If you're dying you're doing it wrong. If you can't kill two people without dying, kill one person and dip out. You'll get another chance in 5-8 seconds when their attention shifts.
Charles White
>GM player >Play everything but Genji >Get a smurf to only play Genji so that I can learn the damn hero >Can't get out of plat
Wew lad how the fuck do you use this guy
Luis Smith
whats going on with her skins?
Austin Parker
Andrew Adams
I wish Doomfist's bullying pre-game lines go live so I can hear Reaper's rebuttal. If they are directed at him, that is.
Zachary Nelson
Play aggressively constantly
Bentley Clark
Why didn't Reaper just wraithform?
I hate comics like these where new characters just beat the shit out of old characters just to prove how cool they are
Robert Sanchez
>For example, Widowmaker wasn't initially designed with the ability to be able to launch herself off a ledge while grappling up, but that one was left in because it is pretty easy to do (press space when you're approaching a ledge), works consistently, and doesn't significantly change her power level. Did you actually read that article before posting it?
Owen James
All I can think about is reaper pressing shift and watching doomfist stumble and fall flat on his face
Hunter Reyes
>Blizzard will rather powercreep the mustpicks of the last meta instead of balancing the eternally underpowered anti-flankers
This is seriously insanity.
Ethan Clark
So is Torbjorn just a head or what? Like he eats melted metal wtf
Dominic Hernandez
feelio when t500 smurf in your plat gamu and enemy team has three leavers
Isaiah Diaz
McCree is an anti-flanker though.
Evan Adams
>Log on for a nice session of my favorite game 'overwatch' >queue up competitive as healcuck >team not communicating >lose 4 games straight
Now i remember why I wanna uninstall this game.
Hudson Miller
You mean where they say that it was a bug that was intentionally left in because it was consistent (like doomfist) and didn't raise her powerlevel significantly? Doomfist is basically an antimonkey backline now.
Why are you so salty? I bet you are one of those people that saw iddqd play sombra on PTR and then started yelling that she is OP and how she needs a nerf "right now"
Christian Edwards
It was on cooldown.
Gavin Moore
Threadly reminder to report everyone who is abusive in chat ^3^
Lucas Fisher
I actually find tracer much easier. I can't kill anyone with genji, my shuriken never hit a thing I guess my biggest problem is lack of spatial awareness. Like, I'll kill two people, then I'll run back to my healer because I have 40 health and one of two things will happen either the healer just doesn't heal me, which happens a lot for some reason... and I just die to stray bullets. Or someone sneaks up on me from the flank and blasts my face off. Also, I have a lot of trouble with hanzo. I think it's because my blink management isn't very good. There's a reason I'm plat.
Jose Price
He is both an anti-flanker and a killing machine with the best gun in the game. He should have been the last of the anti-flanking heroes to be buffed if their intention was to give tools against dive without breaking the game.
Christian Carter
What did Roadhog do that made Jeff hurt him so bad?
Chase Evans
Don't 1v1 if you're not confident. Delete people when they least expect it, and only engage when the enemy isn't looking at you.
Aiden Foster
Just a fancomic, looking for canon logic in there would be pointless >tfw no cinematic of Reaper/Doomfist bullying each other
Caleb Davis
any advice on how to deal with a good d.va? There was this one game where I kept trying to sneak up on people who were out of position and then their d.va would fly in and dm me until I was forced to leave.
Ethan Evans
fuck the healer, go get a healthpack while your recall is cooling off and get in there
Oliver Walker
>best gun in the game Gonna have to stop you right there.
Connor Clark
daisy is a top 3 skin in the game
shame it looks like shit with the golden fist, I wish they left at least some of the skins' tones on the fist, but at least I don't have to waste cp now
Isaiah Young
Nobody cares about shitters thinking +25 DPS with spread and tracking is better than a railgun.
Owen Jenkins
Asher Roberts
Widowmaker can use her grapple while jumping, this affects nothing.
Doomfist's Seismic Slam going UP instead of DOWN is an actual game-changing bug. And of course you people who relied solely on it to accmplish anything remotely useful are throwing a shitfit because now you'll have to actually get good.
Owen Myers
>The good about Overwatch gameplay, UI, theme, art direction, free updates, half the roster >The bad about Overwatch reddit-based balancing, (((jeff))), muh diversity, the other half of the roster, doomfist and orisa huge disappointments
Nathan Davis
Wuh wait. I know I'm new to this but why is Hanzo hated? I'm seriously fucking confused here. His mobility and damage output seem solid and his ult straightforward
Easton Turner
sunset is his only good skin
Lucas Collins
*looks at comp scene*
James Scott
>muh diversi
Quit being such a bitchtit about a WORLDWIDE ORGANIZATION not being 100% white American men.
Jose Russell
Let's begin Loreposting. When will Hanzo join Talon? What is Junkrat's treasure? Who is actually responsible for Reyes turning into Reaper? What is the Iris organization? Is Null Sector still around? Who was behind it?
Colton James
>genderbend >breast plates >no pants
when will this meme end
Owen Evans
why are the designs in this game so fucking ugly and shamefully copied?
Lincoln Phillips
>STILL crying about diversity C'mon now
Sebastian Campbell
not the point at all, jeff himself says he forces designs to change so theyll be "diverse" and "inclusive" at dice con live in front of everyone. you wont hear me complain about street fighter which is way more diverse, real diverse, than overwatch
Jose Hernandez
Not even good female design desu
Andrew Flores
Are you talking about his gun or his kit now?
Daniel Baker
>epic skins are better than legendary ones >again
Henry Lopez
What's a good ingame sens for 1000 dpi?
I was playing with 2.5 but I start hinking it might be too low, yet 4 seems very high now. Suggestions?
Jordan Fisher
>they nerf doomfist before release
Do you think that is a financially sound choice? Most people liked doomfist, and only shitters really cried that he was broken.
Eli Morris
>by Jeff >not Arnold
So close
Camden Myers
At least he's getting an event skin
But yeah what the fuck Bliz why do all his legendaries make him NOT be black anymore
Chase Diaz
Because in the hands of a scrub he's total garbage, and low ranks are FULL of hanzo mains contributing nothing to the teamfight.
And in the hands of a real master he's situational at best
Nathan Murphy
Find 1 (one, I, uno) flaw in this port.
Parker Morris
The nerf went into play literally the day after he was released. It was just put in the patch notes
Aaron Perry
ooo graeeet bait m8 that's fookin graaaet
Dylan Rogers
No man they nerfed him again yesterday, you can't jump on ledges anymore. They also added a damage counter to his now useless slam.
They called it a bug fix, but its still an intentional nerf.
Eli Russell
>defense heros >angry about zarya
junkrat shitter detected
Adam Reed
Mei is pretty shit against dive, a dive composition doesn't play the choke game at all which is Mei's bread and butter. Also her being able to counter them individually is pointless because you're forced to fight them all at once.
People don't just blindly follow the meta, defense heroes are used a lot. it's just that the number is so small because they're super map reliant, only used on defense, and you only really need one of them.
play Orisa, if you have to single handedly push a choke with retards at low rank.
if they're not listening to your speed boost calls then swap to ana, no matter what they always go in if they're nano boosted.
Luis Ramirez
How does Doomfist walk properly with such a massive weight on one side of his body?
Parker Stewart
>being this butthurt about some references
David Nelson
Got a link to him saying this?
Chase Williams
>Paladins esports has twice more viewers JUST
Julian White
Counterbalance between his legs.
Luis Miller
Junkrat's treasure is the friend he made along the way You know, I want to see how the Junkers got involved with Overwatch
can you select the role you wanna play in competitive or is it just like quickplay where i'm gonna be stuck with shitty hanzo's on attack and atleat 4 dps every game?
>You know, I want to see how the Junkers got involved with Overwatch
They aren't. The game is literally not canon with the game so in the "story" the Junkers are still just fucking around in Australia.
Jaxson Sullivan
>"baw someone play healer" >switch to mercy >literally no one on payload except me >tanks nowhere near the payload, get mad when i dont heal them >we win anyway >2:53 gold objective time >silver was 1:04 >bronze was 0:43
Christopher Diaz
That's a bug that they're working on
Caleb Evans
people try to put together a decent team in comp most of the time
Aiden Hughes
It's that second one
Noah Murphy
They're villains but not affiliated with Talon. They also inform the current state of Australia
Carson Wood
How can you see what other people's objective times were?
Aiden Hill
Alexander Nguyen
>doomfist is shit now Gee, thanks Blizz. Not that this is a surprise. It was completely expected they'd nerf him hard in some way. No idea why they hate their newer characters so much. I'm so tired of playing the OG characters. Like they're not bad, but it's fucking stale and the game is getting boring. Doomfist was straight up a breath of fresh air, and made the game feel fun again. Hopefully I can still get some fun out of him despite these nerfs. Dropping this game completely if they nerf him any further, because that'll just show how shit the OW team really is and I'll have 0 faith with any new character after Doomfist.
Joshua Jones
They haven't joined Overwatch. They're actually minor villains at this point since they've been pulling heists and stuff all over the world, thought they're still arguably neutral enough that that could change.
But seriously, what do you think his treasure really is?
Anthony Long
had friends playing, they got the silver and bronze
Jacob Rogers
>try to get team to group up so we actually have a minuscule chance of capping point B in lunar colony >no reply from anyone >they just keep trickling in and dying >again try to group them up >still no response whatsoever >trickle in and die again >finally just say "alright if you guys dont want to win that's fine too" >HURRDURUDUDFURURU TOXIC UR TOXIC DUDE TOXIC AS FUCK I hate this community.
Colton Williams
Losing fist distance is way worse than the seismic slam nerf, but oh well. He's still fun. What was done to Hog was worse.
Jacob Nguyen
Yeah, sure.
Caleb Bell
Unless you are a snipe god you are not going to be able to hit those ultra fast moving enemies that are zipping and zooming around the point a light speed At least not at a rate thats fast enough to be useful when it counts. The same goes for Widow but worse.
Hanzo is mostly about trash kills on stragglers after the fight and away from the point. Those kinds of kills mean jack shit during the course of a match.
His sonic arrow can be useful to the rest of the team though.
Landon Martin
They aren't villains either. Both of the definition of chaotic neutral. They only cause havoc for themselves. Junkrat doesn't even think what he does is wrong. He just wants to have fun and blow up omnics. He doesn't even realize omnics are sentient. He just knows they are bad for what they did to his outback.
Christopher Fisher
if they don't wanna group up just let them die and accept that the game is lost and move on
Brandon Watson
Ryder Reyes
Falseflagging isn't gonna suddenly make Blizzards garbage decisions okay.
Kayden Wilson
I think Junkrat is aware that what he does is, at the very least, largely illegal. The fact that he can separate saving hostages from what he usually does shows that. The fact that he entertains the idea of going legit at all is something to build on, though.
Brayden Richardson
He's had thoughts of going legit? Where? In his comic?
Jace Campbell
Go on the ptr and try to use it with no cd and you will see what he is talking about.
Blake Johnson
>It's a junkrat apologist episode
Jaxson Diaz
Again they said on battle.net that they're working on that.
Chase Johnson
Its pretty sad when you JUST KNOW that Blizzard is going to ruin what could have beem a perfectly good new character.
There is no reason to nerf him in any way because kit as a whole isnt OP and he has a fuckton of counters.
Jayden Fisher
Yeah. Granted it doesn't work out, but he does seriously consider it up until Roadhog points out that they got set up.