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tank players are the best edition

>Doomfist! (Now on PTR)
[YouTube] [NEW HERO – COMING SOON] Doomfist Origin Story | Overwatch (embed)

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>make the opening so my shit ass team can push'
>hacked the health packs around the first point of volskaya
>destroy enemy teleporter and kill symmetra
>kill three enemies
>my team loses 4v2 fight
>after game some mehmet joins team chat and screams something in the mic
this is why I will never climb

>Zarya/Rein, my 2 mains, buffed on ptr

Is it tank season again soon?

This is a picture of Reaper and his daughter Sombra.

Say something cute about them.

>play quickplay
>guy being a dick and whining at his team the whole match
>is a silver

Everytime. Why is it always the silvers?


Speaking of QP, why the fuck do I keep getting paired up with GM' and autistic diamonds?

How can I tank my "SR" or whatever the fuck so I can actually practice some heroes and not have to play against tryhards and "muh meta". I' not all that great with Mcree but I want to practice him, but its hard with this shitty matchmaking.

It's one thing to mute the chats (which made the game 10 times better) but now you have people who just throw the fucking game if you don't have the "proper" set up in fucking Quickplay

if Ana's ult bug is intended then yes, Tank meta is back on the menu

>giving a shit about other people giving a shit about what you pick in QP

literally tell them to fuck off and die. Alternatively, mute them and continue playing normal

>literally tell them to fuck off and die. Alternatively, mute them and continue playing normal

You're 100% right user.
I'll do exactly that. Thank you.

My friend is a GM, he tells me I could be much better if I practice in QP and stop worrying about wins and loses. Now Im getting why he always had the chat muted unless he was playing with friends.

>Launch game
>Search for match
>Load in slightly slower so forced to heal
>Lose because damage is shit
>Search for match
>Load in slightly slower so forced to heal
>Lose because damage is shit
>Search for match
>Load in slightly slower so forced to heal
>Lose because damage is shit
>Search for match
>Load in slightly slower so forced to heal
>Lose because damage is shit

Is there any point in playing this game if I don't own an SSD?

>Thread reminder to always play Mercy as a dps


Stop spaming your garbage video every thread
You're the type of r9k autist who thinks it's funny to mess with normal people that just want to climb for once

>one guy walks backwards onto point spamming crouch all game
>-35 points
>Queue again
>He's on my team again
>-40 points

I remember making a blog post about this 2-4 months ago, same guy. Blizzard doesn't give two fucks about anything below masters do they?

I've lost 16-1800 points last season from consecutive losses from people doing shit like this.
When the fuck is blizzard going to fix ranked so I don't lose the same amount of points from losing a regular 6v6 as losing a 3v6


What ult bug?

Here comes T.Racer?

who is fun to just solo quick play regardless of the shitters on my team? im salty from losing

Rein needs a skin like Tychus received



post doomfist memes



>get lvl 25
>hop into comp
>ranked 1767
>10 hours later
How do i get good? I lose almost every round.

I'm so sick and tired of having to play against Diamond players as a plat just because they group up with someone my skill rating
HOW is this allowed

aim at head and fire

I do. Im decent but my team always sucks. Hanzo and Widow every game with no healer.


Be a healer.

Trashmouse mains are worse than Mercy mains.

Sorry f a m, but in that tier the only way of rising is often carrying your team
Can't expect much from bronze/silver teammates

I want to put my dick in Sombra while making eye contact with Reaper.

Tracer is so fucking stupid
>get shot
>fly away
>she just unloads into me and I die
how is this even fair?


Its still cute

genji/rein version pls

Unlike Mercy she's actually hard to play

Rank the competitive seasons from least worst to worst


>tfw pondering about her in new skins

>have to heal my teammates with a super conspicuous beam while being hunted down by all 6 of the enemy team
that's hard as fuck

>Look at server list
>Bunch of roleplay servers

what is this heresy

I actually played as a healer once and we won

They're never getting back together, are they? ;_;

I think the only reason I've maintained high Master/GM the last two seasons but am now a low Master is summer.

I can't think of any other excuse desu

Don't bully Lucio. He's a cool guy that just wants to support his team.

Maybe. Talon is trying to help humanity through different means than former Overwatch. They still both believe in helping humanity as a whole but in different ways

It'll be fine once Ana sits them down and gets them to work things out like adults.

*aim at throat and fire.
*actually CONTEST OR PUSH the payload
*be on the point.




You got all the way up to 3998? That's amazing! You must be really good!

>10 losses

Why fucking me?

any other Widow fags here?

Im glad doomfist killed R76 user

You better win your next match user

Quick Play

Time period: 5/14/17 - 7/12/17 (I'm not sure why I don't have earlier data... I'll have to ask about that)

Hanamura: Attack 49.79%, Defense 50.21%
Horizon: Attack 54.50%, Defense 45.50%
Temple of Anubis: Attack 49.92%, Defense 50.08%
Volskaya: Attack 49.76%, Defense 50.24%
Eichenwalde: Attack 46.13%, Defense 53.87%
Hollywood: Attack 49.91%, Defense 50.09%
King's Row: Attack 50.14%, Defense 49.86%
Numbani: Attack 49.40%, Defense 50.60%
Dorado: Attack 49.66%, Defense 50.34%
Route 66: Attack: 49.94%, Defense 50.06%
Watchpoint: Gibraltar: Attack 50.13%, Defense 49.87%

Ancient Egyptian skin for pharah when?

Which over watch has the most kissable lips and why is it mercy?

Ah yes, the blue pump and dump girl.

>Be on defence
>whole team attack from a distance like pussies
>Attack team push the payload with no resistance
>If you try to contest, that's 1v6 and you get killed, not even stalling for half a second

I'm intentionally toxic to the enemy team in order to create a rivalry and help myself perform better through the means of anger and adrenaline.

Blue> T(tranny)-racer

Literally every time I'm defending on Route 66

>still playing Overwatch

>tfw shooting pigeons with a blueberry
Only hero I like playing in this "FPS" game.

First season I place gold and climb to plat, seasons 2 and 3 I was always in plat, never was able to break diamond but I managed to at least stay in plat. Season 4 I place in plat, drop to gold and can never get back through, dipped just barely into silver by end of season. Season 5 I get placed in fucking silver and its absolute hell, no matter how hard I try I can't climb out of this shit.

What the fuck happened? Did the ranking system change or something? I don't understand how I went from plat to silver. Has anybody else significantly dropped ranking?

Anyone is better than Talon's comunal cumdump user.

>tfw join a match and everyones in team chat talking about how they know each other in real life
Welp G fucking G then.

You're the only constant, just carry :^)

i'm actually sad right now

Unlike Mercy, Amélie is pure

you only lost 20 sr

nothing's changed other than the meta, maybe you're just struggling against dive comp



Same here bro.

>married slut

Keep telling yourself that.

Orisa is pretty fun is you have a good healer on your team.
I think to make her really good and further viable in competitive they could bump up her damage by 5% so it's still a lilttle less than when she was introduced.
Secondly they should definitely reduce how long it takes to get her ultimate by 10% at least although I think it should be more.

Whilst it is a powerful support ability, it is an ability that can ultimately be destroyed quickly buy skilled players unless it is constantly guarded by your entire team.

In game it also feels like fucking ages when getting her ult, like seeing you teammates get at least 2 or 3 ults off before your own. She certainly has her weaknesses, she doesn't feel too bad in battles against doomfuck, but she just feels a tiny bit lower than where she should be at the moment.

fear me

Have you played pretty much the same mix of characters over that span? Blizzard's stupid insistence on trying to evaluate characters statistically could have affected you.

What are some basic Reaper tips? I never feel confident enough to sneak behind enemy lines like I am with Tracer and it feels like no matter what the enemy team always sees where I'm ghost stepping to. And they can all see me coming when I'm about to ult.

No one takes comp seriously anymore. It's the new QP. They're not grouping up, they're not sticking with the healer, they're not even utilizing the damn shields for fucks sake. I've stopped playing altogether. Placed diamond in my first season, placed bronze this season. I can only carry so much weight.


How do you deal with a really really good 76 if you're playing dps? what counters him?

hes a frontline brawler not a flanker

only flank if you have ult and highground


What the fuck is Blizzard thinking with this "Overwatch league".

Geo-location cities represented by a team? A blizzard controlled leage ala Riot Games?

This is so fucking doomed to fail

Thats a good Reaper cosplay! I bet he's going to win at the con

>didn't do my placement matches yet
>now it's impossible for me to find a match
back to mystery heroes i go

complete meme shit
they should spend their goybucks on more grassroot lan tournies instead of grandstanding bullshit

I'm sure you're gonna make it, are you going solo?

can you give any tips on getting better at landing right clicks?

Wow it's almost like while you're being shot at you can fly towards your buttboys every 2 seconds and they're all shooting the enemy freely.

Which hero carries the hardest? I will use the rest of the season to try and get fucking good with them. I've already given up on this season but I'll practice now and hopefully climb out in season 6. I normally play tanks, usually rein, dva or winston, sometimes zarya if I feel like it will work.

nigga its silver, these people don't understand things like the meta. I might actually get a dive comp 1 out of 5 games.


Gérard only had sex with Amélie in missionary for the sole purpose of procreation

>even aus queues are better than this

Then why didn't they have kids?