/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

Pop pop pop watching mothafuckas drop Edition

(To find out why, read OP FAQ right below this, under "Which edition should I buy?" section)

>/r6g/ FAQ, Guide, and Links (Newfriends, read this first before asking questions)

>Stat Checking

>/r6g/ OP Pastebin & Groups
Steam: steamcommunity.com/groups/R6GO
PS4: Add dazint8
Xbone: Add IMadSpykeI

>/r6g/ Drawfriend Gallery

>Teamspeak for /r6g/ operations
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>Official News & Known Issues
Operation Health - Patch 2.21 is live.
Hong Kong season has been delayed. Poland map has been canceled. GROM operators will be released together with HK and SK operators.



first for buff Pulse

I forgot I was on the part of the internet that calls this a rifle.

â–ˆthstrd for hello /r6g/

why are shotguns so bad yet fun?

>not knowing basic memes

anyone who mains castle or capitao should be banned

Report in what device you operate on
ps4 pleb reporting

Something about those 2 make me not trust them, I'm not sure what it is though.

another ps4 pleb reporting in

this is such a meme gun I cant believe it wasnt removed from the game yet

>[ALL] so how is everyone?

if i make a post about this on leddit or official forums will the devs notice me and maybe fix this shit already?
the aug is fucking ridiculous

INTEL Quadra Processor
Memory with 12 GIGABYTES of RAM POWER
GE Force GT520 video card
Soundblaster sound card
Foxconn powersupply with 400 wattage

its alright

Strat roullet with the boys last night.
>all recruit wait outside objective until bomb is planted then rush.
>enemy team waits until last mimute to go to point because they can't fucking find us in house
>bomb has been planted
>begin rush
>have nitro cell hiding in back corner of master bedroom
>detonate as we enter
>quad kill.

Yes, please start a petition to reduce their size. Also start a petition to remove the gloss from those single-color universal skins. Looks like the guns are covered in wet paint desu.

nerf the fucking f2 bullethose already, fucking hell

They could give it a 25 round mag, to fit the model.

remove smg-11 please and thank you

remove yourself please and thank you

I run it and shotgun on smoke. Those murder holes are priceless.

>tfw cant control jagers recoil anymore after playing bandit for a week

Ps4pleb was saving for a PC but just bumped my uncle's car against a thing and will have to pay for it, plus gas.

Fucking hate not being a kid anymore

>>chat is literally just for little kids to say naughty words and brazilian subhumans to spam ez.
>And also for shitty players to complain about their team, but yeah.
You're absolutely right, I left them out.

Remember /r6g/, its never your fault. Its always the games/teams/opponents fault you lose!

>nerfing the F2
>when Ash and Blackbeard exist

i know that already, im in silver because of shit team mates.

How the fuck are you gonna buff pulse

blackbeard is the slowest living being in the world and ash's gun is nowhere near as bad

>playing with a friend
>we're both in gold 2
>we lose 6 straight and wind up in bronze fucking 1
>every match we're at the top of the board but theres 2-3 guys on our team with 1 or 0 kills
Dream team right?

>ADS blast blackbeard from 8m away with the SAS shotgun
>he lives with 20%
>doc hipfires GIGN shotgun at me from 25m away
>60 dmg each shot

what the fuck is this shit

That doesn't stop them from being the top of the leaderboards for kills and a guaranteed pick at pro level.

Shotguns, while fun, are joke tier for damage and hit reg consistency.

You take them because its fun, not because they're good.

>play BB
>shield shatters from a single bullet from any weapon every single time
>play Jager
>empty 2 mags into BB
>he is alive and still has an intact shield

my favorite
>bandit shoots me 2x in the chest
>first chest shot did 80dmg from a 37dmg gun

tbqh you were probably ranked too high in gold if the two of you together can't carry yourselves out of bronze.

>local user struggles with reading disability

>local user drops to bronze and thinks he's got any hold


Let me correct myself, you obviously seem upset.

You and your friend were quite bad if you "golds" dropped all the way to bronze while making up 40% of your team.

I'm already back in gold you illiterate retard.

stay mad

i'm not that guy, i just saw an oppurtunity to make an awful dad joke so i took it

He's right desu, 6 matches shouldn't take away that much ELO to drag you from gold to bronze. That is unless the system thinks you don't belong in Gold

im only getting like 15 ELO er win, is that normal or below normal? (in silver if it matters)

anons how do i sto being so inconsistent... i have loads of terrible games and then loads of relaly good ones (currently sitting at 1.2 w/l and 1.0 k/d) so they kinda balance each other out. how do git gud consistently?

The amount you get lowers as you play more matches

Yeah I'm plat 3 and get like 13 points for beating diamond teams yet my diamond and plat 1 friends get 20+ it's fucking gay desu

thats pretty homosexual

Aight so I'm level 35 right now and I obviously have to learn a lot of things but when I play casual I either play against people that know every single trick in the game or people that don't know how to use their keyboard.
Should I just drop into ranked or keep on playing casual?
Because all I'm getting from the FAQ is, communication is key and if you are solo queuing you have to rely mostly on yourself. I mean that's not really helping me a lot since that actually how I'm playing casual.

Why do people act like Capitao is terrible or equal to Castle? His gun is pretty good and if you're not retarded the crossbow offers decent area denial and gives him smoke.

Casual is a disaster. There's no real matchmaking so you get put against people that are too new or too experienced. Just play ranked and don't care about your rank.

>they said smurfing was easy

Theres like 5 better operators you could have chosen. There's very, very map specific situations where Capitao is worth it but for the rest of the time you're better off having a blackbeard, ash, buck, sledge, etc instead of a capitao.

Play the situations and terrorist hunt to build up some skills and map knowledge. One really important thing to learn is the camera placement on maps because when you play with experienced players they'll get the cameras without you realising where they are.

I'm starting to feel like Blackbeard is just fundamentally busted.

Like, even if his shield only blocked one bullet, he would still be a good pick at pro level.

because hes a nigger and nobody in their right mind would play a nigger op

People have said that since he came out. Ubisoft has done everything except remove his goddamn shields. Sad.

>Have potato aim
>Used to run IQ and Jager
>Acog sprays to no avail
>w/l .8 and k/d .6.
>felt bad, decided to switch up
>Main Blitz and shotgun with Valk
>Communicate with teammate about shield rush and camera placement
>W/L 1.3 and k/d .9. a month or so later.

There is salvation for those of us who suck, friends.


thanks for the advice ubisoft I hadn't considered that.

Same with Valkyrie. They both have an ability that is completely unique to them, and which is also very powerful simply because of how the game works (being immune to any number of headshots is a big deal, and so is being able to gather extra intel in a very flexible manner). So, there's no reason to not have them.

Kind of an inverted example with Tachanka, who also has a completely unique ability, but which is complete garbage simply because of how the game works (staying completely still and being predictable are two things you really do not want to do as a defender).

you bastard, you didnt let me finish

I bought it, but I use the renown glitch so it's aight, I have 2 operators per day depending on which one i buy

What renown glitch?

>renown glitch

the one with CE? that's actually legit?

>Launch R6S
>Solo queue in Casual because no friends and mic is broken
>Get teamkilled for no reason or votekicked after the team TKs each other
Why do I keep doing this to myself, /r6g/?

do tell

Using cheat engine and Tiny task, look it up on yt, they'll give you a tinytask program, I jsut programmed it myself
You get 50 000 per day, can't get renown after 50 000 per day tho, Goobisoft limited it

>Main Blitz and shotgun with Valk
Giant shield to make up for shit aim, and using a gun that doesn't require aim.

It's basically a replay of lvl.6 situation, except you modify the score to 20 000 each game, so you always win 300 renown each time you kill the hostage, TinyTask basically helps you spam the level by pressing repeated controls like: Crouch, smoke, activate, smoke, activate, and enter at the end to replay once it's finished. So you always get 300 renown every time, after one hour or 30m it should get you 50 000, be sure to be in borderless mode tho, watch the yt videos

Anyone else getting this weird glitch where you can't type in other windows while in an actual match?

Shotguns are only good if they are semi automatic, and you are playing a rush roamer. Fly around a corner and multiblast them before they really get time to even ADS

Even more effective on consoles

>(staying completely still and being predictable are two things you really do not want to do as a defender).

This isn't the problem with Tachanka. It's literally only because he physically is unable to place the turret in good spots, and that his turret isn't even accurate

Using cheat engine seems like a quick way to get banned.

Wow, I didn't even consider using situations to get around battleye.

I wonder if they can even detect this. They could probably see your massive renown gain, but unless they have means of seeing your situations stats (and there isn't much reason they would), they couldn't really know for sure if you did it with hacks or not.

>for damage and hit reg consistency.
Unless you're playing on console, where they are a crutch.

They use battleye to detect it.
You can turn battleye off, but it won't let you play anything but local custom games.

Thing is, it turns out you can also still play situations and earn renown in it with battleye off, so that's where the magic happens.

I imagine you freeze the amount of health and bullets your gun has then run the bomb situation since it can be easily scripted and you can just spin in circles firing?

The method I saw in action just freezes the score value at 20k (it will stay that way between retries), then fails situation 6 over and over by killing the hostage and retrying.

Oh clever I didn't think about the score.

>leave a casual because 2 afks
>get put into a 0-2

>leave a casual because of 2 afks
>get placed in the same match.

I thought that was what was coming to me when I got the black screen with the R6 logo.

I was like please no no no no

>getting your first match-winning flank as Caveira

I always hated Caveira mains cus they seem to appear out of fucking nowhere

But now I see

>tfw you pull off the perfect flank, down two people and then the last guy pulls a perfect 180 flick headshot on you and makes it all moot

>all that shit at once
This is why Cav is my most played operator.

>hipfire kill sledge with the MP7
God that gun is funny

>people unironically playing caveira

>getting this butthurt you fucked your entire team by roaming

Cav is the queen of roam and roam is the best part of defense.

Every time i encounter a low level player on ranked i teamkill him on match point

Did you read the post? That's the point, faggot.

>lose a fight
>think its bullshit and save the video
>rewatch it
>I missed so badly it wasn't even close

>60 hours in hibana alone
>Gadget maybe fucked up once
>They 'fix' it
>Every time I fire it now the bottom row drops two pellets and the hole is fucked up

Just play Thermite, my man. :^)

I like being 3 speed and hibbys guns better, I still do play thermite map depending

What do y'all figure are the odds that they'll put a bit of a sale on the currency packs when they release the Alpha Packs, to encourage people to get them with R6 Credits as well instead of waiting to get enough renown? I am of course relying on the idea that you'll actually be able to buy APs with credits once they properly release, because I just don't see why they wouldn't want to milk that teat.

>extra renown week
>still have my free 1 day booster
boi i have motivation to unlock like three new operators today it's house spam time

>>extra renown week
its one day and its almost over