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>playing V for the first time
>trying to get all summons
>Shiva was fairly challenging with her adds
>Ifirit went down easily because I had shiva but did hit fairly hard

>reach Ramuh
>he occasionally tickles me for 50 damage and gives up after a few turns

What the hell, this game's difficulty is all over the damn place

Wait until you get to the superbosses.

loli lunie!

Someone post the collage of what's on the lucky draw.

chibi lightning!

It...I...It sent me outside.

It. Sent me. Outside.

Hey, they have clothes on, ok?


yuck city


Oh, Mr. Typhon~

Here are the FFXII cards coming to Mobius tomorrow. Ashe is the only one worth pulling for imo but she's a must-have.

Luckily I saved earlier, and I figured out the secret to getting past the cracks.

This is one ugly motherfucker.

XIII-2 Lightning is best costume.

>Armpit focused poses
They know their audience I guess.

That was the boss, right ? He died in one hit. Now I gotta backtrack and get these two chests...

So, I got a friend who finally finished rerolling and ended up with a good roll so I was giving him some help. If you wanted to add him, that'd be cool, he already changed his name and just wanted to give him a little help. I mean, if you want to, it's not super imperative.

She has no pockets.

I support the use of functional clothing in this series.

The really knocked it out of the park with this costume, I think. All except for her ankles which have no visible way of bending or rotating.

You won't get what you want. Besides, it's only half off. Just try your luck, nerd.

So was there actually some strategy to this? all it did was spam press or fire. I just gorilla'd the shit out of it

That looks more like Serah if you look closely.

It's supposed to react to your elemental attacks and use the opposite, but it's kinda buggy and odd

It's supposed to cycle through elements randomly, but GL fucked it up and if you keep doing X elemental damage, it'll keep doing X elemental damage back.

So what do I do with dupes in BE? Just feed em for Trust Master? I got 3 Rikkus.

No, macro em to get three of her TM eventually. Or if you're impatient, macro all 3 to about 29% and merge them for her TM.

Depends on the TMR. Having an extra one of Rikku's might benefit you so I'd definitely keep at least 2 for that.

You can cheese most of the bosses in 5. The only boss that ever gave me trouble in my first playthroughs was that fucker Atmos.

Alright then thanks.

I leave that godforsaken place with two pieces of philosophy.

1. Fuck Mindflayers.
2. Fira is a man's best friend.

>ex tickets: elle, locke, leo, shantotto, king, xiao, terra, eight x2, jack
>ex 4+ ticket: chizuru

>spending your tix before the rate change


I don't see it.

>it takes 12,000 red megacytes to get Ifrit 3* from level 1 to level 60
holy fucking shit

>At 23 mythril now after completing the dungeon update
>Will just scrape by with 50 mythril by the time the 14th rolls around thanks to login mythril, portal app rewards, and FFX event
I should've stuck to my guns and waited a bit to pull on the lucky draw banner, oh well.

Ok, I got this Levistone, and I know it's for the airship, but I haven't come across any clues as to where the airship is.



>larsa and vayne
get that monster away from him!

>airship violently crashes
>Terra just falls down into the Yamcha pose

What does it take to kill people in this universe? Locke's girlfriend fell from a 50 foot drop onto stone and only got amnesia and now this?

A desert

It only takes 600 of the special Gigacyte you only get from expeditions though.


Is Amelia any good in ffbe?.

Getting zapped by lightning.

>Airship violently destroyed with the Floating Continent
>Everyone survives

Giving a try at getting native wall. Please send me your magic my dudes

Pray for no Y'shtola USB

>What does it take to kill people in this universe?
Bad fish.

tower explosion

Alright, that one made me laugh.


Good luck.

Yeeeeaahhh, boi! Thank you.

I remember one of you guys said the class change is at the group of tiny islands to the north. Let's head there now!

Stop by some of the new towns while you're at it, and see if you can get some shit. Don't spend all your gil at once though

I gotchu user

>Kefka has literally been thinking of nothing but murdering people for 14+ years
>they only just NOW put him in jail for being a danger
>it's just a ruse

Gestahl deserves to die for being a moron.

Am I gonna get raped by dragons?


Was getting caught part of his plan?

1/11 goggles

Oh well

>getting caught was part of his plan
>Kefka crashes the party's plane
>but there are survivors

So close to the perfect apocalyptic Banepost.

Take one last look at these classes guys, cause it's time for an upgrade.

How good are the upgrades in FF1? Maybe I just had a shitty party, but when I fought Chaos with my Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard, and Black Belt, I only had one party member (Knight) still alive by the end.

Gotta give Bahamut a lil' somethin' somethin', know what I'm sayin'?


.. What does it mean by this?

If I took the bonus off, would she die?

WHAT?! I took down the Lich, you moron! How much more do I have to prove my worth?

You do have one more dungeon to go through before that happens.

It means she gives extra mats during the event, duh.

You have to find something that would seem insignificant at first, but proves your courage by finding it.

Try looking for areas with just a small space to land your ship.

Which event exactly? Henne mines?

Yes. More specifically, she gives +75% materials. Farm the event with her in your party

After sucking him off, one of the dragons told me to go northeast to test my courage. Sigh.

>tfw you get a thunderbug with Ashe in your party

It's always a nice feeling.

Just because she isn't frowning for the first time in her life doesn't mean that she looks like Serah

Just an Ashe?

My pulls have been absolute shit. I'm thankful for the Ashe that I do have.

>get invited to dinner by Gestahl
>have to find 24 soldiers before time is up
>find 23


You think that's bad? Play FF13, that type of shit happens disgustingly often in it

No Vaans though? That's almost rarer than getting an Ashe.

I've got tons of Vaans, just haven't put them my party. Though in hindsight I probably should put at least one in.

Aw, do you have trouble killing Tiamat? That's so cute.

Not really, I can otk it with my Orlandeu,


There's no way around it. I gotta walk all the way to that yellow dot.

boi we gon make you earn that class change

>I've got tons of Vaans, just haven't put them my party.

waste of free motes

Fun fact: monks get absolutely no benefit from class change except a sprite change.

>Pleeeease tell me how to class change

that's too bad, they were op as fuck in FF Tactics.

The class change was the worst because thats when I found out the White Mage was actually my husbando and not my waifu.

Seriously? Oh 80s RPGs, you cads

Monks in FF1 were OP as hell though, so it really didn't matter much.

Buy awakening materials or buy weapons from the MOG king in ffbe?

Barthandelus, Etro, and Bhunivelze wouldn't let them die until they finished the mission.

Depends on if you have a stockpile of the materials already. If not, feel free to do that now but be sure to pick up the weapons eventually.

>tfw 2 Ashe, 3 Vaan, a Rasler and a Zerg friend.
>Still at most ~5000 mote, often only every 8th or so run.

I miss the Grand Gaia collab already. goes nothing.

Ohhhh, so THAT'S what the Crown is for.

Oh shit FF12 finally came out

>49.99 USD


PC when?