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League of Legends General - /lolg/
xth for breast metal waifu
Snuggliest monster lovers!
Is Garen still garbage
I just want to play destruction man
Tell me something really funny lolg!!!!!!!
The Riot balance team
>tfw no one answer in last thread
silver shitter here, how do i get riots shitty skin for a champ im never going to play
I just played against one, I thought he was kind of bullshit.
But then again there are a few champs I think are kinda bullshit that go weeks or months without being touched so I have no clue.
He had the FREE tankiness thing going on though, which is pretty annoying. He ran around our team being annoying and doing respectable damage and I checked his items and he had like a righteous glory and a glacial shroud and that's it. Didn't seem to match up to how tanky he was.
But look at shit liek ac where you can say the exact same things.
Rito James.
so uh
tristana or alistar
I miss old Ryze, I miss inputting the combos. Was fun
Post gnat
>pick rakan mid in a premade for fun
>vs malz mid
>poke him with Q some he isn't very aggressive for some reason (turns out he's silver)
>kill him pre6 t. lords
>post-6 fight
>he dies the instant disco floor pops under me
>post-6 fight 2 electric boogaloo
>apparently borked his ult again
>notice voidlings just instadie near me
>during my ult
>rakan's ult instakills voidlings
>voidlings spawn on top of malzahar
>on top of malzahar as rakan
Unchained Alistar? Submit a ticket.
A bot will add it to your account within the minute.
Just went like 12/2 lol. Ghost blade into IE then Black Cleaver for lulz then i guess you build tank after or just go full ad like a madman and flash on a carry whenever you can
I seriously doubt the great secret to heimer is specters + dorans
he still does stupid fucking damage
name 1 (ONE) melee champion that can beat heimer, not go even with him, but absolutely crush him.
ill wait
If he only had a RG and Glacial Shroud then he'd be doing less damage than before since they hugely nerfed the base damage on his Q. His only AP would come from one or two starting tier items and ult. Full tank singed doesn't do any damage past 25 minutes, so much that even using Q on targets with Visage will do negative damage.
After playing as kayne he seems pretty weak. Clear is unhealthy and slow, and him having no cc means his only hope is ganking a super overextended lane. I guess it beats him being complete cancer
>playing blind pick norms
>this pops up
>skin not useable
what did they mean by this
>heimer rushes zhonya
>3 squishies die to his insane burst
his evolved turret deletes people the second it spawns, there's literally 0 time to walk away from it
and unnerf him too
I was a yorick main and they absolutely gutted him and then replaced him with this boring sack of shit yorick
the only reason I don't buy skins anymore is because riot ruins them all with reworks
I bought both trundle skins before the rework and now I can't use them because I absolutely hate trundles new voice.
>jhin with dusk+youmu+ie+statik
i critted some fucker for 2k8
updated the statcheck
now that were back in a lethality meta looks like other champions are going to overshadow MF so the freelo is still intact
we'll see what the mf "buffs" theyre looking at do to her but otherwise lethality MF is EVEN stronger than it was last patch
Can one make a botting program to post something every time a new thread is made?
>hungler goes to "splitpush" while his entire jungle is up
>gets caught by the enemy midlaner
>repeat six more times until the game is over
What elo do the retards with learning deficiencies stop appearing in?
I love Riven sooo much!
>insert picture of singed typing this as a response
times like this i wish i was a drawfag
Delete this
It's actually easier than it looks
Disregarding the rest of the post, I don't understand the problem with the jungler splitpushing when he can. It's more gold, more experience, more creep kill numbers to contribute to my S, and you're actually doing something that contributes to the game rather than killing gromp while everyone is teamfighting.
Does anyone know why lily broke up with her bf
Asking for a friend
Don't forget if you ever feel like you're stupid, some people think Orianna is a fair and a balanced champion
user that doesn't look like riven at all.
literally who and who cares
no way human
So with diana getting more attack speed from these buffs and a lower cooldown on her Q to activate that AS buff, which of the two between lich and luden's is a better second item for her? Also is E worth maxing if you just want to push towers?
>Marksmen during the Lethality patch
>Marksmen during Diana patch
I only post it when I'm actually here
>play quinn top
>always go double digit deaths
Help what am I doing wrong.
>easily one of her worst skins
I guess.
ARAM Boosts are bugged
playing quinn top
Xth for I want to marry Tristana!
tfw there's an autistic Darius OTP in D1 that plays Darius in 4 roles (Top, Mid, Jg, ADC) and you can't even get out of Silver playing Darius top
hows duskblade on twitch
never did do lulu in balochi dress mejt
all them colours
all dem everythings
I fail to see the problem
No shit sherlock, there is/was a guy in master playing smite heimerdinger top even when heimer got gutted, there was a morde jungle otp, an azir botlane otp after the azir nerfs, and so on
tfw there's a panth otp in top 10 challenger that plays him in all five
>lethality MF is EVEN stronger
except that it scales with her level instead of enemy level so lethality for adcs in general dropped in efficiency until the hyper late game.
Those tits are too big to be Riven
which of the 3 human Star Guardians is the tightest
Why is Tristana best girl?
also why is good tristana art so hard to find
jinx is a twig so I don't see why her vagina wouldn't twig-sized
Yes, even worse than the yordles.
Keegun is my man
I didn't know you posted here BoxBox
Lux has the tightest butthole.
>Nashors, Lichbane, AND Ludens
That is the most unrealistic shitty Diana build i've ever seen
Definitely Lux. Janna is the most experienced of the Star Guardians, so she's probably been around the starry block a few times. And we all know how Jinx is when it comes to sex. Lux is a pretty innocent individual, so she was probably a virgin when she became a Star Guardian. Heck, she might even still be a virgin.
>tfw you will never take Lux's innocence and virginity away and turn her into your loyal cumdump
its JINX
Lux belongs to BLACK men!
Nigga it's not like you are making a huge detour on your way into the lane. You are walking past the jungle and killing two camps takes ten seconds.
Is fucking with a god as good as fucking with a latina or some shit
Dragon > God > Black girl > Latina.
so how many times can a "person" do this without getting banned? because i sure as hell got not "ty we banned this player" from riot
Riven is MY wife! And that looks nothing like her!
forever because it isn't banned
when will riven redeemed get a hood toggle
it deserves it, especially since its a 975 skin
Nashor's+Lich lets you absolutely melt towers
Chill out there, cuck. Your wife's son needs his diapers changed.
bannable rather
>twitch getting a new skin
>shitty goggles/mask you can't take off
riven would kick you in the balls then kill you
evens out cause they have more lethality doesnt it?
like an entire extra dirks worth after finishing all 3 without wasting an item slot
also that its 350 gold cheaper which pretty much gives her a kills worth of gold and then some as soon as she finishes it to move on to the next item
She is balanced though. The other mid laners just got nerfed to shit so it only seems like she's op
holy fucking shit lmao
Probably never, unfortunately. I like the hood though.
She would have no reason to kill me because I would never have the courage to talk to her if she were real
>10 seconds I could be using to put pressure on a turret
>it's mid-late game
>vs cait
>mfw she sets up 5 traps between us in less than two seconds and we cannot defend because she'll still chunk us down
I don't understand why Riot wants to nerf everyone so much. If Riot buffed champs to even the playing field instead of nerf, the game would probably be more intersting to play (not to say that the game isn't already fun to play)
"my wife's son"? surely you are not implying that my wife would ever cheat on me. that she would fugg big dicked chad's unprotected and then trick me into raising their children as their own.
>he thinks that this changes the fact that Lux's body is soley for black men or that him calling me a cuck makes me mad
magical girls > all of those
Please don't use the word troll like the phrase "that's so troll."
I just really like Riven's hair, but the majority of her skins cover it or change the color
How is it going ahri cuck user haven't seen you in a while
>Implying dragon girls aren't magical already
You've got some strange fetishes, my friend. Power to you.
I want to make you my personal cuck!
Me too!
Tell me your skin idea, no matter how dumb, ironic, aesthetic, or creative
Bonus points if its legendary tier
>queue with some friends sometimes
>some random super shitter keeps getting invites from them every time i join
>he joins discord with us
>he queues for bot, i'm filling, all roles are selected besides support, the super shitter is going bot
>i get support
>he locks draven
>we get into game
>he positions like a pre level 10 adc
>he's been playing for multiple seasons according to his
>yells at me in chat because he doesn't know what positioning is
>always drops axes
>builds first item bork
>have to follow him the entire time so he doesn't become an enraged 2 year old in voice chat like he usually does
>we lose and his ass fed big time
questioning whether or not to keep queuing with friends
I mean the point of skins is to change how champions look. But I agree. I like her hair color in her base skin the best.
>star guardian dragon pussy
i don't think a moral man could even comprehend that much pleasure
Have some more art friend.
Dont dummies have 100 base armor and 0 bonus so LW is useless on them?`
We all shine on - like a diamond.