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Still most picked hero in the game and no signs of stopping edition

>Doomfist! (Now on PTR)

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Here comes T.Racer!

What is the absolute lowest level of gameplay you've seen in this game?

>the absolute state of hogshitters

Based Kaplan

Is the average owg player silver ?
Why do I see threads constantly claiming that Hog and Pharah are OP ?

When has there been a "hog is OP" thread in the last month

Got beat by an attack Torb+Sym combo in [spoilerl]low diamond[/spoiler]

The only heroes with non ultimate one shit abilities are Hanzo, widow and previously hog. No other heroes can do this. Everyone else has to manage their clip. Make sure they get headshots all while avoiding being killed by the enemy team. Hog could stand there, hook and kill someone. Then right click and immediately kill someone else before vaping up his health back because all it would take to keep him a live was an ana nade or a defense matrix.
He was op, get fucked

players being bad enough to play against hog
there's one thing in losing a 6v5
it's another losing a 7v5 where on guy on the other team is a walking free 50% ult charge

GM games were literally hog v hogs because he was so op

49sr away from Diamond. Will I make it or am I forced to lose?

You'll make it user. I believe in you

>character does stuff
>it's op
you an do that on any character in the game
Junkrat was always OP even if he wasn't picked outside of silver and in pro games, but he can kill every characters in 2 hits from across the map with no damage faloff grenades that have a huge hitbox and you dont even have to aim
you can stand miles behind your tanks and never get hit, and if someone gets close to you you can just bounce back and burst them down
he is OP, get fucked

6 game loss streak. Calling it now

When will this game actually start getting updates
It's getting stale and really fucking fast.

How do you work out how much EHP a hero has with damage reduction?

50% is easy, so someone under the effect of nano-boost or orisa with her fortify its essentially doubling your health pool right?

But how much EHP does bastion have with ironclad active? Ignoring his armour for the moment

Because Lucio is the only hero in the game you cannot take blame or heat from your teammates when playing as long as you are with the team and ult during team fights. Nobody has ever and will never blame Lucio, which is why I just pick him and have a comfy (boring) game.

>thread culture

I'm still laughing, i know you're lurking too.

Teammates being unable to focus down a single character or get 1 elim in 5 minutes or losing 5v3 after I die.

user, the reason junkrat isn't op is for 2 reasons. The balls are impossible to aim, and they are slow moving projectiles you can DODGE. While I do appreciate you admitting hog is a braindead hero like junkrat, lobbing easy to avoid and easily reflectable projectiles is different than a hitscan hook that can hook you THROUGH TERRAIN to one shot you.
Its nice seeing you fags cry though, the endless salt from hog mains dropping like a rock will never not be funny

>play dps
>get nanoboosted just because im the only one there
>get instantly ganged on because Im a glowing 200 hp little shit

>tfw was low plat last season
>now I have a 66% win rate on Lucio and am almost to Grandmasters
Why aren't you a dirty one trick, /owg/?

Can i have my fucking doomfist skins yet


Xbox GT: Girseph

>tfw your go-to heroes roadie the hog and reinhardt are shit
>your boy Jamison isn't viable in comp
Kill me

Maybe because you call her ult an EMT.

Xbox GT: Girseph.

Xbox GT: Girseph

This game is dead because of ignorant children like yourselves.

not anymore
>one shot you
he can't even one shot tracer anymore
get over it, hog was always mediocre and now he's just unplayable
he's useful only every 8 sec, he's slow and can't protect his teammates, his heal is terrible because it practically stuns you and his ult is below average
he has great strength and great weaknesses that balances it out, but of course if you ignore everything that makes him weak it will look OP

Xbox GT: Girseph

I've never seen so many people so unwilling to improve.

>can't dodge the 8 sec cd hook from an immobile character that has literally one useful ability
just bait it and then murder his ass, it's extremely telegraphed

>Play tracey
>Have 75 hp
>Get nanoed
>Have a panic attack
>Somehow manage to kill 4 of them by myself
>Finally die
>We lose because I was the only one who was standing on the point
Sucks but at least I got play of the match


Not it isnt at all telegraphed, its hitscan. This is exactly he was nerfed. Its fine now though because the days of flank hog are over and the game is actually enjoyable again


Xbox GT: Girseph

Hahahahahahahahaha. Pathetic.

what should i name my sombra-only account?


Hook is literally one of the slowest projectile in the game.



>Junkrat now takes 50% less damage from all explosive effects (Added to total mayhem passive)

>Rip-tire now has 150 health
>Using Rip-tire now causes Junkrat to burrow into the ground after releasing the tire, healing him to full and causing him to be untargetable for the duration
>Remote mine detonation moved to left shift

>M2 grants a new ability "Firework"
>Firework replicates the "Remote mine detonation" effect that it had on junkrat, by launching him straight up in the air and knocking back all nearby enemies (5 metre radius)
>Junkrat gains 50% increased speed while in the air from this ability

There. Fixed his mobility, gives him another knockback to help him keep away from people, and stops every other fucking dps hero (Soldier, Pharah, even genji with his deflect) shitting all over him with explosive projectiles when thats supposed to be his shtick

Its not a projectile, its hitscan. If you want slowest projectile it's either pharah rockets or junk bombs

How about you fuck off, he is already powerful considering his low skill floor.

Xbox GT: Girseph

Grow up. You're defending an online forum for a children's game, you irrelevant hall-monitor.

It doesn't matter whether you are retarded or a liar.

accept the fact that you will get to 2997 and immediately get a thrower in the next match

Nah, junkrats annoying and brainless. Theres nothing funnier than watching a junkrat have an autism attack and continue firing at a deflecting genji.

What would you like to see for new crosshairs?

That Junkrat looks so good. But i guess that's just what they do at that level. Been practicing him in quickplay and my concussion movement and grenade placement looks so ugly compared to this.

It was confirmed multiple times by the devs that it is a projectile
"sphere that he throws out and searches for targets as it moves. If the hook finds a target, it will pull them back to you"

Mercy mains

Xbox GT: Girseph

So many diamondposters, lol.

The hook is literally undodgeable unless you're tracer or the hog has an iq of 60 and can't aim. Which I realize is the majority of hog players. But still, it was annoying seeing him in every game even at GM. Im glad he was dumpstered


>Anubis point B, attack
>be Rein
>DPS get 3 picks
>I move in asap
>die on point 1v3
>see what my team is doing
>they're still dicking around behind the chokepoint

If you can't play heroes that require aim, maybe an fps isn't for you

update: 28sr away from diamond. Forced losing streak still possible tho

Xbox GT: Girseph


user, you're not supposed to go in until you get a team kill at the choke, don't you know how this game works?

>please dont pick junkrat he's too strong for me :(

"I bought the game twice xd"

The lowercase d is very important

Xbox GT: Girseph

Doomfist makes you uncomfortable to look at.

just too far for one win to put you over

get ready to know pain

I play Zarya so it's more like thanks for helping me win.

Unlike you.

Xbox GT: Girseph

>I'm in Masters, friend is in mid-high Diamond
>que together against clearly smurfing 4 stack (all level 50 or lower, and they admit to it) on Lijaing Tower
>get destroyed first two rounds
>"they aren't that good, we can do this guys"
>start playing like we've been playing this game together our whole lives
>targets get called and dived on perfectly
> 100-0 them three rounds in a row
>fuck off shitty smurfs

Good junkrat players are still really strong on some maps, if they buffed him any he would be OP.

>majority of players cannot aim and use his main ability effectively
So if only skilled players were good with him then what's the issue?

What's up with that fucking xbone profile that keeps getting posted here?

>>Junkrat now takes 50% less damage from all explosive effects (Added to total mayhem passive)
Sure, makes him less Pharah bait
>>Rip-tire now has 150 health
>>Using Rip-tire now causes Junkrat to burrow into the ground after releasing the tire, healing him to full and causing him to be untargetable for the duration
God no
>>Remote mine detonation moved to left shift
>>M2 grants a new ability "Firework"
>>Firework replicates the "Remote mine detonation" effect that it had on junkrat, by launching him straight up in the air and knocking back all nearby enemies (5 metre radius)
>>Junkrat gains 50% increased speed while in the air from this ability

I'd work on his bear trap; lower the cool down and/or let him have more than one out at a time.

Guess someone got salty in a match and is trying to do the whole Veeky Forums troll legion thing.

>tfw all your friends are shitters and whever you try to play together the matchmaker goes full spaghetti and the game is always a steamroll either way

some dude got pissed at his faggot friend so he wants to unleash le 4chins on him xd

>rog is only good at the hand of skilled players
>yet he's less and less popular the higher in ranked you get

Try adding it and improving at the game, dumbfuck. Want me to wipe your ass too?

Xbox GT: Girseph

And you don't want Junkrat buffed because then your zarya games would be too easy right?

Yeah but I looked it up on Overbuff because I got a little bit curious. an said guy didn't even played for 22day and has around 20h played

The issue is overpowered in the hands of a skilled player is still overpowered. Thats why ana and widow also got well deserved nerfs

Hog was a go to hero in masters and gm, he only drops off in popularity as you approach top 500

I don't need extensive hours to be good at something. Sorry if you do.

Xbox GT: Girseph

some scrub got stomped by one of the other 2 xbox players and is trying to falseflag them.

>if they buffed him any he would be OP

Why do people believe this meme. There are heroes like Tracer, Winston, Lucio and Genji plyed in 80%+ to 95%+ of pro games. Deemed by the best players in the world as "So broken, you should have this hero in your team more than 95 times out of 100"

And yet you can't buff heroes that don't get picked once (Junkrat, Bastion) "Because then they'd be OP"

What kinda retarded logic is that? They should be OP maybe then they'd actually see play alongside the other OP heroes that dominate pickrates

what's a good name for a mei and doomfist only account?


Xbox GT: Girseph


NEET sombra when enough of this gay neon mexican shit I just want a cute brown girl in baggy clothes and glasses

Threadly reminder you literally can not deny Doomfist is completely 100 percent innocent and morally in the right.

He already does 120-80 damage without even having to be in line of sight and has that huge fuck-you concussion mine. He only buff Junkrat needs is maybe having the trap fly farther when thrown, or more projectile speed. He is fine. If anything he's underrated because Junkrat can actually do a ton of damage, he's just a niche pick.

Turbo-buffing a balanced character who already is so easy to use anybody can use him would just make the game retarded.

OJ Simpson skin when?

So is Girseph.

Xbox GT: Girseph

That would be nice. I wouldn't mind a casual set for all of the characters, come to think of it.

At least we get swimsuits soon.

You think they're OP simply because they have mobility which is silly and shows your Bronze.

Why does Doomfist get to Meteor Strike into buildings? Does he just fly through the roof?

And what are you? Diamond? LOL

Xbox GT: Girseph

can't wait for you to get banned.

Lmao the only hero on that list that pro players think is broken right now is Tracer. Tracer is a hero that rewards high skill play really effectively. So much so that when you get insanely good at her she is broken. Tell me the last time you saw a Tracer (that wasn't smurfing/hacking) that dominated a game down in plat? Junkrat, however, is a hero that isn't incredibly high skill ceiling, so if they buffed him he would be broken at every skill rating level. Do you want the game to be Junkrat v Junkrat? I don't.
Post your SR fuckboy i bet I'm higher than you.

How do we unironically fix junkrat though?
If he just gets straight buffed he'll be the rng annoying spammy hero everyone hates playing against - but he NEEDS to be buffed.
Would it be good to make his gun more like the loch-n-load with lower ammo and explosion damage to reward good projectile aim? Perhaps a projectile that gains damage the further it travels?

He also enjoys a tasty 0% pickrate in pro play and sub2% pickrate globally

He's not a niche pick, he's just literally incapable of competing with the good heroes based on numbers and mechanics alone. Its not rocket science.

Funny that, pros must be bronze too

Can't wait for you to get better at this game.

Oh wait, I've been waiting.


Xbox GT: Girseph


update2: 2993sr. I lose now right?