Tfw no one will hire me because I'm introverted and have autism

>tfw no one will hire me because I'm introverted and have autism

why isn't this considered discrimination?

Because lots of people are introverted and have autism but they overcome it instead of throwing in the towel. Try /r9k/.

Theres a lot of ignored discrimination in this world OP

>tfw girls wont date me because of my height
My only hope is to get filthy rich...


what kind of answer do you want faggot why did you bump this thread

fuck off to /r9k/

True, but it's illegal in most cases when it comes to hiring expect for this one. why?

Just be straight up and honest.

I'm terrible at interviews because I'm always nervous and shy until I'm around somebody for a day or two. I've failed many interviews, including ones at grocery stores and Wal-Mart.

I had an interview at a car dealership for an internet sales/marketing position. I was just straight up with the guy and interupted him at the first meme personality question and mentioned that I've worked in factories because I always drop the ball in interviews. I'm a pretty quiet guy at first but I open up pretty quickly. I went on complimenting my skills with computers. Told him to please give me a chance and give me the experience of working in an office setting and gaining valuable experience dealing with customers. I'm just looking for one opportunity to get out of working at factories for the rest of my life. He went on talking about how his son was the same way and then we got into talking about fishing but he still wasn't sure if he should hire me for such a position with no experience I have. So I asked him if I could just float around the office for a day. He doesn't have to pay me. Just to see if I feel comfortable around the other employees, do a little work, and show that I won't be a mistake. He liked the idea and I came in the next day. Worked a full 8 hours basically helping anybody out. I was following a car salesman trying to sell some hybrid to an old couple. I think he was losing him so I spoke up and mentioned the savings he would be getting with a new hybrid. Not only would it be better in fuel mileage, but his insurance would be cheaper and I'm sure there are some government tax cuts or something for owning a hybrid and I could research it for him. The salesman ended up selling the car and gave me a thumbs up. Told the boss man and he was okay with hiring me. Went from being a $10-12/hour factory cuck to a $37K salaried office position basically replying to emails and managing online marketing and social media.

the flavor of the month is black or a muslim refugee
sorry user no positions for autistic white men

I want to believe this but it seems too good to be true.

Technically it is but its hard to prove it unless you can get them on tape saying thats the reason. Even then you have to find a lawyer to take your case.

Good work!

Why should I give money to someone who can't do the work he's being paid for and creates a hostile work environment?

How do introverts create a hostile work environment?

Enlighten me please.

tell them you're a transnegro and they will hire you and put you on brochures

Well if you're autistic it depends how far your retardation goes. Lack of empathy sure doesn't make one socially competent.

Basically you have to write a script for interview answers and practice singing them in the mirror, not at the interview. Make sure to practice the timing of your words to make sure you don't talk to fast and sound excited when inappropriate.

hide yo tics hide yo autism

nice work user im proud of you

I should have never made this thread I feel even more hopeless now

There is a happy story above. user was honest and asked for a chance. If you want to be a little bitch, you can go to /r9k/ and spend the rest of your time talking about how you have to eat out Stacy's cum filled vagina after Chad left a huge load. Or you can be like this guy
and try.

>pro tip: /robots/ spend 17 hours a day eating their feces and posting multiple threads about it.

>I have a disorder

Most of the bullshit that has come out in the last 20 years is not a disorder but merely a learned bad habit that has not been corrected. The longer the bad habit has been in play the harsher the correction.

>Have 'generalized anxiety'
>Have 'severe depression'
>Get a teaching degree

I would struggle each morning as I drove to work, thinking the kids are all laughing at me, I'm ugly and stupid, other teachers think I'm a joke, why the fuck did I end up with a teaching degree when I'm so obviously not a people person.

>Opened up to my older students about my anxiety
>Told them about how some days I just find it hard to get out of bed, let alone stand in front of them
>Talk about how we all wear masks and when I get into my car at the end of the day I'm just glad I made it through another day

They opened up to me, user. They shared their anxieties about growing up. They seemed to have a weight lifted off their shoulder to know that the 'strong, confident guy' standing in front of them was just a scared kid with a mask on. We had respect for each other like no other teachers in the school had with their students. I could walk into a room of screaming kids sending their teacher into a mental breakdown and they'd settle down as soon as they saw me. I'd tell them the teacher was my friend, that they're job is to help them all learn and that was enough.

>Was offered a position at a university a short time later
>Fully online educator to remote students
>Now I only interact with college-age students via email or forums
>That crippling anxiety when I haven't had interactions with people in years
>I just don't know how to be around people so it's all just an act.

>No one will hire me because I'm retarded
>Why isn't this considered discrimination?

do what I do

>have social anxiety / autism, general anxiety disorder, and depression
>begin to take massive amounts of certain drugs for therapeutic reasons (meth, dxm, benzos for me)
>after a few months of using the drugs, go on a huge binge
>drug induced psychosis sets in
>behave real crazy around your family as a result of the psychosis
>cut yourself / self harm as a result of the psychosis
>overdose on the benzos, black out, get taken to hospital
>idiot psychologist evaluates you after awaking
>tell them that you're severely depressed, are feeling a bit suicidal, are using massive amounts of recreational drugs, and are harming yourself (all the whilst ensuring that the doctor can tell that you're currently psychotic)
>they lock you up in a comfy psych ward for a month or so until you've withdrawn from the drugs and are no longer psychotic and have somewhat "resolved" or at least have a "plan" in place to fix the root of what previously happened
>become entitled for sickness benefits, receive $700 every fortnight (here in aus) for a bit
>repeat all again once you're no longer entitled to the benefits

psych ward stays are really not too bad 2bh. free drugs, money, food, your own room, and a roof over your head. phones and other devices are allowed so you can buy internet data and shitpost all day. the actual crazy people around you are also quite entertaining and funny to watch and listen to. pretty comfy

>be american
>have severe depression/anxiety
>try to seek help but don't have any money
>commit suicide bc you can't afford to go to an doctor

Yeah I think I'll pass on your advice user.


Not an excuse


Buzzword bullshit that you use to justify limiting yourself

because if you start a business you are free hire who the fuck you like, faggot.

No one will even consider me for hire. No callbacks. Only two interviews. I'm thinking I will put my aspergers to good use and just start some type of business.

>Implying refugees have to work

In Canada they get $50000 a year to do nothing with the expectation that they learn English and get a job by the end. But most of them just sit around, impregnate their wives, don't learn English and then.... Traitor Trudeau gives them more money.

I hate my country