatic blade's status modifier, crits, condition overload, viral status, and fire cc interact post
Why am I not surprised?
>3x 90 elementals
Try two you ravening dipshit. Ice and Cold 90%, Fire comes from CB's colour.
While I don't think I've hosted with an EB build in a while, patch notes did say it was back to working as intended. Can't be sure if that's true or not.
>post yfw you have to sacrifice Lotus' tits for Umbra
>tfw not a total retard like you
feels good man
Tell me about the Lotus why does she wear the mask?
open world when, I have grineer outposts to capture.
Insults are not arguments sweetie
ironic you should say that
keep trying
>i don't want to kill my enemies quickly and easilly by using a ton of damage multipliers, always halving their health, and applying a status effect that does dots and cc all in one
>trust mme though i'm an expert, read the frame guide so you can kill slow like me
Sheesh, and well deserved, look at that slut
>dat ass
>Wake up
>TQ is getting bodied again