League of Legends general - /lolg/

Rumble edition
Old: eyosongive.us

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are these twins or something

Kayn is a top laner, make no mistake.

I want to marry Crown

I wanna tie up Camille's hands and disable her legs so I can play with her fat thighs and fondle her breasts while she spits degrading insults at me! Then I wanna forcibly slam my dick into her silicone pussy until she gives in and becomes my wife!



>bot lane always has at least 15+ deaths combined in probably 95% of my losses

playing safe and scaling isn't hard, unless you're autistic I guess

I don't see how lethality can be worth it on ADCs (except maybe Youmu's). I request a redpill.

I want to rape Lulu repeatedly while she begs for me to stop!

New skins when please make her yearly

>DFX meme team is getting discontinued after today
how will reddit ever recover

xth for Syndra

its not outside of casters like varus and mf
or jhin who is a bit of a caster as well as having a fixed auto speed so it ramps up his 4th shot

Best boy

is she back

>Kayn gets banned
>instant dodge

Fuck off to blind pick if you want to play kayn
get the fuck out of my queues

praise be

My wife is better than urs

>Secondary role in my 4 last games out of 5

why are star guardians so lewd and tight

ok lolg i finally carried myself out of silver with gnar ama

>new singed is actually fun to play
>hahaha nerfs incoming

Everyone who plays Fizz should be skinned.

You mean Urgot's wife?

watching that shit inevitably fail followed by all the rage and tears from the cancerous collective fanbase of dyrus, qtpie and scarra was beautiful. the retards actually thought it would succeed.

why do you die so much?

How do you make a webm?

Because I have a pretty cool Yorick 1V3 I did.

STOP! Star Guardians are for yuri only.


>implying star guardians dont like cock


>singed gets an unnecessary buff
>gets rightfully hotfixed
>lolg cries

why is everyone pretending singed was unplayable before?

Is it true that Gnar mains aren't people?

What did they hot fix? I knew this shit was gonna be busted. I don't know how these changes got through.

I almost always die in team fights after initiating and doing my combo but we win and thats what counts right?

what do you define as "people"?

Hotfixing after one day sounds like an overreaction desu.

Girls only!

Mfw you and Urgot become bros because Camille doesn't like either of us and we just look at her thighs all day

>Implying that can stop the cock

her arms are too short


that just what they think until they experience the cock

no, it doesn't, they have statistics from literally thousands of games to look at.

cant have any of the hypermobile bullshit heroes get punished for bad positioning
no sir that would be toxic
now let's buff zac, fiora, riven and lucian more


Because he was. Did you see the garbage people were building on him? ZZrot, Knight's Vow, Locket. That's shit you could build on a minion because his abilities weren't relevant.

day 3: still having to play with spastic silver niggers in normals trying to reach level 30

yeah, and he's not even the highest win rate. It's not like he's 60% win rate skarner, it's 54%, champions used to be left with that win rate for months at a time and it was perfectly fine.

Where do you find new champ stats a day after

I can't wait for talon getting nerfed again with these lethality changes.


>tfw too scared to queue for pvp
>tfw over 1k bot games and they're starting to get boring

>>tfw too scared to queue for pvp
Just queue up as singed and int, help us fix our winrate problem

I mean with a full lethality page and 2 full items and Dirk I had fucking 72 flat pen at 22 minutes. What wouldn't be balanced about that especially with a like 90 percent AD ratio on his passive

are you me

>Come upon the old ranked champion select music
>Blasted with the nostalgia of hundreds of hours of games, of the glory days where I realized I was actually above average at the game and climbed fast as hell

I'm never going to open youtube again, it hurts too much

why not do that with poppy or tristana?

Hmmmm really makes me think

Why are you scared. You'll be basically playing against bots anyways

what are we looking at here, aside from a garbage blitzcrank build

Now thats a steamroll if I ever saw one. Shame that's like 90% of games this season.

imma need a proof, i can't believe there are people autistic enough to do that out there

Sorry how does ashes passive work?
can she crit?
can't she crit?
seriously what the fuck am I reading here?

it's a 6% winrate upswing in less than 24 hours, and it looks like it's still going up

>Why are you scared
Last time I tried pvp I lost like 15 games in a row. It wasn't very fun.

Why do you build like that?

Oh shit, so he'll be at 60% tomorrow? By next week he'll have over 100% win rate at 6% per day!

Mobility and mutch cc

>tfw friends introduce me to this game
>tfw only wanted to play bots
>tfw non of my friends tell me there was bot mode
>tfw almost 3k aram games
Idk maybe start playing arams and weekend game modes then if you find some friends play normals

Ashe doesn't crit, she applies Frost to targets then attacking targets with frost on them gives bonus damage based on critical strike chance.

What's the setting that makes it so you can cast an ability without that stupid circle coming up?
It's not smartcast

smartcast + quickcast?

she has fervor of battle on roids that scales with crit chance and her crits also make her slow stronger

Why the fuck not? Blitz is a mana nigger and has apeshit cooldowns. Also they had a big lead and were shitstomping the enemy, it only makes sense to build snowbally items (even though they monkey'd out)

she can't crit, but her aa deal dmg to frost shot targets that scale off of crit chance

How the fuck am I supposed to deal with lane pressure? Its so autistic...

If you somehow win early lane phase they just sit back and farm with e. If you cede lane control to him he just make you his bitch and don't allow you even to be in exp range by spamming e.

If I'm playing something that needs a good lane phase to be useful later I'm just going to be useless for the whole game while Nasus, although he has not many stacks, he still is tanky as fuck and can do more shit than any other.

And no, counter pick is not a valid way to win a lane.

don't be afraid of failure, everyone has bad games
just queue up and play your favorite champion, with the bare mechanics you've got down from bots, you can focus on how to react to a real player instead
it's a learning process, and much more rewarding

Rumble makes a great living dildo!

Git gud you retarded shitter

Lane pressure nasus*

She basically always crits after the first AA, just weaker than normal crits


Nasus is shit and easy as fuck to bully in lane. Just trade with him whenever he gets close to the wave. Who gives a shit if he farms with E, Nasus is fucking useless late game because he can't get close to anyone without getting kited.

Tell that to Sej mains. They ate 2 nerfs in 3 day after release

These Rivens are driving me up the fucking wall, such a stupid champion

>hurf durf 300hp shield every 2 seconds

>Kled 1 level up
>Has 3x your HP
Balanced as fuck

Well, she had 4% less winrate than Ivern rather than 15% less, how the hell was Riot going to let that happen?

Can't check ff@20 rn, what did they hotfix on Singed?

Riven is really weak in lane. Just bully her.

She can crit, but critical hits don't deal extra damage they only increase her passive slow.

Instead her passive gives her a constant extra damage based off of crit chance.

when will sivir get a new base splash?
best designed and 2nd most fun adc btw

I'm not the one laning against her

>Riven is really weak in lane

Not even true

but does this mean IE just doesn't work on her?

>Play destruction man
>Walk into five people
>Activate w
>Take about 20 damage
>Oneshot the enemy tank with my ult
>Walk away

I fucking love this champion

They said they were going after his base stats and CDs, hotfix not out yet

what's wrong with that one? it looks great

face is pretty bad otherwise very good

>Weak in lane

Yeah, the problem is that I can't trade with him. He just drops E, makes me as slow as a fucking snail and then q's me as soon as I give him my back and I can't return any damage in the end.

I hope you didn't forget about the part where you deal 300 extra damage with your zedblade while ignoring all armor that would have prevented this pure justice damage