League of Legends general /lolg/

Porcelain edition


Also Kayn smut when

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first for fuck lulu

Hey lolbabs, if there really is so much champion diversity in legal legions, then why are there no ranged AD assassins that aren't marksmen? Gotcha.





Fuck off you dumb ESL

*kills your carry*

friendly reminder that rakan is a cannon cuck and xayah exists to be used and abused because the only sexual pleasure she gets from rakan is his emotional torture

Post gnarito for wishing he doesn't get his shit nerfed to the ground again anytime soon.

I'm gonna get shit on or ignored, but surely there must be someone else here who likes theorycrafting champions?

I want to share and talk with someone like-minded. :(


is there anything worse on this planet than low plat?

why do you keep posting this

I'm bored again lolg!
Tell me something really cool!

someone help me

Is the meme here that all ranged ad champions are considered marksmen?

i know its bait but where exactly does it say that

Jinx is cuddly and cute

Draven is my husband!

>what is full leth urgot
>what is full leth quinn
>what is full leth jayce

forgot my picture

>people just walk around the jungle and die 35 minutes into the game and then bitch that you can't 3v5

Listen, kid. Get out of my lane. No XP allowed, no minion kills allowed, we clear? Hell, if you even walk into lane, I will shove dozens of spears up your ass.

i actually enjoy playing pantheon,
how fucked up is that?


low diamond

its obvious from the teaser vid where he holds off the horde of lesser men so his """"girlfriend"""" can get fucked by the much more alpha Zed. that look of ecstasy in his eyes as he leaps in to protect her from her whoreish tendencies at the end of the video is a clear reference to reddits cuck board

Splatoon 2 releases in 9 more days.

Yeah its your Elo,it is full of shitters and your are probably one too.

who is the bigger cunt in lane
jayce or panth

Post your champion list and make wild assumptions about others.

jayce by a country mile
but kennen is more annoying imo, fuck that little shit

Anivia's cloaca.

>tfw no Jinx gf to cuddle after passionate lovemaking


high bronze

Caitlyn. Especially with a Lulu/karma/zyra I want to hang myself

depends on the skill of the jayce
panth is more braindead

tell me what it is like for those of us who have never ventured so far down


Xth for Annie is for Impregnation and mind breaking whilst calling you onii-chan!

Kennen and Jayce.

Also this.

Best girl.
Best breasts.
Best wife.

I'm will to bet we will reach the point for League mastries where they'll make a mastrie of some shit like if someone manages to become Legendary they get some special buff like some call of duty killstreak type shit.

We've already reached Diablo 3 levels of cheesy mechanics.

Swear to god that's where this shit is going.

>tfw love playing Soraka
>see patch notes

>ywn cuddle with jinx after sex with your dick still inside her
why live

people who only play hide and seek custom games

i'd say jayce, since you know he's going to scale into a cunt in teamfights too

>plays tryndamere
>rushes ninja tabi
>heals through all of your Q harass
>farms under tower until jungler ganks
>pushes you in all game with stattik shiv and outscale you

nothin' personnel kid

she looks like a chocolate yordle

suck my dicku
which means that there is not much champ diversity in league
Builds have nothing to do with whether a champion is considered a marksman or not. Each of these champs (except possibly nu-urgot) are considered marksmen.

>Implying SHE wouldn't be the one mindbreaking YOU

bramble vest isnt that great, since it only lasts 1 second

This guy walks into the fog of war and one shots your backline.

What do you do?

>healing up with q when you arent allowed to hit creeps

>Pick Soraka
>top buys thornmail
>mid buys morello
>adc buys exec

Just fuck my whole shit up senpai

>nearly every comment in the thread is people telling Riot that runes like this will make the game a visually cluttered mess
>rioters dont have anything constructive really to say just "t..this isnt the final product guys!..it gets better we p..promise!"

was this the great stroke?
whipping up some lackluster abilities labeling it a "keystone rune " then packing up and calling it a day?

fucking stupid and pathetic

This is fine too

>Buy Kayn
>Play 4 games
>He's banned every game
>Tfw can't practice in a real game

>killstreaks in league of legends
UAV would be funny as fuck

It's good against lifesteal.

She is an octoling and she is cute!

Not him but I am a trynd main.His strategy is legit,you can spam Q on cooldown.

Also you can Auto+E for single minions.

With cloth+4pots you actually make panth oom if you start Q level 1.

Pantheon. Only way Jayce can bully you consistently is with auto attacks and that draws creep agro. His eq combo is on a long cooldown early. Though Jayce does make you unable to all in him, pantheon on the other hand with his q does not draw creep agro and he can spam it like a braindead monkey thanks to corrupting potion. Of course pantheon falls off hard late but if we are talking in lane pantheon is much worse.

what if pantheon takes the mana regen mastery
LITERALLY infinite mana

I'm drawing annie hentai on physical paper and even if it is illegal to masturbate to loli, no one can catch me.

What about that anti-loli fags??

cloth + 4 pots into ninja tabi literally negates pantheon harass early game.

Go on, spam your Q i still got 4 potions alongside my heal. Trynd can build rage and all in a panth level 2 if he starts cloth armor

Send some of that my way.

>he thinks he can heal through the harass and match pantheon's map presence with his pushing
seeing their 0-4-0 tryndamere with 35cs and zeal+t1 boots at 10 minutes just makes me feel warm inside.
you seriously think you'll be able to heal through all of panth's harass and still farm enough to be relevant while pantheon shits all over your team?

>visually cluttered
i hate this meme, if you cant handle """""too many things on screen""""""" then stop playing

What type of good boy points do you like the most? I like Leadership the most because as a support main getting kills kind of bores me.

Oh and I forgot to mention Jayce aa is short range. I am not saying Jayce isn't oppresive in lane but compared to panth it's nothing.

nope i can't, its illegal here in florida.

>no SG lore expansion yet

Damn it Riot I need my canon yuri fix!

>what if pantheon takes the mana regen mastery
You don't.

>even if it is illegal to masturbate to loli,
How's living in the UK going?

>Living in Florida

Dragon Sorceress Zyra is the best thing Riot has done in years and what got me back into the game. And I don't play Zyra.

I just hope one day someone looks at the old skins and goes "Jesus why would a 10/10 confident hot ass duelist woman wear shorts to the pool?" we get an updated Pool Party Fiora.

>walk up to last hit
>get hit by a q
>heal through it with doran shield
>if he autos me even once i just pop potions and walk away
>lane is pushing to me now

well i guess i never played against a decent tryndamere in ranked because they all start cloth+4 against me and still die lvl2-3 (this is at mid-diamond)

>Implying they're not all addicted to cock

>you dont
why not mayne, 3% increased damage seems pretty negligible compared to endless spear spam

>its okay if every teamfight is a noise factory with 12 different abilities and SFX per person going off at once!

you might actually have the mindset of a child if you enjoy being barraged with meaningless animations and distractions. Have you considered maybe playing Modern Warfare buddy?

Trynd gets infinite lane sustain, you can chuck as many Qs as you want but it isn't going to stop trynd from surviving until shiv and pushing you into tower all game. God help you if he backs for an item advantage and gets a freeze on you, literally free food for the jungler.

What? Panth q isn't dot. How is doran shield any good


What exactly did he mean by this?

They're girls that love girls and nothing but girls!

>im too dumb to process anything that happens in a teamfight, therefore the game is bad

well it gives 72 health per minute with just the health regen
80 flat health
then an extra 120 health per minute from the unique passive if he is throwing spears constantly

because I have armor runes and tank masteries anyway. Seriously what is one q actually going to do?

Yeah cocks are nasty anyway

>you still think you can match pantheon pressure

Nope. Totally impossible to match an ignite pantheon's map pressure :^)

>Its another episode of cannon minion randomly sperging out and switching targets and bursting some low-health minion


>let me take this obvious jungler top/mid xD



>panth ults mid for the kill
pshhh nothing personelle kid
>your turret has been destroyed

>They're girls that love girls and nothing but girls!

what about teemo or heimer?

You're not gonna kill any decent player top lane by spamming, they'll just back and tp with an item advantage, freeze the lane and zone you off cs. pantheon needs the extra damage to snowball and be a threat.

Kayn is good top though.

Uh, you're a big meanie and you... Poke your friends on Steam and it's annoying.

besides, a good pantheon will max E if you go doran's shield. when he does his E and trigger thunderlord, you will only proc dshield once while he still did 33% of your hp at lvl 5 with just his E

>tryndamere decides to splitpush
>pantheon forces engage with ult and your team gets slaughtered
>panth's team takes 2 turrets, your jungle and baron

but hey at least you took my turret :^)

Sorry I am not bronze 2 where people play Cait top