best waifu edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
waifu faggots are going to get this general banned
want you guys to know
>calling your waifu an it
That's not real love
ranked qs are down
do i play dark souls 3 or factorio
>implying that's not it's preferred pronouns.
>actually thinking this when /ksg/ still exists
she lost!
You're new to Veeky Forums aren't you? Half of the fucking generals on here have waifu ops.
what about Bloodborne.
>Just saw a Garen face tank a Morg max rank Q with his W and was walking around again within a 1 second still being kited but still
>one of the primary reasons this board was even created will get a general banned
Why don't people play twitch jungle more? Q is so good for ganking and he get's fed easier than if he were adc
mainly because he lives and dies on his level 2 cheese gank, if that fails the ever present cancer or lee and elise will cyberbully him into the shadow realm
i dont have a ps4 yet
How does Zed lose to Kassadin and why did Zed have to lose on my team?
Xerath is so good wtf
Garen W doesn't give tenacity you mong
Only the mastery, merc treads and the tank elixir does
How do I stop playing this champion?
Read the patch notes
Patch 7.14 hasn't gone live yet has it
Was he talking about pbe or what
Does anybody know why windows 8 gives me the Microsoft visual c++ error 1935 when i try to download and install league?
No i dont
yea cause u got w8 fcking bloody poof
Post them rate them
Who are the best toplaners atm?
thicc mommy
so about tuat tenacity bust garen gets,if you are hit with cc and activate it after being hit, does it reduce the duration? or do you have to hit it before benghit, talking about tenacity in general not just garens w, like another example consuming an elixir of iron in the same circumnstance
I love Jhin!
Why and how is it viable to sell boots when 40+ mins have passed?
I want to eat out Kled's tiny fuzzy butt! And nut inside it!
I'm bored lolg! Tell me something cool!
Jarvan, Gragas, Kled, Gnar
>see people complaining about singed buffs
>new passive is complete dogshit
Youre a degenerate
link to full
did you think you would be having fun this patch?
You're less annoying and disgusting than Kledfag. Isn't that cool?
I fucked Draven in the ass and he came handsfree!
You wait until they rework him.
>be support
>ADC mentions that he's black or his name suggests that he's black
>picks Lucian
Pretty sure dingdongdiana could do this in the first place
that isn't that different from what she could do before. Isnt the only thing they buffed is mana regen and attack speed? She could hard burst people before
just a statdump but passive turns him super squishy now they better buff his base stats
i guess?
>tfw everyone is gonna play her now like the fucking meta slaves they are
come on user....
That's not what I meant you know
Sounds nice. I wish I could experience this too!
>Patch 7.14 hasn't gone live yet has it
not everyone is from your server user, dude was probs from OCE where they get it first.
>Riot buffs Lethality Items
>makes them actually super viable and abusable on Riven
dear fucking lord no
Why would Riot add CDR to TWO lethality items while still allowing Cleaver to keep its 20%?
>play Yorick top against Heimerdinger
>doing good
>Enemy Jarvan ganks me, fails and goes in bush
>I'm running low on mana, just farming under turret and still out farming Heimer
>Rammus pings that he's ganking top
>I ping him no, tell him Jarvan is up here too and I'm low on mana
>Rammus ignores me and goes balls deep
>Jarvan and Heimer start wrecking him
>Three Heimer turrets are in the way of me helping
>Rammus is trying to run and keeps pinging me to help even tho the only skill I have enough mana for is Q
>Rammus dies and keeps spamming the missing ping
>I tell him that I had no mana and I warned him that Jarvan was already there
>Rammus starts raging
>"peace out I don't need to play with a team like this"
>He RQ's
What the fuck is wrong with people.
>team is tilted and bad
>go to clear out supers in top
>team engages/gets engaged on in bot the moment I leave them alone
so the key to climbing out of elo hell is to never, ever leave your team is that correct?
Why cant everyone be manly like me
Pic related, me being manly
thats exactly the problem
NOBODY actually likes playing vs Diana.
all she ever does is Q>R>R one shot you which is absolute bullshit. Shes not a fighter shes just an outright assassin and one of the strongest tower busters in the game
Why would they just outright give Diana massive buffs without taking any power away???
This is uncalled for
Good thing I already ban riven. I'm tired of Riven existing in my games, either on my team since they feed or on the enemy team because they always get away with 1 hp due to short cooldown ad scaling dash shield
>Burst requires two autos to work
Then it is better off playing Le blaughghghghgh, better mobility too
>Not playing women to make the manly men cry in shame
I love (You)!
Pretty much. Become good enough that you can 1v5 in teamfights because your team will never follow up when you need them to. Make sure you're good at pushing turrets too because after a successful team fight they're likely to chase down a low health Sona or farm jungle camps than they are to just take nexus turrets.
No, I love you, user!
>Reach Plat V
>Suddenly everyone play like fucking monkey incarnate
>My Le Blanc mid has 142 cs in a 40 mins game
Is it because of all the boosted shitters? I feel that Gold I went much smoother than this
Also Ad feel much stronger lately, most of my games seem to be make or break with the Ad fed or not nowadays
Me too! I love you!
So will the ratios buffs on Garen E and Passive will actually help him?
I honestly hope they do, I unironically like playing the overused righteous paladin in videogames but have to settle with the edgy version the chopman since he can actually do shit
How much league do you play to have Mastery 5+ on that many champions
That shit is fucking amateur hour
You get mastery 5 fairly easy if you play ARAM alot
give me doodle ideas lolg give me all of them
>tfw you will never be that Kog
>tfw you'll never be chased by Diana, and when she finally catches you, she beheads you
Why live?
Kled wearing a "I love dicks" shirt!
Draw Sion race with Singed
rengar getting belly rubs
Fiora smiling.
All 10 Elementalist Lux forms doing some sort of a ritual. Or maybe just holding hands.
the V division of every elo is aids because its boosted monkies and hardstuck shitters who gave up long ago so they dont even try
This, but with Singed and Jhin's faces.
>auto literally anything twice
>flash onto the backline and delete them
not as hard to pull off as you think. The main strength Diana brings to the table is how fast she drops towers though.
the only people who can do it as fast would be Ziggs and Twisted Fate maybe
>diana destroying towers as fast as ziggs
yeah no
Could he be decent now?
Are you one of those ho-mo-sexuals?
>make a transforming champ with a distinct red and blue form
>people learn this
>make his skin turn the red form green/blue and the blue form orange
>confuse shitters from day 1
absolutely incredible
he was decent before
stop posting bad art
>tfw I never honor anyone
fuck your keys.
You came all the way here just to post that?
Damn user, you're such a madman!
Jared leto is such a queef
if you have 5 or more deaths you dont get honors
What can I say? I love league
>Weird ass stun that is gonna miss 80% of the time
>Q heal is 30 (+0.2 ability power)(+1% Taric’s maximumhealth)
>Theoritically Taric has 4000 HP late game
>1% of 4000 is a mere 40 HP
No thx, i'd rather a Raka
her passive pops on towers too along with Lichbane and maybe rageblade?
yeah its pretty retarded. ziggs does have the execute but Diana tower damage never really "goes on cooldown" unlike Ziggs passive and W
i am yordleboysexual
I MIGHT have gotten a little bit carried away. I will return to the other requests at hand!!!