League of legends general /lolg/

Best waifu, Best frejlord, Best girl and Best wife edition

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Im trying to dumb down my runes a bit for the rune rework

I suspect we wont be able to run scaling anything it will be more along the lines of "rune of health" and "rune of armor" etc with a flat amount

I know the keystone runes will be huge but the minor ones are going to be very simple

Always tell premades to dodge or lose.

liss is an old hag

xth for breast metal waifu

xth for Syndra

What are you even talking about?

>run 4man premades in normal
>FF right before victory to troll the loner

they are always ass blasted

xth for syndra stepping on my dick.

I want to have homosexual sex with Kled all night! While Skaarl watch us!

go away

We all know about keystone runes which will be game changing big ones like the attack speed cap one

they are keeping the idea of smaller runes though that give you armor and stuff, but one of the reasons for the rework is they hated the muh burden of knowledge runes like scaling and movespeed etc

What is with all these cucks complaining about the state of toplane when it is the most diverse it's ever been. I'd take this meta over "pick Renekton, Shyvanna, or Mundo or else lose" meta any day.

but user, they pick ranged champions! It's not fair!

>I'm trying to dumb down my runes a bit for the rune rework
What did you mean by this though? From my understanding old runes won't carry over.

why do you have to write like a 5 years old

What did you say to me?

>make a custom public game called "!CAN YOU 1v1 A DIAMOND 4 KAYN?!"
>shitters join in droves since they can't resist the urge of testing themselves against a real diamond player ("wow ur rly high elo xD")
>get to see how kayn's trades and damage feel for free without having to wait a shitload of dodges in normals


there wont be scaling runes after the rework so I need to get used to the idea of rune pages looking more like
+10 armor
+15 attack speed
+12 magic resist

>can you draw a cooked Xayah being eaten like a thanksgiving turkey by a faceless user with a chained up rakan crying in the corner like a cuck?

So, uh.

Anybody honor level 3 yet?

no, stop asking

Draw this with Ahri please?

>Didn't notice that the jungler wanted to go kayn and insta-banned him.
>He bans my Tryndamere
>Yasuo and Darius are banned so have nothing to play
>Pick tengen toppa gurren lagann hyper galactic yordle because some user is saying that he is free elo atm
>Jungler tells their team that he wont gank my top because I was a dick
>Enemy jungler camps me
>Kill both of them with my ult
>Get my turret destroyed because kaynzmayne are fucking 12 yo
>Start feeding because enemy mid and jungler fuck me over
>Really behind
>Somehow managed to finish my 4th item in late game
>we are losing
>our adc and mid get caught
>morgana goes in with ulti and zhoyas
>j4 gets them with q+e combo
>morgana gets a 5 man ult in the jungle
>I drop equalizer
>they get tilted
>we catch 3 of them out of position trying to steal our baron
>we kill the remaining two
>end game

What the fuck, the user that said that rumble was pretty strong wasn't lying at all.

I'm going to abuse him from now on.

s-sorry sir, I'll be outside of experience range. plesae don't spear me

But I WANT to pick Shyvana somewhere and have her not be shit


Why is Twitch allowed to be this cute?

>went from being hardstuck in b3 to s4 with no losses in silver so far
I know it's not good at all but it feels nice

anyone else excited to have runes reworked completely after having bought every rune in the game over the years knowing full well we will get no compensation for the wasted IP?

so should he be eating like, a detached arm? the heart? Xayah is pretty big whole, would her clothes still be on? Sorry, I just want this doodle to be perfect. (As perfect as my art can get, hah)
should Zed still be there?

I want Ezreal to step on my dick...

>no compensation

But user, they're going to give you an ICON! An ICON! What more do you want!? Riot is only a small indie company!

uh we are getting something, free boxes or something cant remember

>should Zed still be there?
Um...feel free to keep him there?

Yeah, having to buy runes and pages was a mistake from day 1.

here have a volibear/ryze skin

But user, we will receive a exiting new volibear skin and maybe all mighty riot will grant us the privilege to have an exclusive summoner icon!!!

i think eating a leg would be funny, i was thinking something like a real cartoony looking turkey with her cloak under it/falling off the platter. the real important part of the picture is the look of despair on rakans face

took me a while to get this done, hope you like it as much as I liked yours

>want to have fun playing
>no one else does

Why is Rek'sai the best and CUTEST support?

i only have fun when i take the fun from others

my god, that's beautiful! thank you so much. do you have a Tumblr or something? you really went all out on this, huh.


>One icon?

Recent silver surfer here that dropped out of gold.

Should I hire a coach?

>>want to have fun

no, they're a waste of time/money

everything you need is already (readily) available

you should play a simpler champion

Explain how it works at level 1 because honestly I tried it when I was drunk and we only won because they didn't have a ranged adc in a normals

>Lee Sin: Base AD lowered from 61.176 to 58

IIRC most champions g get to about 60~100 armor with mages/marksmen having usually 70~80 and melee having 80~90 give or take

when you factor in armor runes especially scaling ones its not that hard to end up with 100 armor naturally without having to build any extra. Combine this with like Zhonyas (45) or GA (30) its really easy to get your armor past the 130's esp with Tabi's

thats why marksman deal like 1000 damage at six items to camps and creeps but only like 600 damage to other champions. the base armor really does work and its also why Lethality has been so subpar until recently.

What's the prognosis on this, my friends?

post champs in casual clothes


Can you name simple yet strong champs for each role?



i think thats korean for im gonna withe ryou at lvl 3 when my jungler comes for a gank

i want to main nasus
any tips?


Ahhh, thanks. I'll keep an eye on my map.

oh. um

what do you think
i think Rakans face is too cartoony, I can try to change it to be more depressed i guess haha

>nami buffs


>inb4 those aren't strong

in low elo they're quite literally freelo


Why is everybody on /lolg/ this fucking autistic?

>all boring except kled

Whenever I play garen I feel slow as fuck and I can't do anything.
Is gold low elo?

they're laughing at you in japanese

Can you draw 2 minions playing cards on a table?

Do you want to climb or no nigga

Yes. I play garen in diamond and it's still effective. If you're somewhat decent at the game you're good at garen.

garen has a ms steroid

You go Q first and only focus on proq'ing your Relic Shield and intimidating your enemy. Level 1 is really hard for her but i still LOVE her but once you hit 2 you can burrow and shoot your cuddle missiles. 3 you get your sneaky tubes to pop out of bushes :3

not that guy but I main kled

hahaha, no its perfect. if anything it needs those anime wavey tears coming from his eyes

>Soul hunter kayn has a fucking fedora
Riot has to have done this intentionally right?

Oh! So do you guys just run tp and peel for carries?
Either that or if your team is so behind you dive backline right?

Has anyone tried the NEW AND IMPROVED Diana? Think the changes are good on her?

>whole team died but me in late game
>enemy hitting nexus
>get 1v5 ace as teemo with nexus at 1 hp
>win after
>no one on my team honors me

fuck this game

I was planning on doing one, but I never got into doing that. I should do that later on, thank you for reminding! Also it was like a colored sketch, so I didnt use that much effort into it but thanks for the encouraging words!
I think I used around 2-3 hours on this one

Just build stormraiders full ad garen, turn your brain off and beyblade over some motherfuckers. Even if you're quite literally autistic, you will get to plat.


Most of the time I regret what I buy because I have shit taste so I need outer opinions, check my shopping list:
Death Blossom K6
Elderwood Bard
Dragon Slayer Braum
Dark Star or Mecha Zero Ward

top: Darius, Malphite
jungle: Warwick, Amumu
Mid: Malzahar, Annie
ADC: Caitlyn, Tristana
Support: Janna, Leona

you want something that is simple mechanically so you don't have to weave together multiple abilities to be super good. Most of these champs have a point and click major CC, fairly good scaling for dps or tank. if you play support focus on peeling your adc/carry as in low ELO its hard to do a playmaker and have your team follow up


is meta. Deal with it, nerds.

Because he's not lewd. I bet he's like the muskiest BF ever but not in a lewd way.

I hope this is good enough

Sorry, I totally would but it's really late here and my mom is about to break my already broken computer if I don't get to sleep. I could drop my tumblr here if anyone is interested but eh

Hopefully we'll meet again someday!

>a hollow shell of the season 2 swiss army knife ultra viable overloaded terror he once was

nobody cares lol

if scythe boy actually takes off in the botlane where i see all these streamers playing it, will morde adc unironically come back as a botlane counter to him?

>Tfw I successfully get into a game as Kayn

leblancs laugh is the most taunting thing in the game



That's nice! I wish I could draw digitally. I used to but my computer is broken and I won't even be around to Play Omega Squad Veigar (my main) and I guess I'll just have to beg people to buy my art until I have enough for a good computer.

>baiting somebody into flaming without saying anything
>that instant feedback

It's like a game.

>Just went 10/1 S on this guy

Rhaast is strong, shadow assassin seems strong too.

Both forms are good which is nice.

Post that ending screen of you feeding horribly.

Who here superior sexy masterrace

Gragas isn't really that easy compared to other jungle picks.
Sejuani does basically the same and is way easier. Amumu is braindead and surely viable in silver. WW and Xin are the easy champs to pick if you want something that can actually carry.

that was from a year old survey

Riots not doing that most likely because the compensation has to be feasible for everyone.

IE:A support player has no use for a Volibear or Ryze skin so dont expect to see one

not only that but the compensation will take into account the amount of IP spent so someone who only bought one runepage and 9 runes will not get the same reward as someone who bought all 20 and the every rune available.


Riot is considering the compensation from every angle imaginable including people who might have spent RP on runepages or RP boost so you can expect the compensation to be damn well worth it ESPECIALLY when a majority of thier long time player base and fattest whales are the ones who have opted the most into the system and the ones they risk alienating/pissing off.

this is the one thing Riot wont cheap out of on. Expect them to bend over and grit their teeth over the profit loss thats gonna come from this prize other wise they would lose a lot more from the PR nightmare that would happen anyways.

>simple yet strong
>posts a bunch of moderate to complex champions

>tfw the only reason I don't own every champ is because I spent the ip in meme runes
>now they'll be gone soon