Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previous >Upcoming changes
In Development: Balance, SummonAI, PvP, Cards
New Saalus Map
Field Bosses Rework
Summon Buffs
Fishing System
DPK gone

>Info and details about re-balance

>HG 315 Purple Weapons X Practonium Purple Weapons

>Latest Patch Notes

>Current events

>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam (Nexon)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links

>Addon Manager (includes jTOS and iTOS addons)

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Extra Stat Points

>Hunting Grounds locations and gear spreadsheet (all in RNG cubes now)

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds and Majiene)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:

Top 10 for delicious anime tiddies


is this game fun now?


Nope, still no content. Level to 317 with the events and quit.

>Warp scross (on a timer)
>Gold anvils (on a timer)

fucking why

Green or red gems on mainhand for SR3?



Literally the only thing Dragoon is good for.

I think the artist fucked up her arms proportion

i want to fuck her up too

I'm making a Sword 3 > Pelt 1 > Corsair 3 > ??? build. She's going to be mainly auto attacking since I'm playing with my Chap friend.

Should I invest in Gung-Ho or Concentrate considering this? I will be using DWA 99% of the time.

Shinobi, Gung Ho

If you're auto attacking mainly then concentrate blows gung-ho out the water because auto attacks do not have any % scaling.


Stop posting lewd Forte
Dragoo isn't for lewd and Dragoon3 will be strongest rank 9 circle

Yeah except it'll be gone instantly and DEX sucks for DWA because it just fucks with the timing.


Is that with STR?

>DEX sucks for DWA
Makes no difference to me. I tested both during the rank event and there was literally no difference in my attacks.

but Forte is only for lewd

It's the same as 1 year ago but with GBL removed and a different class balance resulting in CryoChrono, Wiz3Ele3Lock2, Doppel3+Lancer bro(Dragoon is reroll tier),Priest3 or Diev3MikoPD and Falcon3 is the only viable Archer. Anything else is either for farming or special snowflake waste of party and lodge slots.


>26 boxes and no hat

Still God Tier cleric build, at least game is so easy now you don't need in ET anymore, nonetheless is still one of the best and most useful builds in the game because Diev3 is still broken

I thought that fulll support for ET was Priest3Miko Taoist

Both are

Priest3Taoist is the full support for the shitters who needs revive and the lazy who needs the stealth charm because they don't know how to "break" the mob AI with just Cleric2 Fade
You only need Priest1 for ET just in the case something happen and you need to ress someone but ET is such a joke that you shouldn't never die doing it.
Seriously if you die in post keknewal ET you are just BAD at this trash game

I don't understand how people even do ET. It's so fucking boring. Just level to cap and uninstall like everyone else does.

It's legit easier than WoW normal dungeons and more boring too.
I am amazed people waste 2-3 hours in it everyday for months

>about to cap a doppelmeme
so what should i make now?

something actually good

this make a wugumeme meta dps

>be lvl 330 full SPR necro3
>don't want to be an AFK machine
>do high lvl dungeons
>my skeletons hit for 1.7k at best
Is necro3 beyond salvation?
how do people manage to do the following?

nvesting 300m into attributes?


Hey retard, Korea got a buff to summons where they scale with your weapon, and they have much less of a problem with P2W than we do. The people that make those videos actually waste $X a week buying those 90 SPR bracelets from the exchange shop that only last 7 days.

these stats and >Korea got a buff to summons where they scale with your weapon

oh forgot link

So I'm going Schwarz Reiter 3 with Quarrel Shooter 3 but QS cannot use pavise when riding. What skills to get?

I feel tip top
When I schlip schlop
And she drip drops

>600+ SPR
the whaling is real

Any way to know how long a channel has been active? With the dev console maybe?

Koreans are weird. They whale on the shittiest classes, and they go all out. Stage 10 weapon, 90SPR P2W bracelets, all the best possible gear for their shit class, maxed out attributes, and then they make videos of them doing things other classes could easily do with 1/10th the investment.

I've seen a video of an Archer3 Scout3 Falcon Mergen with fucking level 100 Split Shot. Just make a real class you autistic fucks.

3k attack only at that sorc

and you can get these bracelets with silver. sucks because 7day only ofc

I have a QS C3 Hackapelle that has Caltrops15 Stone Shot15 Running Shot 5 and Rapid Shot 10.

I buy stones from the Market since there's an idiot there that sells them for 300.

you mean they are playing and investing in classes/builds they have fun with? lmao retards

Seriously, fucking morons. It's not like there's anything fun to do in this game. Just do ET for the thousandth time, surely it'll be fun the next time!

> you can get these bracelets with silver.
only in ktos or in iTos too? where do I buy them?

buy items you can exchange for medals for silver and then get the bracelets

this and in itos too. costs a lot and still 7days only

also they removed these 90SPR bracelets and replaced them with 60spr. and added others with (each) 60int or 60str or 60dex or 60con
all 7day

is there a list of items which can be exchanged for medals?

everything that came/comes out of Goddess Blessed Cubes can be exchanged, don't have a full list tho

Kinda bloated because it includes TP items too, but just look for ones that have medal prices, or refine the search more for what you want.

>go to afkfarm a bit
>OMFG a free spot
>start farming
>2 minutes later another necro sits right next to me, like, 10 inches at best

epig blogpost, plez keep us up 2 date with all ur necrofarming activitiess
liked comented ans xcsurbscribd

I changed spot, let's see how it goes.
Don't forget to leave a like!



keep the thread alive by posting lewd dragoons!

>Fedimian is alive they say
>general doesn't even exist when it's their hours

Are falconeers viable ? I want to pew pew arrows and birds.

they are very viable, pick sapper3falconer3 and you'll even do some decent AoE

Falconer is the new Linker. Save money for the Circling attribute and everybody will love you.

Any guide I can use ? Thinking is too hard.

Fuck off to your own general.

>doing shinobi quest
>manage to farm out all the mats in under 3 hours with my friend
>went to alemeth and found the flower immediately
>mfw easiest class quest since i made chaplain


What are pirate hats going for on your server?

the prices in this game are fucking crazy

on fedi there is one for 2m and one for 4m right now on market

Nobody will pay that for them, is the first few days of the event. People will try to get lucky, they will probably settle between 1-2m.


There's always that "smart" guy who thinks he can make a kill.

>feelio when my necro army already made 2m since I woke up.

You got a "secret spot" or what?
My necro does 60k/h at best in Dina bee

Is there a way to use swashbuckling with a 2 handed spear? Or to not lose the buff when you switch?

He's just trolling. You can expect to make 1mil in 6Hours at best when demon prison 2 is empty


what's a good nonmeta build for solmiki?

It's true though, there are no secret spots where you can do 1m an hour or whatever

chap inq

man this general is really this game lmao.
you guys should go back to playing RO...(Nova RO)

that's meta

It's simple math my dear brainlet. If one necro makes X k/h, 10 necros will make 10 * X k/h.

Learn what meta means.
"Not-shit" doesn't mean "meta".

wow the code still works. 5/5 would use again

I already stopped playing this game, but I've never played RO and never will.

no place with good respawn rate lika dina isn't crowded by necro. No place can make you do 1m+.
Prove me wrong

>Prove me wrong

Cute attempt, kid, but you won't get me to reveal my secret spot so easily.

I have a problem.
I logged off my steam account, then relogged and now the game won't start. If i click on the game's icon it does literally nothing. Starting from steam doesn.'t work either.
What do?

>tfw you main a Corsair 3 and you've wanted this hat since day 1 but you have to deal with this bullshit RNG box
I would have legit paid $15-20 in the shop over this. I have terrible luck with anything RNG related, I hate this.

>tfw your friends get the fucking hat and they don't even have a corsair

It's literally day 3 you faggot, it's not like the event is even difficult or time consuming. Just log in, kill a whale, collect your 4 boxes, open them and log off. Eventually you'll get it, and even if you don't you can just buy one off the market for 1-2m when the event has been going on for a while.

Adding that it only does this when I try to launch tos on a new account. I have the game installed, what's the problem?

get fucked necronigger

the necro account runs fine, it's the new account I made for the event that won't run

works good when I log back into the old account. The new one doesn't start.
what do

Fuck off. Ask their tech support we're discussing important things here.

like anime tiddies right..?