I miss driving on airstrips

I miss driving on airstrips.

I miss when i was a kid and didn't know what was in chicken strips.

I miss when I was a kid and didn't have hairs growing on the rim of my asshole.

I miss when I enjoyed driving, but without the bitter judgmental resentment of other sub-par drivers that subconsciously try to kill other motorists.

I miss when I was a kid and dad didn't come home drunk

I miss when I was a drunk dad and the alcohol didn't taste like shit

I miss when I was a discarded beer bottle and semis didn't run over me

I miss when I was a random semi truck engine before billy bob plowed right into a wall on purpose because his wife was cheating on him

I miss when I was the dildo made out of drunk dads, broken beer bottles and semi truck parts because fuck you

I miss my son.

Of course a brz owner would be this stupid

Why would you waste your time in a BRZ

Do the Nullabor run in 'Straya, plenty of Landing strips are part of the Highway, also fucking like driving on Mars, weird arse landscape

Nah parts of the road are landing strips, nit the other way round

I miss being a kid without worries in the world. When I fly down the touge blasting eurobeat, it's like I'm a kid again.

that's an fr-s, nigger.

I miss driving my beat-up Grand Am with busted climate control, smoking cigarettes to keep me warm.

I miss when I was a kid and didn't have hairs growing up the shaft of my dick

I miss being healthy enough to do things.

I miss having money.
I miss not having a family to take care of.
I miss being unemployed, or at least somewhat enjoying my job.
I miss that moment of “holy fuck, I now have a car” that you have when you first get a car, but before the “holy fuck I have insurance” blues set in.
I miss not having to choose where my cash would go, no “oh shit, I need gas but I want a range trip before it closes for the next six months”.

I don’t want to be an adult anymore.
Where do I turn in my card?

I miss not having to pay the eternal jew

i miss when I was a kid and was able to hear my farts.
Thanks uncle phil. :(

This actually sucks a lot.
>That first time you realize its growing
>m-maybe it will stop there
Worst part about being a man

I miss when I was a kid and hair grew out of my head and nowhere else. Not like now where hair does not grow out of my head but grows out of literally everything else.
>pulled a hair out of my eye ball today

how can you tell

the cars color and the tachometer

OP is a faggit, what other car would he drive?

Young me would have cracked wise,but...shit

Fuck my lungs and my stupid heart.
I always loved driving,but before that I could out run anyone on foot.
Wanna kick my ass? You and your friends can meet me a mile away and suck wind.
There is no coda. Gonna die.
But at least I never fooled myself into driving a civic.