>Navarre threw away your items Maybe you shouldn't have been a flipflopping cunt then.
Elijah White
Better than Dagda clearing your compendium, I think >did first playthrough as Massacre >forgot that I wanted to do NG+ as Bonds >realized that I'm more than halfway through the game and have made nothing but bad choices s-shit
Zachary Price
>Clearing your compendium What the fuck? I thought he would only clear out the demons in your party.
Leo Russell
Raidou edition (tubes):
>Play Raidou 1 >Mute Rasputin >Delete those creepy-ass glob things >Pause Dark Realm >FF Raido and Goto >Slow-Mo Arakana Corridor >Skip Nadasunehiko >Rewind Tae
Zachary Powell
>not the Dynamic Duo Cozy and Kazzy Kaneko instead
Joshua Sanders
That's what I've been told here, but Googling the answer says he just deletes your demons (some guy on Gamefaqs)
It's probably the latter, since clearing the compendium is pretty damn significant
Alexander Edwards
Dagda was my friend and they turned on him. I couldn't not have his back. Especially when that cunt Nozomi wants to lobotomize him.
Dylan Turner
>Dagda >your friend Not sure if he'd like that
David King
Ryan Kelly
>Dagda was my friend Should have killed him, then.
Nicholas Brooks
That doesn't change the fact you flipflopped. >Go the whole game making your other friends trust you >Betray them at the end. One or the other.
>dead goddess reicarnation oh so Asahi/Toki/Nozomi/Bobo? NUH-UH
Kayden Scott
You mean thicc ghost
Ian Bell
>Taking Inanna's powers into myself has granted me new abilities. >This allows me to create Dagda anew.
>WHAT!? MOTHER! NO!!! That hint of terror and rejection in his voice as he says it gets a chuckle out of me and I have no idea why.
Elijah Clark
Name you favourite fire emblem game
Isaac Diaz
wrong thread
Andrew Wright
STR is for fags
Colton Barnes
Feg only talks about that shitty gacha.
Adrian Perry
Julian Scott
Does this look like a fire emblem thread to you, faggot?
Jayden Thomas
I'm in a tough situation here. Want to play Strange Journey, and I have a save from like a year ago. I'm in Eridanus I think, MC around lvl 35. Should I finish the game or just wait for DSJ? I don't fully remember the plot up to this point too(not like there's much to remember so eh). How close am I to finishing the game?
Adrian Baker
I'd wait, you're pretty far, but still have many hours ahead. That said, SJ kicks major ass, so it's not a bad idea to continue either.
Logan Bailey
Finish the game so you can properly whine about DSJ being shit with us.
Parker Reed
DSJ is at least half a year away, so maybe pick it back up. The game's super good
Dylan Mitchell
My favorite game. Not even my favorite SMT; my favorite one period. Play it, play it multiple times.
Imagine the Persona 4 cast being thrown into the Schwarzwelt and meeting the Red Sprite crew.
Ethan Hughes
>tfw running out of English SMT to play
Kevin Smith
Sacred Stones is pretty good, mainly beacuss you can choose which route you wanna go.But my favourite will always be Fe7 followed by PoR
Jayden Price
FE7 is great too. I never played PoR unfortunately. Does it run well on an emulator?
Jayden Mitchell
The only good FEs are Genealogy of the Holy War, Awakening, and Fates.
Easton Watson
Well I'm fucked. I'm in Bootes, 4th floor, just beat the invisible enemy (that ram demon, I forgot it's name) and climbing to the next floor freezes the game.
Are emulator saves compatible to flashcards? I could load it to my pc, play a few floors and put the save back on the card. Are there any other problems/issues with SJ?
Thomas Carter
>Awakening, and Fates. How? Awakening's gameplay is barebones and with terrible balancing and map design and has shit story. Fates/Conquest has great gameplay but every other thing in Fates is among the worst things I've played in the last two decades.
Brayden Scott
What flashcard are you using? Game worked completely fine for me.
Jacob Gonzalez
>Alpha, Beta, Gamma >Arthur, Burroughs, George
Luis Jenkins
It's a pretty old M3DS Real, it has the latest firmware and all (which is from 2011)
Austin Bennett
Zelenin and Jimenez can be talked into staying? Yu gets the demon bitches Anthony wants?
Thomas Hill
>Taking the obvious bait
Ethan Collins
SJ has copy protection which some flashcards don't play nice with, cards newer than yours are more likely to work. SAV file may indeed be compatible, worth trying for sure.
Jordan Bell
Just buy the game. It's like, $20.
Grayson Roberts
>Beta is female
Luis Flores
>How? Kids. It's why I mentioned Genealogy of the Holy War as well. It needs a remake after Echoes.
Anthony Clark
That's too bad. I will buy a new card.
Couldn't find one available in europe.
Chase Jenkins
>europe You poor motherfucker.
Ryan Brooks
The New R4s are like $15 and work on all DS and 3DS models, I use mine all the time. I got it from PeachDS.com, but there's probably a local option since you're in euroland
Jason Gray
>forgetting about Verne I wonder who was the AIs for the Elve and Gigantic. Also, what about the Lightning/Jack's squad. >get to hear soothing female voice as your OS for the demonica activate the dark zone visualiser >have to hear it every time YAMERO
Easton Gomez
Started IV:A after finishing IV a couple days ago. The game's so good. War difficulty is kicking my ass, everything's super challenging. Currently at the ark, hope the difficulty stays on this level throughout, I'm having a blast
Jayden Gray
Is Echos any good btw? I was considering buying it but i don't know shit about FE
Eli Ortiz
>you gently caress her head as you deal the finishing blow Massacre route gave some feels man.
Levi Williams
Fucking GameFAQs.
Jaxson Sullivan
This is why we need to unleash the demons
Christopher Cook
>going to Gamefaq forums You dumb nigger
Justin Diaz
It's time.
Daniel Hernandez
Christian Moore
Cooper White
Did you expect P-fags to know anything or be smart enough to turn off autocorrect?
Liam Lopez
Jordan Miller
So Asahi never awakens on the massacre route right?
Blake Bailey
Send me some lesbians
Jason Rivera
>I'm really into computers and I like books on the occult
Literally /ourguy/
Carter Garcia
and is gay too
Landon Powell
Henry Cook
what a coincidence, I finished this game today
Joseph Wood
why would you put yourself through that
Eli Jenkins
Christopher Rogers
Was it fun?
Nicholas Robinson
I liked it wish the characters were better though, very cookie cutter anime stereotype might do a lunatic mode run
Wyatt Price
Dunno, I played it on my gc since my pc can run decent any emulator up to dremcast. But as far as I know it should be good
Yeah, a remake would be much appreciated. I hope it will turn well.
Brandon Gonzalez
Parker Wood
SMT x Doom
Ryan Ramirez
hee hoy.
Ayden Turner
>Doom guy as final boss Could Nanashi kill Doom guy with a endgame team of demons?
Dominic Stewart
Echoes is pretty good. It's solid all around. The excessive DLC is stupid though.
Dominic Phillips
I just watched some reviews, i think i might buy it, also i read polygons' review and lol i gotta say, it was pathetic, they basically said that it sucked because it was too hard, i hate casuals like that
Levi Bennett
You should see IGN's review of Echoes.
Ian Jackson
Dominic Barnes
Who's this Zoe? Looking QT.
Dylan Turner
It was still better than polygon's to be honest, polygon's can be summarized in ''there's too much game in my game waiter, what the fuck?'', IGN also went in much more detail about the system believe it or not
Evan Turner
You can't go wrong with it. In terms of FE available on the 3DS, it's well worth the 40€ pricetag unlike the previous ones. Also, you really shouldn't bother with "professional" reviews. You're better off just asking on /v/ for opinions.
Eli Jones
I know, that's why i asked you guys, i actually kind of trust in /smtg/'s taste, i am a die hard smtfag after all, gotta stick with your kind you know
Alexander Perry
For the most part, I gotta agree with you. Despite the waifuposters being waifuposters, /smtg/ anons are pretty chill and have more or less pretty good taste. I wouldn't be surprised if we all post or 3x3 games there would be significant similar series and/or specific games.
Noah Bennett
Can't deny this. Smt is obscure to the point where the general isn't filled with obnoxious fags like Persona's and FE's are. I remember being pretty impressed by that when I first came here.
Brandon Gray
/feg/ surprised me how low it has fallen. And since that mobage shit launched, it only got worse. /ffg/ also got plunged into shit since RK released.
Thomas Hill
Surprisingly, /v/'s FE Heroes threads talk about the gameplay more often.
Joseph Gomez
mobages are indeed killers of generals I wonder how actually would look like here if SMT mobage would be released.