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>Is Skyrim Special Edition worth it?
No. SKSE and ENB will never be updated to work with it.

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Legendary Edition. You got your answer. Don't ask this question again in the thread.

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Thoughts on Familiar Faces and Legacy of the Dragonborn?

looking for rich autist to buy me a gpu so i can mod and waifu properly
in exchange i'll be your friend

i'm waiting for black friday to upgrade my rig

Alteration is the only valid school of magic.

>Legacy of the Dragonborn?

Autistic collecting shit
a must have

destruction, and conjuration are valid too. enchanting as well as illusion and restoration are also valid

So I fucked up somehow.

My interior looks like this.

And I get infinite loading screens once I try to exit my house.

Any ideas?

Damn, its still dyndolod causing stuttering, and its very obvious

Agreed. Love how it comes with support for lots of mods with artifacts to collect, and integrates ones like Moonpath to Elsweyr outright.

Familiar Faces is so jacked up it's pretty much completely useless.

don't go back into your home

Who the fuck just puts a massive chunk of raw meat on the table for dinner? Fucking barbarians.

Really? That's a shame to hear. What makes it so unstable? It looks like it should just work.

coc elsweyr and then fast travel out.

>an entire pie on a plate
>an entire wheel of cheese minus one slice
>two whole cloves of garlic next to a hunk of raw meat on a platter
Not the healthiest dinner. Must be Maxeen's snack.

>coc elsweyr and then fast travel out.
ohm y god is this a joke that i'm getting lmao
elsewhere right?

Post a few butts to christen the new thread

>muh health
fucking pusy

Are you retarded? Skyrim your first TES game?

If you're getting ILS you should be using Crash Fixes too.

Home has sky enabled because it is shitty.

Infinite loading screen because it's 2017 and you're not using proper memory mods like SKSE.ini tweaks and Crash Fixes

> It looks like it should just work.

The mod rips your character's appearance, stats, and equipment, and creates an automated follower NPC that can be accessed in other savegames. You're surprised it doesn't work right?

It's an unstable mess. The NPCs disappear and reappear at random, occasionally lose their faces, and has a tendency to increase CTDs. And that's assuming they ever appear in the first place.

Just inferior versions of alteration
selling your soul to daedra
Practical alteration
Maybe. Depends on if the Dreamer theory is true.
Go away colette.

I'd bend that knife-ears over that anvil
Then slice her fucking ears off. TALOS VULT

you are wrong

>SKSE.ini tweaks and Crash Fixes
Reminder that you only need Crash Fixes to fix ILS
SKSE.ini tweaks don't hurt but they also don't do anything if you have Crash Fixes.

Is Stable uGridToLoad good at what it sets out to do?


No. Never touch the uGridsToLoad setting, it breaks the game over time. Leave it at the default of 5 and get DynDOLOD if you want more distant details. Having things like NPCs loaded at such a distance where they don't even render but their AI scripts are still firing is just stupid.

>not mysticism

If it was still 2013, sure.

>but they also don't do anything if you have Crash Fixes.

Only if you have OSAllocators active. Otherwise it's still good for fixing a multitude of other CTD related issues.


post busts instead.

Hmm, it seems that it's not actually infinite loading screen but rather crashing at loading screen. Not CTD but just hangs.

>you only need Crash Fixes to fix ILS
nigger you're so wrong
you're thinking of safety load

no it bloats your save

Well duh, that's what I meant. Either way you have to change an ini setting.

What mods are you using?

Any mod that changes the main menu of the game? Like the loading screens one?

Falmer don't care about whatever qualms you have with the goldenrods.

W H E W.... . . . . . . . . . . .


which preset has the thiccest fatest booty?



It's trash bordering on malware.

Alteration is basically mysticism now.

Also, like mysticism, it will be removed from the next game.

Sort of. It accomplishes its goal in spades. Only way to set a game with higher ugrids back down.

However, it apparently causes instability over a (fairly long it seems) period. There's no real proof it makes the game any more or less stable while outside with modified ugrids, so the ability to lower it is pretty much the only benefit.

I'd recommend simply increasing your ugrids to 7 if that's what you want to do, and create a new savegame slot so you can roll back to the older one if you ever decide to turn it down. Since again, there's no way to continue using that savegame if you put it back down to 5 aside from using the aforementioned unstable plugin.

>No. Never touch the uGridsToLoad setting, it breaks the game over time.

Not really. The game still loads and unloads cells, just more of them. Naturally higher settings results in more instability since you're loading so many more actors, AIs and various triggers, so it shouldn't really be set past 7 or 9 if you're very very daring.

Stableugridstoload itself is responsible for stability deterioration.





but my mom is thin

Wew, gotta write that one down. I send you check for many yens.

No. Safety Load performs a convoluted workaround for ILS but doesn't actually prevent it from happening. Crash Fixes is all you need.

I like these:

>Touring Carriages
>Enhanced Landscapes
>Monsters Rebirth
>Wet and Cold
>Climates of Tamriel
>Apachii Hair
>Realistic Needs and Diseases
>Sounds of Skyrim
>Duel Combat Realism
>Run for your Lives/When Vampires Attack when PyP exists
>Skyfalls&Skymills when you have DynDOLOD
Sweet fucking jesus lad, get better alternatives to all of that and also get Crash Fixes to fix your ILS.

>Skyfalls&Skymills when you have DynDOLOD
That's fine if you want animated distant waterfalls and windmills.

On aco.

I'm open to suggestions for replacements.

DynDOLOD already does that. It's an unnecessary waste of esp slots.


No it does not.


>No. Safety Load performs a convoluted workaround for ILS but doesn't actually prevent it from happening

Well, it turns them into CTDs, which is an improvement I guess. Saves time that you'd otherwise spend wondering whether it's gonna load or not.

that's a lot of blur

How regularly do you speculate about the next TES here? What would need to be done to have it be the king if action rpg's once more in quality and sales?

>>Falskaar and Wyrmstooth
Drop them completely. Legacy of the Dragonborn adds similar quests (and item collection) but isn't garbage
>>Touring Carriages
Drop it completely, while unfortunate it just doesn't work well with itself or other mods. Convenient Horses is good for horse travel and SWIFT (Skyrim Wayshrines Immersive Fast Travel) makes fast traveling a bit better
>>Enhanced Landscapes
DynDOLOD does enough, EL causes too much stutter
>>Monsters Rebirth
Skyrim Immersive Creatures is all you need along with maybe a few of Mihail's like his Dwemer Automaton. Make sure you're using the lore friendly SIC as well
>>Wet and Cold
Too much of a performance killer, drop it entirely
>>Climates of Tamriel
Vivid Weathers is a superior weather mod, NLVA is an ENB that also combines the old NLA ENB with it
>>Apachii Hair
Use Superior Lore-Friendly Hair and Hallgerth's Additional Vanilla Hair instead
>>Realistic Needs and Diseases
iNeed is a newer and better mod for that
>>Sounds of Skyrim
Drop it entirely, the sounds are very low quality and out of place with the rest of Skyrim. You're already using Immersive Sound Compendium which is good, I would also recommend Audio Overhaul for Skyrim 2
ASIS is all you need, maybe High Level Enemies for a more stable inclusion of new enemies too
>>Duel Combat Realism
Ultimate Combat is superior, also get Revenge of the Enemies and SkyTweak to top it off

>in quality
Hand it to a competent developer.
>in sales
Nowadays a new TES game will sell like crazy no matter how shitty it is. The media will hype it to ridiculous levels and every single site will rate it 9.9995/10, and normies will swallow anything.

What is most cozy player home?

Taken straight from its mod page.

I never noticed a performance drop or any issue with Wet & Cold.

Anything by lolicept. But Little Tiny Living is top cozy.

I like Whiterun Mansion a lot. People hype up Elysium Estate which occupies the same spot but it's very not-cozy and its layout makes no sense imo.

What dev would you have in mind?
also I wonder what budget it would have

Here you are user, vampire buttes!

>EL causes too much stutter
Only on a toaster. It really helps fill out the environment, adding more varied trees, rocks, and even ruins here and there

Since you use Dyndolod to generate its distant LOD, it'll only be as stuttery as you let it be.

Apachii Hair adds some unique hairstyles you're not going to find elsewhere, so its useful on a case-by-case basis depending on the kind of character you're making.

Everything else is pretty spot on

It can be pretty rough if you have it affecting NPCs. The only thing I personally kind of like from it is the cold breath effect, wish there was a standalone for it

If using the same engine, Obsidian
If using a different engine (which is incredibly unlikely given the modern modding scene), dunno

Hmm I got the crash fix but I still crash when I start loading the outside.

I'll get some of those that you mentioned.

Nah mang my computer is good, EL has just never worked nicely for me.

And Apachii has always been animu shit to me but that's fair

Open up its ini and change UseOSAllocators to 1.

>If using a different engine
The guys who made The Witcher 3

But I don't know if I prefer a good game that can't be modded much over a bad game that can be modded to hell and back. Why can't Bethesda get good so we can have a game that's good AND moddable?

And Ada's butt too as a bonus! Nice job Cummies, you're a very underrated poster.


Okay, I am almost about to give up and try fallout again, I am getting constant stutters, atm I am only running texture packs, dyndolod and enb, I have no idea what is actually causing it, besides assuming the data streaming actually has to freeze the game in order for it to load new assets and that higher quality assets just cause longer freezes (its very noticeable when walking and realizing your footsteps disappear when streaming in new data), not hitting up the vram limit, gpu nor cpu is not stressed or anything hardware wise, even running this on a nvme ssd.

Maybe i've just been lucky with it effecting NPCs. The cold breath effect is nice, but I more love how it adds alot of shit to the leveled list. Especially all the backpacks.

Modded to hell and back is TES's niche, leave good unmodable games to other franchises

>so we can have a game that's good AND moddable?
Because it costs less to release an unfinished buggy mess that normie shits will eat up anyway and modders will fix for free than to polish it before release. The engine is also what, 20 years old now? People are too familiar with the modding scene, starting something new will only cause a backlash.
It's obvious Bethesda has realized this by now, just look at the paid mods fiascos. They can make more money by doing nothing.

Didn't you say you were still gonna use the old Cumtears? And that this preset AG gave you was some AU version?

He's not underrated, he's just a huge possibly exshitposter.

looks very smol and cozy thanks fren

big and cozy, i like the outdoor hot tub overlooking whiterun

Now make her play with some dicks.

Make her play with her own dick, moar like.

I don't think so, that version looks so awkward in bikini armor.

T H A N K U S O M U C H ^_^

Trap dicc?

>Open up its ini and change UseOSAllocators to 1.

Shit man, that worked.

So they made their own malloc implementation for some reason?


It's been abandoned in favor of SE. It just rubs me the wrong way. I agree that the breath effects would be a cool standalone though.

Yeah, I guess so you wouldn't need a separate mod or doing an ini edit outside of Crash Fixes.

/ss/ with fannar when

Pretty much everything in the leveled lists come from other mods though, so by the time you combine and bash them it doesn't really matter.

Can I ask you to release her thicc UUNP preset?

Freir pls.

Fuck off Cumtears. You betrayed Yarti's trust and you kept pushing him to do degenerate pedo shit.

Also this. CCOR adds cloaks and bandoliers already which go into leveled lists, you don't need wet and cold for that

Which one? It changed like 5 times this year.

No, I mean from the ini:

>Info: Completely disable Skyrim's memory allocator and use regular C malloc. That means memory blocks will not exist anymore and game will not crash at some arbitrary limit. Theoretically it should also be faster (especially loading screens) and eliminate most ILS or freezing issues.

Seems like a weird thing to do.

Fair enough.

The masks, backpacks and goggles in my game are from Wet and Cold. I dont have any other mod that adds those.

I know. I'm just saying that they came from other mods that could be bashed together, so it's not really a selling point of W&C

How do I adjust ENB lighting for the head and body to fix an ENB created neck seam issue?

The one in that picture or this one will do

Also post anal on aco

Goddamn, girl.

>an ENB created neck seam issue?

That can only come from ColorPower being different that 1, or maybe extremely poor quality SSAO.

You would have to show the seams in question because there's no less than eight billion ways you can create them and have them be exacerbated (not caused) by ENB.

Jesus calm your tits you maniac. It's just something some stranger said on the internet, no need to take it to your heart and bring it up as an excuse to sperg out.

Well, I'll provide an image shortly.

I believe it to be ENB related, but I have no issues indoors, yet the seam is rather visible outside

Right? It's fucking nice. Wonder if her daughter inherited the colossal ass