/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Material translations and discographies: pastebin.com/D34BvNuJ
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/pvwsEbjQ
Upcoming events and merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 07/12 ~ 07/18 Caravan (Shino, Hinako)
>Gacha: 07/10 ~ 07/15 (Tamami, Naho)
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

Theater Days:
>Gacha: 06/29 ~ 07/13 (Haruka, Mirai, Tsubasa, Shizuka, Tsumugi, Kaori)
- Upcoming SM Update (July 11th): - CG Theater VA special 3: - SS location ads: - TD in next Famitsu: - Kaori/Konomi fancomic TS: - TD Update (July 11th): - iM@S Columbia on LINE Music: - Upcoming ML Update (July 12th): - Upcoming TD Event TL (July 12th): >Archive of : archive.is/vqdO9
- ML Update (July 12th): - SS Update (July 12th): - Upcoming CG Maintenance: - CG Theater 930 UL: - CG Theater 904/905/910/912 TS: - NG/TakeP fancomic TS: - Minami/Ranko/Anya fancomic TS:
July 15th, 7PM JST: SideM 3rd Anniversary ST@RTING SIGNAL!!! mini-live: live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv299902575
July 22nd/23rd: CINDERELLA GIRLS Theater talk show/mini-live
July 26th: MILLION THE@TER GENERATION 01 Brand New Theater

my wife is cute as all hell

>No respect for birthdays

MLFags have no honor.

I love Takane!

Too bad, fuckboy. She's mine.
Knowing my luck, she won't be mine whenever her SSR drops

Damn Minako posters making me hungry for some Chinese.

You just have to shitpost hard and fast enough to get to bump limit before tomorrow.
I suggest the metafag angle

If you truly love her, you'll pay for her.

I want Syoko to screw me over.

I'm more than willing to flush a few weeks worth of TD work down the drain just to get Takane, in case what I have now isn't enough. No need to spend money. I already have merch of her anyway, I'd rather not spend on any more.

Has the card art for the new SSRs and event cards been found in the game data?


Yes which is why they have been posted in the thread and on Jap twitter and we have been talking about them for the past few hours

The SSR isn't going to be Takane you fucking nerds.

Make sure you super size that order of fried rice.


I want to sniff Takane's ass. What can I expect were I to do so?

It's fun to dream.

It's like you want to see TD die.


I'm in love with the Takane!

>tfw level 30 and FC'd all songs so far, awakened 2 SSRs and 2 SRs and many Rares
Fuck man I think i'm in too deep for that.

I'm more interested in the bizarre and unfitting alt palletes

Takane looks like she wants to go home.

Excellent taste in fetishes.



I'm not as deep in as you are, but I'm still fairly deep, with a good number of FCs.
However, if the rolls I pull aren't good enough, I'll do anything to get my hands on her.

Borderl@lis, booknerds and weebs go home. You need not apply.

You'd probably never return.

Because God isn't a cartoon, but an innate psychological reality.
Though cartoon characters also get to symbolize such realities, so it's not wrong to love them either.

UNLESS you make Takane or God your only love and waifu. Then it gets awkward.

I want Takane, but don't want to give up my Tsumugi either. Maybe I should just try to buy an account with both of them on it if all else fails.

Well if you don't get what you want from the jews your FCs are basically worthless anyways and it's like 2 weeks in? Not really that bad I'd say.

pic related

This is the best start to a thread we've had in a long time.

There's also the matter of dumping the 7 alt live outifts i've received from drops. I don't think I could do that.

You could reroll until you get both of them. The chance of it happening is extremely low, but it'll probably happen eventually if you set your heart to it.
Or you can spend money like a loser
You know it.

>I want a high quality meal, but don't want to stop eating shit either

Could you imagine the farts that would produce?

You're pushing your scat agenda too much, dude.
Get some sleep already.

Mutsumi deserves an OP. /cgss/ where?

Losers are the ones who spend hours and hours rerolling. That's far worse than dropping 10 bucks on an account.

I'd prefer not to.
It's rude to say Mugifags have a "scat agenda".

>Mutsumi deserves an OP

Literally who
10 bucks doesn't guarantee anything. Who knows how deep into the rabbit hole you'll go.


Rude but not inaccurate.

I'd prefer if all OPs were Takane from now on actually.

I'm not talking about the gacha, user. I'm talking about buying an account online with both Takane and Tsumugi SSRs on it. Then I can just save everything for Makabe and have my silver/white hair trio complete.

You'd get tired of it eventually.

I'd like that too but too much Takane is bad for the penis

Sorry, I misunderstood you. If that's the case, then of course. $10 for Takane is an amazing deal.

>Just unlocked The Rocomotion
>Two SSRs
>Four idols I really like might be getting SSR soon-ish
Time to open my wallet, I guess.

I need my Mugi too.

Tsumugi is just a bonus. Takane is the real meat and potatoes of the deal.
Can't wait for Takane's SSR to not even come out tonight, I don't know why people are saying it will come out tonight

I improved your Chie.

Because I didn't want to be the only one disappointed.

Tsumugi is my meal.

You just gave her a boner

I need to save more. I can't have my second favorite 765 idolt come out so soon. It doesn't even make sense since Takane is far from the most popular of the OG idols.

>Takane is far from the most popular of the OG idols
Really? I've always been under the impression that she's not at the absolute top, but she's not too far from it.

Wanna try out that 19 year old Chie.

Next SSR will probably be Serika to tie in with the event.

Which idols look the the worst walking around the theater?

I'd say Miki and Arisa. That flat mouth looks awful on all of them, but it looks particularly bad on Miki. And Arisa's hair just doesn't look right.

Your favorite idol would wet her bad until she was 8.
How does that make you feel?

Whoa, I like.

How do you know she's 19? An estimate?

Why would anyone care about that?

Though it is a sign of a serial killer, supposedly.

Why would I care

It disturbs me just thinking about it.
Why did she have to stop?

>wet her bad
You wrote that with your own hands. How does that make you feel?

Because it says in the picture.
Unless of course you're a turbo-EOP who can't read 「佐々木千枝 十九歳」

Turned on.

>sign of a serial killer
Speaking of which, which idol is most likely to be a serial killer?

Awesome. Now I can really relate to her

Ok, here's a tougher question.
Doesn't it bother you that your idol most certainly poops and farts every day?

>And Arisa's hair just doesn't look right.
Really? Arisa and Karen's hair are some of my favorite things in theater mode, especially when they are jumping in front of the mirror and you can ser their hair bouncing around.

I'd say Shiho got the worst model in the theater just because of how fat she looks, which is weird because her model looks fine in the MVs.

Sweet I heart ties

Pretty obvious who her first victims will be.

I just finished fapping to her doing just that

Is there a video with the FC burst appeal that isn't in 2D mode? I need it for Guns of the Patriots.

No. Everyone does that.

Do you really don't know?

I'm a turbo EOP who relies on google translate, so thanks for the transcription!

Mayu and Minako.

I am soon cum!

Do war crimes in Chechnya count?


Nope. Who doesn't?

Mayu is a good girl, she would never hurt anyone!

Why would anyone be bothered by that?

It's disgusting to think anime girls poop.
They're so pretty and perfect, and yet are bound to the same fundamental rules of biology that humans are tied to.

This user gets it.

Contrary to popular belief, Rin can be defeated by the dick

No, I find it kinky and a good excuse to tease.

It's not a war crime if the witnesses aren't alive to tell the story.

Pretty sure that's common knowledge.

It's also not a war crime if you deny it over the course of 60+ years and destroy all documents related to the subject.

>all this Minako posting
>just reached Lv 30 in TD
Guessing I'll go get a second lunch.

Found the Ukrainian.

It's extremely arousing, however, to think that they pee.

I want to lick her stubble

Very good.