/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

This thread is for posting video game progress! edition

> Play Demo Day 15

> Play Monster Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/JqsQerui
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/jAByvH3V

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

Other urls found in this thread:


chicken, arise

>Unity is this easy

wtf, I wasn't expecting this.

buk buk buk

copying progress from last thread

Yes. All engines are pretty easy. That's sort of the whole point of them.

fightan-fag here, we were working on a fighting game but we realized we were going for a project that was too large in scope so we're going to switch to a different genre

Our current unity dev is pretty solid working in 2D as evidenced by the about 9-days progress he made on the fighting game movement we accomplished, but he is self-admittedly not the best in 3D

this is kinda important cause one of the genres I was suggesting we switch to was a 3D action platformer in a similar vein to Jet Set Radio Future which I suggested due to our character designs and aesthetic being in similar vein to/inspired by JSRF so existing assets we've already created could be translated into the genre easily

what I wanted to know is if any unity developers who have experience working on 3D games/3D platformers would want to work on a project like that

pic related, the current character designs with completely finished models that would be easily translatable into a 3D skating platformer setting.

I want to know if there's any sort of interest in this type of game because frankly I would LOVE to work on it immediately, and it's much less animation-intensive than the fighting game department is.

Also, we're still looking for a 3D animator if anyone's biting. I'm okay at the task but I have my shortcomings since it was never something I focused on learning, just knowledge I picked up through my 2D and 3D art learning process

sorry if i sound like a faggot, just being an artfag means I don't have total awareness of the development project and it's a bit weird to be the one always talking about our game development when I'm not the one doing the actual programming bits :(

Anyone know a good tutorial for a Unity Inventory system?

can i get a quick rundown on your lighting? looks like cel shading but there is another layer to it

why are its eyes bleeding

That hurt animation is pretty solid.

edgy chicken

I was thinking of making some sorta Descent or Starfox clone with this procedural tunnel system I got working using raymarching. All my geometry is calculated in the fragment shader for this effect, so I'd need some way to evaluate the surface each frame, maybe using a custom depthbuffer to mix regular polygon graphics with raymarched distance field geometry.

Trying to fix my exterior handles for the ship so you can put cruise control and still walk over the hull.

There's trigger colliders around the ship that you have to be (1) colliding with and (2) "holding" by pointing a ray cast and holding the mouse button so that you can inherit the ship's velocity and travel with it from the outside.

It works, but the problem is when your head/camera is completely inside the box collider, it won't let you "pickup" the handle again if you stopped holding it for even one frame

There's a few hacks involving reversing the raycast or offsetting the origin but I would rather keep the ray as it is since you also use it to pick up other items in your second hand. Would adding a ton of smaller box colliders achieve the effect (essentially converting the current boxes into thin walled enclosures)?

I like Jet Set Radio

Did this information help you

looks sick
I'm thinking of that game where you fly through a tunnel going faster and faster

ah shit i meant to reply to

that's just a dirty blender render, I followed this guide (however for the render of the left girl I forgot to disable the AO)


ao or some other subtle shading adds to cel shading imo. it's not obvious enough that players can spot, but it adds in some real shading info that's missing from pure cel

interesting. that helped a lot, thanks.

currently the obj_info is already created, its where i store all the relevant information to pass to the script.

using instance_create/destroy is a good idea but not something i can do here without losing the stored data.

so it seems changing "g = obj_info" to "g = obj_info.id" did the trick.

thanks again.

i am not pretty convinced user. Maybe if you show me more jiggling boobs/ass i might change my mind.

Has anyone tried Unity's new camera tools yet?

some of the shadows are painted on in the texture, this is the model totally unlit

yowza, forgot the image. RIP

probably gonna avoid any dynamic AO since it can cause unwanted graininess which would be bad for aesthetics in a JSRF-type game


is this rigged or just sculpted to this pose
either way p good

>but it is used for forward attacks
That'll work in 2D games at best.

Let's say you're playing something like dark souls where you can turn to the left or right in the middle of fluid attack chains (you character doesn't return to an idle stance in the middle, nor does the animation reset). Look at how you have to fling the origin about the old hitbox location's point. Imagine this with more attacks, or with a more complicated game. Keeping all three of these things in the same spot is a gorillion times easier, the only exception I'd make is if you're using a hand-drawn 2D game like skullgirls where managing this is easy and you can't just measure the bone's stepping speed in an animator.


Is there a simple, good, and free 3D modeling program that I can use to make simple low-poly models that isn't Blender or 3DSM?

do unity/gamemaker kiddies actually consider themselves to be real game devs

Damn dude, that's trippy as heck. Could be neat for a game.

Is my son here? I want him to know I didn't give him a thousand dollars to not finish his cute little bunny game so he can make that other gross game. He knows how much I just hate frogs.

Also its time to do the dishes sweety.




Working on an asteroids-like game. I'm happy with it so far.


still has some problems with weight and shit but thanks

Why this nigger piece of code doesn't spawn four regions at the top?

void Random_Room_Seeds(int ix, int iy, int w, int h, int level)
TestQuadtree.add(new Rectangle(ix, iy, w, h));
if (level < 3)
Random_Room_Seeds(ix, iy, w/2, h/2, ++level);
Random_Room_Seeds(ix+w/2, iy, w/2, h/2, ++level);
Random_Room_Seeds(ix, iy+h/2, w/2, h/2, ++level);
Random_Room_Seeds(ix+w/2, iy+h/2, w/2, h/2, ++level);
int x = random.nextInt(w) + ix;
int y = random.nextInt(h) + iy;

map[x][y].cell_type = Cell.Cell_type.ROOM_START;

shceme is so shit, what a fucking headache trying write a gimp script

That's not a choice. Granny's birthday. You shouldn't even have to think about it.

Cute. I'd go on a date with her.

I'll probably hook up some sorta system where the cave structure - just 2 sinusoidal tunnels - reacts to different frequencies of music files you load into it. Maybe have n number of audio frequency buckets determine the frequency and amplitude of the tunnels.

that is actually amazing

granny please get off /agdg/ you don't even have a game

if granny did have a game I'd bet it would be pretty interesting
just kidding it's monopoly

Stop driving so fast. You know I worry about you.

It could be like Audiosurf. Have enemies spawn dynamically with the rhythm of the music.

is there a way to run libGDX desktop projects without OpenGL?

Right now I'm stuck with this

>Exception in thread "LWJGL Application" com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: OpenGL is not supported by the video driver.

I'm digging up raw materials to hand craft my own cpu. Do hardware kiddies actually consider themselves to be real gamedevs?

>draw a boy's face, call it a girl

do you have a fucking toaster m8?

your pc still runs opengl 1.4?

get 0.99, last version that works with 1.4.

or install your gpu drivers.

New since last progress:

-Player bullets create sparks when they hit stuff instead of just vanishing like before.
-Enemies flash when they're hit.
-Enemy bullets have graphics, and there are a few different types instead of everyone shooting the same pink mspaint ball.
-Point pickups have graphics.

too be honest with you I think having the hud attached to the ship looks a little silly

I have a 2007 laptop I bought in highschool because I'm a broke college student that can't afford anything else
It runs with Intel Mobile 4 Express Chipset onboard graphics, whose drivers were discontinued by Intel because of how old it is

so i did a few tests and it looks like root motion attached to the animation actually works. it doesn't fuck with collisions like i thought it would, and it translates in the correct direction so long as you're moving the root bone in the Z axis.

it feels weird having two different systems for controlling translation, since i've now split my movement up between root motion and code, but hey whatever.
i just hope it doesn't horribly conflict in the future.

I like the remaining enemy bullets turning into point pickups after they die. The present graphic looks sort of weird though, like it's a generic clipart image.

get a newer pc from second hand.

you can get a better laptop in 100 bucks.

hell, even phones have better opengl than that.

>it feels weird having two different systems for controlling translation
This is the drawback. The more complicated your game is, the bigger issue it'll be. Technically speaking any method works though.

not where I live, second hand laptops are worth half a standard salary

>background looks like fantasy rpg
>play as shmup with 3d futuristic vehicles
why do you do this?

Yeah people have said that before and I kind of agree. I just think it's important to do it in a way that you don't have to look away from the ship to see, so maybe when I make real graphics I can make it look cool like the ddpdfk hyper meter (pic related). If not, I'll try to think of something else.


in for a bad time

lol I thought it was Secret of Mana or some shit from the thumbnail

i just didn't want to exaggerate and make her too cutesy and animay, but k

buy them from some chinese online shop.

I was thinking the same shit. now i want a fantasy rpg with that background.

Because the background is still a placeholder ripped from a fantasy shmup. I should have gotten rid of it long ago but I keep doing small things to postpone working on the big things that matter more.

What's wrong with java?

Is the Ludum Dare compo still 48 hours? Is the LDJam still 72 hours?

Also what theme suggestions are people submitting? I couldn't really think of much, I might change these if I think of anything better.

Just have it be part of the actual ship. Pic related.

Fight knight dev pls

I just finished a two-day job of rewriting enemy movement code to fit a new mechanic. In all honesty, I needed to do that anyway, it was pretty ill-conceived, but I can't help but feel a mix of accomplishment at having made a stronger foundation and that feeling of spinning my wheels cause the enemies are just doing what they did before.

I won't have time to participate so I'll just suggest stupid shit

Remember to like your game because games are fun but not as fun as swimming and dabbing grease off pizza with paper towels. But still very fun.

are text adventures retro?

not roguelikes but just like get lamp


What does /agdg/ think of net neutrality?

They already passed the kill law here two weeks ago
That battle's lost

Might make for a nice game though, unless it gets flagged as hate speech

I think its not gamedev.

wow I'm glad you specified

Where's here?

Some guy in the last thread asked for a video on how I do texturing, so I tried making a little timelapse.
Fucked up something in the settings (first time trying Blender for video editing) and made it way too fast:


Not sure how useful it is, but I might make a commented video later, and perhaps one on the making of the texture itself.

o shit

they're better than "one room" at least
lol repeats

I'd like to know what's wrong as well. Literally everyone has told me Java is trash without explaining why.

knock knock

who's there

>write code
>works as intended
>copy paste it into exact same environment
>doesn't work
Just fucking kill family

the only reason that most other programmers will give is that it's 'too verbose'


I fixed it


>what's wrong with Java
Speed and the fact that people have to install the JRE to play your game. Stop asking this question.

and minecraft made two billion dollars of it.

the amount of time wasted on creating a shit engine compared to free already existing engines is too much

>We began with an idea to create a game engine and a goal to publish a game made with it. With this in mind, our first task was obvious but not simple, create this game engine. Our main consideration at the time was to have the engine support the big three desktop OSes, Windows MacOS and Linux. Our language and OpenGL wrapper of choice ended up being Java/LWGJL (lwjgl.org/); for reference, this is the same setup which was used by Notch to create Minecraft.
Fuck man, I thought I was getting memed

Yeah, again, sorry about the speed.
Can't see what the fuck is going on, but the basic gist of it is that I have a texture set with many "parts" and that I unwrap one area of the model at a time and simply try to find bits and pieces that go together.
And then I draw in some lights and shadows with vertex paint.


that's not how the java knock knock joke goes you homonculus


calling on this post again for anyone who wants to help with this project

that's valid if you have tendonitis or another RSI or just, you know, value your time

What's the consensus on Unity frameworks/APIs?

Are there certain ones that a lot of amateur/indie games use? I tried looking at the Unity store and there seems to be a lot of choice.

I come from a programming background and typically everyone uses the same things so you just follow the crowd.