/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1834

>Recent News
Halle 5*
Hauteclaire(Albert SSR) 4*
Mobius Strip (Placenta Fire) 4*

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread:

1st for /judge/

baka homo thread

Wait, the cerb event starts soon despite the current event not ending?

Cute boy thread. Post cute boys.


Yeah, they've begun running events concurrently some time ago.

Angry cat.

You made the homo thread 3 minutes after your post even though you said you'd give us 5 minutes.


Someone else beat me to it.

Starting off the thread homosexually

Is Dark Cog a reasonable replacement for Zoi in HL content or should I stick with Zoi?


Oh gross we have multiple homos. Well thanks for not breaking your word at least then.

Me and Chad.

Zoi is fine in HL as long as you know what you're doing. Cog is still great, though.

Gransexuals has 3 free spot open for anyone who wants a casual guild! Our strike times are at 7-8 am and 11am-12pm JST and the crew buffs are 2 green pots, 20% placebo, and 30% ougi bar. We also have a discord where we casually talk about whatever's happening in gbf and other games.

Please leave a message about who's the best boy on my profile if you'd like to join!
ID: 13675529



you need the 140% earth element summon. you cant ticket her. if you dont have it give up. you wont be that guy with a decent earth team almost mvping some shit

when hl baha la

Wind Boys are all best boys

Is there a minimum rank? I'm new.

Magnafest TODAY!

Just build generic magna with alex friends. Titan is certainly better but not by enough anymore to warrant all the extra effort and resources.

I'd watch an SoL with the knights. No homo.

Suptix TODAY!

Is dark Jamil good?

Nope! Though most of our members are HL, so if you don't care about that, feel free message my profile.


This reminds me of Nichibros minus the faggotry.

No, reduce him.

Its okay, i play dirt not for esports anyway. I just wanna steal build instead of asking 100 stupid questions.

So how is Halle at 5*? She looks cute at least.

I'm reducing that boypussy.

Vane is adorably stupid

>Cumshot is at 30/30


>you need the 140% earth element summon.
But the best earth grids run double Titan.

Decades? I thought that Ferry had been dead for some 200 years now.

>Omega Bahamut weapons
>first step is a share chest loot like Cosmos weapons
>can have 2 large skills of any element on them, multiplied by primal summons
>limited to only one per account
>autists will farm a new one every month for GW
Will you be an autist just to be good at GW?

Cool. I mean, I'm not good with dirt at all but I do happen to have her already. Also with Alexiel, what's the new best dirt team? I have more characters for that element than I know what to do with.

Better than before, still doesn't replace any of the already top tier dirt attackers.

Biggest problem before was that she didn't really have much to protect her, and that didn't really change.

Yes, what are you? A filthy casual?

After I'm done

Better attacker than Djeanne according to/ gbfg/'s best dark player Milkuu

She is very good. Ayer is the only one that is "better" than she is thanks to his broken 50% Echo.

Drang's Grandmother is her sister, and she's still alive.

>no Varuna
>have Hades but no gislas
Whale showdowns were a mistake.

>she's still alive
user, I...


>and she's still alive

lizard HL

>tfw Titan, Hades, and Varuna
>but no weapons to utilize them with and no time or money to waste seeking them

She's dead, along with my dreams of Ferry finding her and talk to her.

>People last thread saying that KMR should remove all crystals because people who don't pay doesn't deserve to play

When did we go full reddit

Ayer and both GW 5*s.

What's inside? What do you need?

>both GW 5*s.

Nobody said that.

Me. You.

>more spots every day

Since 2011 when the smartphone and internet boom happened

Honestly with dirt pool as it is I wouldn't even bother rebuilding it from scratch even if I rolled Titan, that shit is too tedious for me to even attempt.

She's not core. Any time people say "core" on /gbfg/ they're probably meming. She got better than she was, but on endgame teams she doesn't replace anybody.

Best dirt team is the same as it has been, Okto 5*, Sarasa 5*, and Cock/Ayer.

We need more HS, Sage, CR.

We need CR.

I fucked up and entered with my windshit team... I guess it is leeching for me.

user, please.

Dude I've played for over two years and still don't even have a GW character. Let alone a 5* one. This shit just doesn't work for anyone with a real job.

user you can't post lewd Nios like this here, its not allowed

You inevitably get all the mats just from playing the game normally though, the only thing that's difficult is a gold bar.

Do you need big carries or can I join and ganbarimasu?

Who is this potato again?

What the fuck are you talking about? I work a 9-5 like a ton of people and it took me a few months to make a GW 5*.

Don't conflate your laziness with impossibility.

pls be a big carry

Who said this tough?

I count at least 5 leeches. You may want to bring carry.

I'll let someone else have my spot then.

I'll get the one for Wind and call it a day and it better add to Magna or else I'll rape KMR, ravage his rectum and have my way with his inside by filling him with cum until his mouth foams.

Big carry would be preferred. Or HS.

I only see one, really.

yea but there are a bunch of different grinds. grind just to try to get more shit for your grid. grind to try to get row 4 classes. grind to try 4* uncap your grid

the final step grind for the weapon just to get the character is stupid. 6 fucking steps and a gold bar?!?!? then its another gold bar and a chocobar worth of crystals to 5 star

The furthest I've gotten is element changing a harp and that pissed me off enough as it is. All my mats go to upgrading characters and weapons so no matter what there's just never enough.
And what's your definition of "normally" anyways? You won't get anywhere on 2 hours a day, which is pretty much what I have to work with.

I wish I only worked 9-5.

Normal Lizard

Finish it fast so I can join the HL as CR

Then get a better job. That's a personal problem.

>tfw work 12-13 hour days every day
>fund my GBF addiction with OT after 8
>end up playing for at least 4-5 hours a day at work
>working on my 3rd 5* GW

Medusa HL 2/6.
HS and CR

Is this a seanig thing? Don't you guys have like labour laws or something like that?

I regret ticketing altair just for xeno ifrit. water sucks.

No, I work in the US. Labor laws mandate that I earn 150% after 8 hours every day.
Not to mention I have awesome health care, paid sick days, vacation time, and all sorts of other bennies.

>50% echoes are broken!

Spot the darkcuck whose mad his element got dethroned before he could mvp anything.

did someone open it or did the thread suddenly become not dead?

>Not to mention I have awesome health care, paid sick days, vacation time, and all sorts of other bennies.
These are outright lies, especially "awesome health care".


Thank you!

But Dark has 70% echoes critting off ele?

sounds like an average day in EU

Obamacare =/= Work healthcare

You fucking retard. Obamacare is an umbrella with a ton of services under it