>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
>drinking more than 2 at once You asked for it senpoi. On that note, my internet is also suddenly shitting itself. Consequence? I don't think so.
Austin Carter
Fire is garbage stop playing it
Jackson Long
i'll show you what a real cock is
Charles Thomas
My wife
David Morales
>Consequence? I think you mean coincidence user.
Charles Ramirez
>Placenta Fire ugh
Dylan Johnson
Everyone's wife
Hunter Wright
You can't make me
Ryan Watson
leave seaniggers alone
Brandon Scott
Austin Green
Predict the next KMR Mechanicâ„¢
>original raid splits from 30/30 to 3 10/10 raids
Jack Brooks
next year probably they said 5 elements will have xeno by the end of the year, no time for more reruns
Brayden Phillips
Tyler Lee
Brody Reyes
>elemental skyfalls >require you to bring a buncle of every element
Benjamin Murphy
I approve of this OP
Jonathan Torres
Athena is CORE!
Isaac Ward
>NM exploit announcement Banfest!
Elijah Harris
Hi mom
Josiah Cook
>*disables your heal button*
Elijah Reed
>senpoi Fucking end yourself you piece of shit.
Parker Jones
it's fukuhara dumb seanigger
Nathaniel Nelson
>boss phase changes element every 3 turns >skyfalling every turn >athena doesn't have the uptime so you need to bring a buncle of every element >yes light and dark too
Ayden Collins
>kmr replaces the crew's 2 green pots with 2 clear pots For our royal prayers
Luis Butler
>redditard does a video and fucks it for the rest of us everytime
Jason Clark
>Reginleiv Deicide >100-hit 99999 damage an all elements
Angel King
Jeremiah Taylor
Isaiah Morgan
>Izmir takes 9 turns to set up her big damage ougi >Her buffs disappear after she's finished casting it >Silva does the same amount of damage in the first turn and almost every other 4th turn Who thought Izmir was a good idea? She's fragile af and doesn't even do what she's meant to do that well.
Parker Williams
The more I think about it these spoilers look pretty likely >make people farm new pools to prolong the life of this ded game
Carson Barnes
I knew this would happen when that retard posted the video in the last thread
Ryan Scott
I'm ready to eat every trigger
Angel Sanders
Where are the new SSR spoilers?
Lincoln White
sounds like a good idea
Austin Foster
Just introduce an armor grid already
Jaxson Campbell
*white damage*
Jacob Sullivan
Silva used to be shit and no one expected her to get a 5*
Asher Butler
Isaac Roberts
Gabriel Stewart
Translate it, weebs.
Daniel Torres
As long as it isn't AoE I'm fine
Carter Martin
It says something about URLs
Lucas Hall
And a ching chong nip nong to you.
Christopher Richardson
It'll be a 6 hour emergency "maintenance" like with Okto's Instant Death reign and all you'll get is a 100 crystals for the privilege of waiting to play.
Michael Gutierrez
Isaiah Hughes
LOL Yoshino got BTFO so hard on twitter.
Zachary Garcia
> If one of three 10/10 fails, everyone will fail
Nolan Roberts
She was still better than Izmir before her 5* though. The fact that Izmir's whole point is to stack damage and unleash huge damage which then causes the stack to disappear is stupid. Also, she's way too fragile.
Nicholas Fisher
Austin Price
Julian Robinson
If they didn't ban for the Elysian baha hl 1 shot insta death, they won't for this
Jordan Wood
Ultimate Slime 100m hp. Has Kirin/Longdong's white damage null. Can only really be hurt by summons and Ougis
Isaac Baker
They actually said they will ban the person.
Logan Jenkins
>Enmity and S.zoi are getting indirect nerfs God I really hope that leak is not fake
Easton Perez
>windmemes getting butchered because of zoi's faggotry Say it ain't so.
Julian Sanchez
TR turns 3 top raiders into bosses and they can kill all the remaining leechers
Ayden Murphy
Gavin Lopez
What kind of new content would you actually like?
Asher King
k hold on gimme a second... ok it says :
super happy happy fun time squid will be introduced on next full moon with 5* of the unwanted champion
and ultimate bahamut will have new auto heal every 3rd turn for 10 mil for each player in raid that zombify will only amplify unless every one uses nothing but R rank heroes
also crystals not used after 5 days become cursed fruit for 2 days which goes bad then becomes strange mold which will vanish from inventory. no plan on cursed fruit being used for anything
Eli Fisher
Nah he got roasted.
Isaiah Miller
R/SR only raids
Logan Reyes
xeno baha
Sebastian Edwards
Time to move on with Morringa's weapons+Zypheros!
Parker Evans
I can't believe you took the time to think of this and type it out
fucking autist
Chase Ortiz
Malice raids.
This sounds nice too. Maybe add a restriction to MC's classes so he doesn't carry the raid by himself.
Anthony Watson
SR only Baha HL
Aiden Watson
Is cock autistic?
Hunter Moore
Justin Wood
Viramate ban coming soon
Jaxson Watson
Why do you keep asking this? Are YOU autistic?
Hunter James
EX class only raids. Original grancypher crew SR only raids.
Liam Nelson
more grindable characters like jewtenshoes
David Allen
>with increased goldbar chance
Carson Myers
>Butchered >The have the second best magna weapon in the game
Tyler Rivera
You're already getting grindable summons though.
Austin Evans
grindable summons
Kayden Gray
Hudson Rogers
Arcarum fixed and implemented.
Elijah Morris
Griffin HL raids
Aaron Ward
>magna There's the problem
Nolan Gray
HL Kirins/Longdongs that drop damascus grains/crystals like candy
Mason Nguyen
>game has a exploit that the devs clearly dont care about that makes it easier to get shit and has been going on for a while >reddit finds out about it >HEY GUYS LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND WATCH MY VIDEO ABOUT THIS SUPER AWESOME EXPLOITS FOREASY ITEMS!!! >gets patched and people using it are going to get banned probably I fucking hate EOPs. Can't just keep your mouth shut about nice things, can you.