Blocks your path

>blocks your path


>big hill
>speed limit 80kmh
>no room for speed vans
>everyone just coasts the downhill
>(((government))) installs "average speed camera" on what is now referred to as "revenue hill"
>everyone is driving the downhill at full attention like

>chuck it in third

Also move out of the way of any trucks, since they like to coast for dat momentum.

>live in Texas
>steep hills are just a rumor

I will overtake at the next possible option, I dont want to drive behind drivers that drive like that

>live in DFW
>the steepest roads are highway interchanges

Three Sisters if you get the chance.

think they tried that shit on highways over here

does your gubment not have a law where you can go X over and still be okay?
if you have to worry about speed that much accidents happen

>live in Florida
>steepest incline around is my driveway

>live in Florida
>alligators eat my tires

>I've only driven in east texas

Fuck you traffic fag.

>Corpus Christi
Kill me now, the most boring place in the world to drive. The roads are shit and the majority of driveways dip really bad. So much scraping in anything lower than a SUV

>Corpus Christi
I know this feel fellow Texas fag

>live in Florida
>Regularly drive to Clermont to experience what life in the non-Flattest state in the USA would be like

>Corpus Christi

Original city name, do not steal

>not having a hybrid or eV and enjoying regen braking.

Not by working normie hours.

that just results in people going exactly X over. I do it too. Like when it's 80 you can easily do 86-88.

I'm pretty sure the average speed camera has a comfortable threshold and will only send you a ticket if you're driving several Kms over for the entire distance - but who knows for sure?
Who wants to risk it? Not me.

So the end result is everyone watching their speedo like hawks on what used to be a nice free flowing downhill.

It's p. comfy when you know where the local limits are and you can just cruise by all the coppers while the radar fags act like scared children street racing imaginary ghosts.

They tried that shit in my little town, they tried like 10 times, each time the cameras were stolen.

Fellow small towner here. Some kids took it down, pulled the camera out and put the shroud back on. Sat like that for 2 months before they figured out why nobody was getting tickets.

>always travel 10kms below speed limit
>never have this issue

That's just scummy

>blocks your path

This is how I avoid it too. Dont understand what OP is talking about.
Had an asshole behind me flash his lights at me at a hill like this once too. I just waved him off and he honked his horn as he overtook me on my right.

>brakes on the uphill

you should both kill yourselves


The one day out of ever five years it's not necked down to a 1 lane parking lot the CBE is a pretty nice off-road rally course.

Also props to that hump on Riverside Drive going south. I'm going to catch air on that for real one of these days.

well yeah, people who know and care will go X over. people who care enough to do that are probably better drivers.
the real people this measure is for is for retards who can barely keep their car on the road, if they have to sharply watch their speed, we'll all die